Require councils to add shades to LED street lamps automatically

Make councils add shades to LED street lamps automatically rather than make residents request councils to add them after the fact. At the moment councils are driven to replace sodium lighting with LEDs but these are really bright and affect sleep and dark skies for amateur astronomers.

This petition closed on 11 Jun 2021 with 347 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Good sleep patterns are crucial to maintain a healthy (both physically and mentally) individual.

And children really suffer with maintaining a good sleeping pattern. Especially with getting up for school and learning. And if the child suffers with any other medical issues (such as ADHD), a bad sleep pattern can be very disruptive.

Also amateur astronomers are really struggling with the night light intrusion. Bright LEDs affect observing and astrophotography.

Petition Signatures over time

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Reticulating Splines