Thursday 15th December 2011

(12 years, 9 months ago)

Lords Chamber
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Baroness Finlay of Llandaff Portrait Baroness Finlay of Llandaff
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My Lords, I have amendments in this group to which I shall speak briefly. The noble Baroness, Lady Williams, introduced her amendments clearly and concisely. Some figures from the latest Health Service Journal underpin the reason why these amendments are so important. It has reported that foundation trusts are planning to cut at least 30,500 staff over the coming two years and that at least five acute foundation trusts have forecast a wage-bill cut of 10 per cent or more over the coming two years. According to the Health Service Journal’s analysis, patients in the poorest areas are 63 per cent more likely to find it difficult to see a GP than are patients in the richest locations, and 53 per cent more likely to attend accident and emergency.

I put those figures into the debate now because they demonstrate the pressure there will be on trusts. Changing to foundation trust status will put additional pressure on them. Amendment 304C in my name is a probing amendment. I tabled it to seek reassurance from the Government that the timetable for repealing NHS trust legislation will not revert to the originally proposed date—1 April 2014. I hope that the deadline will be extended to April 2020. I was going to say more but I await the Minister’s reply.

Lord Mawhinney Portrait Lord Mawhinney
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My Lords, I should like briefly to comment on the amendments proposed by my noble friend Lady Williams of Crosby. In one respect, I was sorry that she spoke so briefly because I should have liked to have heard more of her reasoning for Amendment 296. I am not at all clear about what the advantage is to either the Commissioning Board or the hospital if one serves on the board of the other. Is it because that is the only conduit of information? Frankly, I do not think that anyone believes that. If that is actually the argument then the whole NHS is in a much greater state of peril than any of us thought was the case until now. I honestly do not see the importance of or justification for the amendment. It may be a probing amendment, but it would have been helpful if the noble Baroness had given us a bit more of the thinking behind it. As of this moment, pending her winding up, I am not at all convinced that the amendment is either important or necessary.

However, I turn to the noble Baroness’s Amendments 300 to 303, which are also in the name of our noble friend Lord Marks of Henley-on-Thames, who I am sorry to hear is unwell. I very much support what she said about those amendments, even though—to use the word of the noble Baroness, Lady Finlay—she explained them concisely. They take us back to one of the main issues of this legislation: where is the Secretary of State in this brave new world? The Minister knows that a number of us think that the Government are thus far underplaying the role of the Secretary of State.

As my noble friend Lady Williams of Crosby was speaking, I thought of the condition of a number of foundation hospitals that have been the product of a PFI system. That was triggered in my mind by her comment that if there was a coming together of hospitals, or if some element of service was not provided, it may be of a sufficient scale for the Secretary of State to want to take a significant interest. The truth, to the best of my probing, is that a number of hospitals out there—the products of PFI—are in very difficult and probably, without help, unsustainable positions.

I know that the Minister understands that and that it is a matter of concern to the department, so I do not make any comment prejudging the outcome, but my noble friend brought the Secretary of State into this precisely because there could be serious, significant or catastrophic effects on the provision of healthcare in the hospital sector which, by definition, would include the importance of ministerial—that is, Secretary of State—involvement and consideration.

I welcome Amendments 300 to 303, but I say to my noble friend Lady Williams of Crosby and the Minister that I think they are part of the bigger picture of where the Secretary of State will be when the Bill finally reaches the statute book. The Minister has kindly and, I think, genuinely agreed to reconsider all those issues and bring them back for our consideration at Report. Subject to him saying the same about the issues raised by our noble friend Lady Williams, I hope that she in turn, hearing his response, will not feel it necessary to push the amendments to a vote today, although that might become an issue, depending on where we are at, on Report.

Baroness Williams of Crosby Portrait Baroness Williams of Crosby
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Perhaps I may respond briefly to the points raised by the noble Lord, Lord Mawhinney. I apologise if I spoke too briefly, but I am conscious that there are an awful lot of amendments to get through and I do not want to steal the time of other people on other crucial amendments.

