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Written Question
Free School Meals
Thursday 16th May 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will lower the threshold for free school meals qualification.

Answered by Damian Hinds - Shadow Secretary of State for Education

The department has extended free school meal (FSM) support several times and to more groups of children than any other government over the past half a century. As a result, the greatest ever proportion of children are now receiving free lunches. Over one third of children are now eligible for FSM, compared to one in six in 2010.

However, a threshold must be set somewhere. The department believes that the current eligibility threshold level, which enables children in low-income households to benefit from FSM, while remaining affordable and deliverable for schools, is the correct decision.

The department will continue to keep FSM eligibility under review to ensure that these meals are supporting those who most need them.

Written Question
Education: Travellers
Tuesday 14th May 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what recent steps her Department has taken to help improve the educational attainment rate of Romani Gypsy, Roma and Irish traveller children.

Answered by Damian Hinds - Shadow Secretary of State for Education

A world-class education system that works for everyone is the surest way to ensure that all children and young people can reach their potential. The department has high expectations for all pupils. The department does not design education policy to target certain groups of pupils based on ethnicity, but instead is focused on improving outcomes for all children. For all children to reach their potential they need an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum, taught by great teachers in schools with high expectations and good pupil behaviour.

One of the most significant factors affecting pupil attainment, which cuts across all ethnicities, is economic disadvantage. That is why the department has continued to provide pupil premium funding which will rise to over £2.9 billion in 2024/25. Pupil premium per pupil rates will have increased by 10% over the three years from 2021/22 to 2024/25. ​This increase will ensure that this targeted funding continues to help schools to support the educational outcomes of disadvantaged pupils.

In 2024/25, the national funding formula (NFF) will allocate £7.8 billion (17.8% of all funding allocated by the NFF) through additional needs factors based on deprivation, low prior attainment, English as an additional language and mobility.

The department recognises the issues faced by Romani Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller children and young people and how schools and others can make a positive difference. While some pupils from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds can, and do, perform well at school, as a group their attainment and attendance at school is particularly low at every key stage of education.

The department will continue to work to deliver reforms, to ensure all children and young people are able to reach their potential and experience the transformative effect of a high-quality education and continue to support schools and leaders to respond to the needs of their schools and communities.

Written Question
Schools: Bullying
Tuesday 14th May 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, how many incidents of ethnicity-based bullying within schools were reported to her Department in the last 12 months; and what steps her Department is taking to help tackle such incidents.

Answered by David Johnston

There is no legal requirement on schools to record and report incidents of bullying and there never has been. Schools should develop their own approaches for monitoring bullying and exercise their own judgement as to what will work best for their pupils.

All schools are legally required to have a behaviour policy with measures to prevent all forms of bullying. They have the freedom to develop their own anti-bullying strategies appropriate to their environment and are held to account by Ofsted.

In July 2017, the department updated its advice for schools, which outlines schools’ responsibilities to support children who are bullied. The advice makes clear that schools should make appropriate provision for a bullied child's social, emotional and mental health needs. This advice is available here:

The department provided over £3 million of funding, between 10 August 2021 and 31 March 2024, to five anti-bullying organisations to support schools to tackle bullying. This included projects targeting bullying of particular groups, such as those who are victims of hate related bullying.

Written Question
Universities: Freedom of Expression
Thursday 25th April 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps she is taking to ensure that universities uphold the right to freedom of expression for students campaigning on matters relating to the (a) war in Gaza and (b) rights of Palestinians.

Answered by David Johnston

The right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression and academic freedom in higher education (HE) is one this government takes very seriously, and one that it has legislated to further protect.

Universities should be places where academics, students and visiting speakers can express a diverse range of views without fear of repercussion. The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act received Royal Assent on 11 May 2023 and is now an Act of Parliament. The main provisions in the Act will come into force on 1 August 2024.

The Act will strengthen HE providers’ duties to secure freedom of speech and will create a new duty to promote the importance of freedom of speech. The Act will also extend the duties to secure freedom of speech to students’ unions and will establish new routes of redress if the duties are breached.

It is important to note that the Act only covers speech that is within the law. The right to freedom of speech is not an absolute right and it does not include the right to harass others or incite them to violence or terrorism. Encouraging terrorism and inviting support for a proscribed terrorist organisation are criminal offences, and HE providers should not provide a platform for these offences to be committed. In addition, providers should be very clear that any antisemitic abuse or harassment will not be tolerated.

