Ban Fur Imports from China

It has become clear that an unacceptable number of fur farms in China are abusing animals in horrific ways. Videos and photos show these animals being stabbed and even electrocuted- all for their fur. The Government needs to take action on this immediately by banning fur imports from China.

This petition closed on 26 Sep 2021 with 71 signatures

Reticulating Splines

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The animals subject to this horrifying abuse include raccoon dogs, minx and ferrets. Evidence has shown that workers have been subjecting animals to unnecessary stress and harm, leading to painful deaths. On top of the shocking abuse and torment, these animals are often forced to stay in tiny cages made out of wire with an inadequate amount of space that they can barely move in. Over the past 5 years, the UK has imported around £5.3 million pounds of fur from China. The UK needs to immediately take a stand on this, as it is animal abuse at its worst.

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Reticulating Splines