Hold a referendum in 2025 on whether to rejoin the EU following Brexit.

Brexit is a democratic choice that has been made by the people. The many questions of how well informed the people were to make this choice is irrelevant. A new referendum is a test of the REAL impact of Brexit following the departure. A test of fact rather than a test based on speculation or fear.

This petition closed on 6 Nov 2019 with 13 signatures

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There are so many arguments, debates and opinions on Brexit. Probably there is more now than before and during the referendum. Brexit should be accepted without delay - the delay is costing the nation and business money, that should be used for more important things. We will only know the impact AFTER the event - everything else is speculation based on opinions. This new referendum will allow the people to review their decision. If it is working, great, if not, then change. Everything changes.

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