Give financial support to childcare establishments staying open during Covid-19

Due to Covid-19 childcare establishments have been asked to stay open to care for key workers children. Although allowed to keep funding this does not cover staff wages & bills. We rely on fee paying parents to cover these costs. Please give us flexibility to access the government retention scheme.

This petition closed on 11 Nov 2020 with 12 signatures

Reticulating Splines

I want this to happen because at present I have had to half the working hours of my staff to ensure I have enough funds to pay them. Yet we are trying to provide care for those frontline staff, doctors, nurses, retail staff who need us, we too are putting ourselves on the frontline, we cannot stay at home. However, we will be forced to close if I cannot recoup additional money to cover my staff wages, but where will these children go? Please recognise the wonderful work early years are doing!

Petition Signatures over time

Constituency Data

Reticulating Splines