Ban in game purchases on computer games

Games that are free, and also games that we have to pay for mostly contain in-game purchases. These games get you addicted to the games and to keep fully enjoying the game you have forced to spend real money by buying in-game chest items. If you dont then you will not be able to progress much.

This petition closed on 6 Nov 2019 with 22 signatures

Reticulating Splines

Every game like this has people with alot of money and they spend spend spend on chest, packs, loot boxes etc etc which makes the game barely playable and kills the fun for the game unless we also spend money to try keep up. It's a nasty circle of spending to keep playing the game. Unfortunately alot of players end up quitting and then play another game where they are forced to quit that game too.

This has to stop. Even if it means all free games start charging to download it.

Petition Signatures over time

Constituency Data

Reticulating Splines