Written Question
Educational Visits: Theatres
Thursday 25th April 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will take steps to ensure every (a) primary and (b) secondary pupil in England can visit the theatre at least once in their school career.

Answered by Damian Hinds - Shadow Secretary of State for Education

All state-funded schools should teach a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes pupils' cultural development. The best schools combine creative subjects with core subjects, and the department is committed to ensuring that all pupils have access to both.

Cultural education is therefore integral to a high-quality education. Alongside drama as part of the English curriculum and dance as part of the physical education curriculum, music and art and design, remain important pillars of the knowledge-rich National Curriculum.

Drama is not an individual subject within the English National Curriculum, but it is an important part of a pupil’s school experience. The main introduction of drama to the primary programmes of study details the type of drama opportunities pupils should be given and acknowledges the artistic practice of drama. Teachers will use their professional judgement as to how and when such opportunities are created.

On 10 February 2017, the department announced an update to the content for the GCSE in drama and the A level in drama and theatre studies to specify that all pupils will now have the entitlement to experience live theatre, reaffirming the government’s commitment to providing pupils with an enriching arts education.

A parent’s income should not be a barrier to a pupil participating in a school trip. Schools may not charge for school trips that take place during school hours, or which take place outside school hours but are part of the National Curriculum, part of religious education, or part of the syllabus for a public exam that the pupil is being prepared for at the school. Parents can be asked for contributions towards the cost of a trip, but schools must make clear that contributions are voluntary. The published advice, ‘Charging for School Activities’, is clear that no pupil should be excluded from an activity simply because their parents are unwilling or unable to pay. The advice can be found at:

Finally, pupil premium funding will rise to over £2.9 billion in the 2024/25 academic year. The increase will ensure that this targeted funding continues to help schools to support the educational outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. As set out in the menu of approaches, schools are able to use pupil premium to fund extracurricular activities, including school trips to theatres.

Written Question
Educational Visits: Theatres
Thursday 25th April 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, whether she plans to take steps to ensure that pupils from low income families are able to participate in school visits to theatres.

Answered by Damian Hinds - Shadow Secretary of State for Education

All state-funded schools should teach a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes pupils' cultural development. The best schools combine creative subjects with core subjects, and the department is committed to ensuring that all pupils have access to both.

Cultural education is therefore integral to a high-quality education. Alongside drama as part of the English curriculum and dance as part of the physical education curriculum, music and art and design, remain important pillars of the knowledge-rich National Curriculum.

Drama is not an individual subject within the English National Curriculum, but it is an important part of a pupil’s school experience. The main introduction of drama to the primary programmes of study details the type of drama opportunities pupils should be given and acknowledges the artistic practice of drama. Teachers will use their professional judgement as to how and when such opportunities are created.

On 10 February 2017, the department announced an update to the content for the GCSE in drama and the A level in drama and theatre studies to specify that all pupils will now have the entitlement to experience live theatre, reaffirming the government’s commitment to providing pupils with an enriching arts education.

A parent’s income should not be a barrier to a pupil participating in a school trip. Schools may not charge for school trips that take place during school hours, or which take place outside school hours but are part of the National Curriculum, part of religious education, or part of the syllabus for a public exam that the pupil is being prepared for at the school. Parents can be asked for contributions towards the cost of a trip, but schools must make clear that contributions are voluntary. The published advice, ‘Charging for School Activities’, is clear that no pupil should be excluded from an activity simply because their parents are unwilling or unable to pay. The advice can be found at:

Finally, pupil premium funding will rise to over £2.9 billion in the 2024/25 academic year. The increase will ensure that this targeted funding continues to help schools to support the educational outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. As set out in the menu of approaches, schools are able to use pupil premium to fund extracurricular activities, including school trips to theatres.

Written Question
Schools: Nottingham
Wednesday 21st February 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking to help increase the number of primary and secondary school places in Nottingham.

Answered by Damian Hinds - Shadow Secretary of State for Education

Section 14 of the Education Act 1996 places a statutory duty on local authorities for providing enough school places for children in their area.

The department knows that local authorities have to create more school places, which is why the department provides capital funding through the Basic Need grant to support local authorities to provide school places, based on their own pupil forecasts and school capacity data. This Basic Need investment supports the government’s priority to ensure that every child has the opportunity of a place at a good school, whatever their background.