On the group of four amendments that the noble Lord is in accord with me about, as he will be well aware, consideration has been given to the material put before us by my noble friend Earl Howe, the Minister of State, about an attempt to bring together discussion within the House and among lawyers about the issue which the noble Lord, Lord Mawhinney, rightly identifies as being central to the Bill: the responsibility and powers of the Secretary of State. Because we are in Committee and the Committee will, we hope, be ending in a few days’ time, the only opportunity we have to table amendments that would bear on the issue of the Secretary of State’s powers is on the Bill as it stands—prior to any changes that may be made. It is in the light of that that we tabled this group of amendments to highlight the areas where, in our view, the responsibility of the Secretary of State is central. That is true of this group of amendments, and I am delighted that the noble Lord, Lord Mawhinney, takes the view that they should be seriously considered by the Minister.

The point of Amendment 296 is to recognise that, in many cases, CCGs have to take account of the services given by foundation trusts—not least in respect of, for example, pathways and networks for people with chronic conditions. We thought, therefore, that it was important that there be not just sharing of information between the two but, rather, a process of interactive education, where the foundation trusts become increasingly aware of the responsibility that CCGs bear, particularly for those clinical conditions that lie beyond the capacity of a single CCG. That is why we suggested that a governor should be named by the national board to set up that communication—which, as the noble Lord, Lord Mawhinney, knows far better than I do, because he is an expert on the subject, sometimes, sadly, does not exist.

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Earl Howe Portrait Earl Howe
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My understanding is that the emphasis that we are placing on continuation of services rather than receivership and failure regimes has been welcomed. There are ways around what some might see as an inevitable conveyor belt to receivership. That should be only a last-ditch resort. We are putting mechanisms in place to ensure that the essential services on which patients depend should continue. That is a better way of looking at things.

Lord Mawhinney Portrait Lord Mawhinney
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I have been thinking about something that my noble friend the Minister said a moment ago. The amendment would require the Secretary of State’s approval, in addition to that of more than half of the members of the council of governors, for an application made under this section. He did not welcome the amendment of the noble Baroness, Lady Williams, on the grounds that the approval of the Secretary of State amounted to an added layer of bureaucracy. It would be helpful to the Committee if we were to know whether the Secretary of State is always considered to be an added layer of bureaucracy and, if not, can he give us a couple of examples of when the Secretary of State is a net plus?

Lord Newton of Braintree Portrait Lord Newton of Braintree
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My Lords, since my question to the Minister, before he rises, is in similar territory, I might as well leave him sitting down for the moment and get my question in. As I indicated the other day, I have been involved in what is legalistically an acquisition, although we have always talked of it as a merger, of a foundation trust by its neighbour, due to come to fruition at the turn of the year. The last hurdle that we had to overcome, though it was not much of hurdle, was the need for the Secretary of State to sign off dissolution orders for the existing trust, and at least one other order, to allow this to happen. Is my noble friend saying that, under this Bill, such things could proceed untouched by the Secretary of State? I do not have a strong view one way or the other, but it is quite an important change if that kind of reconfiguration can occur without the Secretary of State even having to agree.

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Baroness Cumberlege Portrait Baroness Cumberlege
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My Lords, I have a number of amendments in this grouping concerning local healthwatch. As has already been said this afternoon, local healthwatch is the source of intelligence from the people who are actually using the services. This intelligence is gathered through their enter and view monitoring visits to both health and social care services—we should not forget that it is social care as well—and through their local involvement work.

