Exempt shooting ranges from the list of venues required to close due to COVID-19

It is vitally important that people are allowed to exercise and remain healthy and shooting ranges should be allowed to continue to operate during this latest lockdown period as they are open air with plenty of space and able to safely run with COVID-19 measures in place.

This petition closed on 9 May 2021 with 43 signatures

Reticulating Splines

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Shooting is a sport enjoyed by all ages and abilities and both families and individuals are able to take part whilst socially distancing in large outdoor spaces.

It is not a spectator sport so typically only those participating are present. The infrastructure and technology enables shooters to adhere to CV19 guidance and a booking system limits numbers at any one tIme.

Shooting provides both physical and mental wellbeing and therefore it is important to be able to continue this sports activity.

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Reticulating Splines