In addition, the free schools programme remains an important part of the government’s plan to level up standards and respond where there is need for more school places. The programme has delivered hundreds of new schools and provided thousands of good school places across the country.

The department’s Pupil Place Planning Advisers engage with local authorities on a regular basis to review a local authority’s plans for creating additional places. The Pupil Place Planning advisor for the East Midlands region is engaging with Nottingham local authority on their statutory duty and providing them with the offer of support and advice.

Written Question
Education: Mental Health Services
Monday 15th January 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps her Department is taking to improve access to mental health professionals across (a) primary school, (b) secondary school and (c) further education.

Answered by David Johnston

The mental health of children and young people is a priority for this government and schools play a vital role in this, particularly by providing calm, safe and supportive learning environments.

To expand access to early mental health support in and around schools and colleges, the department is continuing to roll out Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs). These teams include trained professionals who can deliver evidence-based interventions for mild-to-moderate mental health issues and liaise with external specialist services to get children and young people the right timely support and stay in education. As of April 2023, MHSTs covered 35% of pupils in schools and learners in further education in England. The department is extending coverage of MHSTs to an estimated 44% of pupils and learners by the end of this financial year and at least 50% by the end of March 2025.

The department is also continuing to offer primary schools, secondary schools and colleges a grant to train senior mental health leads who can put in place effective whole school approaches to mental health and wellbeing. This training covers how to ensure children and young people can get timely and appropriate support, including by working in partnership with and making effective referrals to local service providers and mental health professionals. 14,400 settings have claimed a grant up to 31 August 2023, including more than 7 in 10 state-funded secondary schools.

Schools and colleges are best placed to decide what pastoral support to put in place to meet the needs of their pupils. To support them in doing so, the department has commissioned a new targeted mental wellbeing toolkit, which launched just before Christmas. This practical guide and tool is designed to help schools and colleges identify and embed the most effective targeted support options for their setting, including how to access mental health professionals. It is available at:

Written Question
Social Services: Children
Monday 15th January 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment she has made of the impact of the privatisation of children's social care on the quality of service provision.

Answered by David Johnston

Children's homes provide care for some of the most vulnerable children and young people in the country. There are many different types of providers who operate in this sector, playing a vital role in providing homes for children in care. Ofsted has a crucial role to play in upholding children’s social care standards and making sure children are safe in care. They provide independent evaluations on the quality of support, safeguarding, and leadership in children’s social care to ensure all children in need receive the services they need. The proportion of children’s homes of all types judged outstanding or good was 79% as of 31 March 2023 (10% outstanding, 69% good), an increase from 2022, when the proportion was 77%.

Local authorities have a statutory duty set out in Section 22(3) of the Children’s Act 1989 to make sure that there is sufficient provision in their area to meet the needs of children in their care. Local authorities are sometimes paying too much for placements, and the department’s view is it is not right that council taxpayers are footing the bill. The department recognises the concerns particularly around large providers with complex, and sometimes opaque, ownership structures. There is an awareness that a provider exiting the market could have a significant impact on the care of children and young people living in their provision, and it is not a desirable position to be waiting for this to happen. The department is developing a financial oversight regime to bring greater transparency, for example on ownership, debt structures and profit making, and prevent sudden market exit across both independent fostering agencies and residential children’s homes.

​Support is being provided to local authorities to meet their statutory duties through £259 million capital funding over this Parliament to maintain capacity and expand provision in both secure and open children’s homes. To support local authorities with forecasting of demand for and supply of children’s social care placements in their area, the department is also seeking to deliver national support with forecasting, procurement and market shaping to local authorities. Lastly, the department has committed to developing a core overarching set of Standards of Care for fostering, children’s homes and supported accommodation. This will help simplify the regulatory landscape, raise quality, and ensure there are consistent safeguards across different types of settings.

Written Question
Children: Transgender People
Wednesday 10th January 2024

Asked by: Nadia Whittome (Labour - Nottingham East)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will publish an equality impact assessment on the draft guidance for schools and colleges on gender questioning children.

Answered by Damian Hinds - Shadow Secretary of State for Education

The department is currently consulting on a draft of Guidance for Schools and Colleges: Gender Questioning Children. The consultation closes on 12 March 2024. The department will publish an equality impact assessment when the final guidance is issued later in the year.