Hold a referendum on whether to leave with the deal offered or remain in the EU

Over 200 polls since July 2017 provide concrete evidence that the public supports remaining in the EU and it was wrong in hindsight to vote to leave. Saying the situation is People v Parliament doesn’t stand up when the public are split over Brexit - it is Half the Public v Half of Parliament.

This petition closed on 6 Nov 2019 with 60,827 signatures

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A YouGov analysis has shown that of 226 polls since July 2017 asking if Brexit is right or wrong, or if they would now vote Remain or Leave, 204 put Remain ahead, with just 7 for Leave, and 15 ties. So far this year just 1 poll supports Leave compared to 74 for staying.

If our political masters are truly intent on delivering on ‘the will of the people’, what is stopping them from asking ‘the people’ to confirm what their will is today?

Another vote does not mean less democracy, it means more.

Petition Signatures over time

Government Response

Tuesday 29th October 2019

The Government is committed to respecting the referendum result and delivering Brexit. The Government has secured a great new deal with the EU that will allow us to leave in an orderly way.

In 2015, Parliament voted to put the choice of whether to leave or remain in the European Union into the hands of the British people in passing the European Union Referendum Act. The then Government wrote to every household, committing to implement the outcome of that vote.

On 23 June 2016 17.4 million people voted to leave the European Union. This is the highest number of votes cast for any single course of action in UK electoral history. In the 2017 General Election over 80% of those who voted backed parties whose manifestos committed to upholding the result of the referendum.

This Government has negotiated a deal with the EU that respects the result of the referendum and ensures that we take back control of our laws, trade, borders and money without disruption. This deal also provides the basis for a new relationship with the EU based on free trade and friendly cooperation.

Department for Exiting the European Union

Constituency Data

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