Start preparations for a Peoples Vote now, to enable answer by 31-10-19.

There are considerable legal hurdles to undertake a referendum. If that process is not started soon, it would be extremely difficult for the Government/Parliament to instigate a "Peoples Vote" prior to the present Brexit Extension of 31 October 2019.

This petition closed on 6 Nov 2019 with 11,334 signatures

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Government Response

Tuesday 18th June 2019

The Government maintains its commitment to upholding the 2016 referendum result. The extension agreed in April does not mean there is less urgency within government to deliver the referendum result.

In 2015, Parliament voted to put the choice of whether to leave or remain in the European Union into the hands of the British people in passing the European Union Referendum Act. This Government then wrote to every household, committing to implement the outcome of that decision.

On 23 June 2016, the British people made their decision in the referendum. 17.4 million people voted to leave the European Union. This is the highest number of votes cast for any single course of action in UK electoral history. In the 2017 General Election, British people cast their votes again - over 80% of those who voted in this election voted for parties who committed in their manifestos to uphold the result of the referendum, including the Opposition.

The British people have made their view clear. It is now our responsibility to uphold the result of the 2016 referendum, and uphold the commitment we made to the British people to respect their decision. Another referendum wouldn’t be a ‘people’s vote’ - it would be a ‘politicians’ vote’ – politicians telling the people they got it wrong the first time.

The extension agreed with the EU in April does not mean there is any less urgency within government to deliver on the result of the referendum. We have a duty to find a way to fulfil the democratic decision of the referendum, deliver Brexit and move our country forward.

Department for Exiting the European Union.

Constituency Data

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