Revoke planning permission to build on the site of the Battle of Bosworth.

The Battle of Bosworth in 1485 was a critical point in history, ending Plantagenet rule and ushering in the Tudor dynasty. Planning permission has been granted to Horiba Mira to build a car test track across part of the registered battlefield site, destroying not only archaeology and the landscape.

This petition closed on 6 Nov 2019 with 11,475 signatures

Reticulating Splines

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Planning permission can be revoked in exceptional circumstances by the Secretary of State. This is an exceptional circumstance, not only because of the damage it will cause but the dangerous precedent it sets.

Petition Signatures over time

Government Response

Thursday 4th July 2019

The Secretary of State has received a request to revoke planning permission and will decide whether to intervene having regard to the development plan and any other material considerations.

The Secretary of State has power, under section 100 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to revoke a planning permission granted by a local planning authority. Revocation can only be exercised before a planning permission is implemented. The Secretary of State can use these powers as he thinks fit, having regard to the development plan for the area and any other material considerations. The Town and Country Planning Act entitles the council to insist on a hearing before a final decision is reached. Should planning permission be revoked, the cost of paying any compensation would generally fall wholly upon the Local Authority.

The current Government policy on Secretary of State revocation is that intervention can only be justified in exceptional circumstances and that it will generally use this power only if the original decision is judged to be grossly wrong, so that damage is likely to be done to the wider public interest.

The Secretary of State is not able to comment on issues raised on the development as to so do is likely to prejudice his consideration of whether to revoke the permission. A decision will be issued in due course.

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

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Reticulating Splines