Make the Motorcycle and moped training Module 1 a training course, not a test

The Module 1 motorcycle and moped test requires participants to complete a series of exercises with no more than 5 minor faults. It would be more beneficial for the participant to have a day where they can learn how to complete the exercises properly. This would also make the process less stressful.

This petition closed on 15 Dec 2021 with 16 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Motorcycle and moped tests can be hard to pass, and stressful, especially if it is the participant's first time. However the exercises are necessary to be a safe rider. Therefore, we believe it would be better and safer for participants to have a training day, practicing the exercises multiple time with the goal to be able to do them perfectly by the end of the day, like a CBT.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines