Ban plug socket ‘safety’ covers and raise awareness of the risks they can create

I would like the Government to make the sale and use of UK plug socket ‘safety’ covers illegal because of the dangers they can cause, and also to promote this to the public to raise awareness of them so they can make their homes/businesses safer and to remove their false sense of safety.

This petition closed on 8 Jul 2021 with 77 signatures

Reticulating Splines

It might be surprising to find out that plug socket ‘safety’ covers can actually cause a plug socket to become more dangerous; this is because all UK plug sockets manufactured since 1947 already have a built-in safety shutter and use of a ‘safety’ cover could allow someone to defeat the built in shutter and could damage the socket itself, potentially resulting in a fire. They are also just simply a waste of plastic and making them illegal would also reduce the plastic waste they create.

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Reticulating Splines