However, neither commissioners nor overview and scrutiny committees have the same binding arrangements to enter and view health and social care facilities. Local healthwatch has the opportunity to interview people at the time they are actually using the service. The local healthwatch has the independent messenger status with local people that neither commissioners nor overview and scrutiny committees have. Local healthwatch has the right to enter and view, to talk and listen, to the most vulnerable of all people, those with dementia or other mental illness, those lying on trolleys in A&E, or on mental health in-patient wards. “No decision about me without me” can be tried and tested when most fresh in the minds of patients and users. It is only here that the reality of the services that results from the theory of commissioning is to be found. To fail to take due account of this perspective in commissioning services is commissioning wearing a blindfold. The purpose of Amendment 318E is to ensure that commissioning is evidence based.

New Sections 14Z and 14Z11(2) require clinical commissioning groups to involve and consult on their commissioning plans. We know that this is a somewhat bureaucratic exercise, and it is often simply for the cognoscenti. Although these clauses are to be welcomed, they do not go far enough—hence the insertion of my new clause. Frail elderly patients lying in hospital wards who are not being fed will not be responding to consultations any more than will patients who have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act. The local healthwatch must talk to those patients and its findings must be an indispensable component of the evidence on which commissioning is based.

New subsection (3A), inserted by Clause 180(6), also requires commissioners and others to have regard to reports and recommendations from local healthwatch. This replicates the current arrangements for reports and recommendations from LINks, which has failed to bring the patient experience into the heart of commissioning. Compared to the status given to the views of health and well-being boards on commissioning plans—the strategic beginnings of commissioning—this is weak. What is needed is equal attention to the evidence on the outcomes of that commissioning, which local healthwatch is uniquely well placed to provide.

My new clause requires local healthwatch to hold the clinical commissioning group to account for incorporating the evidence that the local healthwatch has produced at the very start of the commissioning period. It should then heavily influence the commissioning plan for that period in taking the reality and applying it to commissioning theory. Binding the patient experience into commissioning is a much more specific requirement than merely “having regard to” local healthwatch reports and recommendations. The conjoint benefit of this new clause is that it increases the accountability of local healthwatch for producing robust evidence of the patients’ experience. Providers must also satisfy the local healthwatch if they are to secure further contracts.

Lord Mawhinney Portrait Lord Mawhinney
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My Lords, I think that my noble friend said that providers must satisfy the local healthwatch before they can proceed with their commissioning. Is this another barrier to the commissioning process, or does she anticipate a collaborative conversation? I am not clear on whether this is another hurdle in the commissioning process or a lesser effect. It would be helpful, at least to me, if she would expand a little on that thought.

Baroness Cumberlege Portrait Baroness Cumberlege
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My Lords, there is no intention that this should be a further hurdle, but if commissioners are going to commission services that are really relevant to local people then they need to take account of what the local healthwatch is saying. This is a huge resource that could improve services enormously and make contracts much more relevant than some of them have been in the past. I hope that that answers my noble friend.

I shall take three quick examples to illustrate my point. The first is a patient in an older persons ward who leant forward confidentially to the CHC visitor, saying, “They don’t feed them in here, you know. They just put the food at the end of the bed, then they take it away again. Please don’t tell them it was me who told you”. The second one is the mental health in-patient in a unit with an outside garden, who explained that he could not go out even though the summer was really hot. There were not enough staff to accompany the patients outside so he “had to stay in all the time”—his words. What quality of life is that? The third is from another patient in an older persons ward who expressed concern about a patient whose hearing aid battery was flat: “They could just have gone to the audiology department to get another battery, but they wouldn’t”. The staff just spoke more loudly to the profoundly deaf patient, increasing his distress and isolation.

To some people these examples may seem quite trivial, but to the people concerned they are not—they are very important. I took those three examples because the first is over 10 years old, yet we know from the CQC’s recent dignity and nutrition inspection programme, and from the evidence from Mid Staffordshire, that patients are still not always adequately fed in hospital. That makes the point of the amendment perhaps more powerfully than anything else. What we are doing now is not working; it is not effective, and does not bring about the radical changes that are necessary. We have to do things differently, and the suggested new clause gives us the opportunity to do just that. I feel strongly about this issue and I hope that the Minister will give it serious consideration. Otherwise, I may have to bring it back at Report.