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Written Question
Apprentices and Further Education: Inflation
Friday 20th January 2023

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, whether her Department has undertaken research into the impact of level of inflation on the incomes of (a) parents with 16-19 year olds in full-time further education, (b) adults in part-time further education and (c) post-16 apprentices.

Answered by Robert Halfon

The department has carried out research in these areas. We have collected survey data on the impact of rising cost of living on households, including whether parents have cut back on household costs to fund education-related costs, and whether affordability has impacted their child’s participation in educational activities in the 2021/22 academic year. This data relates to parents of secondary school pupils in England, but those who responded to the survey could also be parents of learners in further education. The same surveys also asked pupils and learners in post-16 education in classroom settings in England about some facets of cost of living, in particular whether the rising cost of living has led to those pupils and learners changing their plans for education or training.

The survey data from the 2021/22 academic year has been published here: The department intends to collect similar data for the 2022/23 academic year and we will publish this data in due course.

The government appreciates the difficulties caused by the rising cost of living and inflation, and is focused on levelling up so that young people and adults, regardless of their background or geographic location, can get the skills and training they need to secure rewarding, well-paid jobs and move up the ladder of opportunity.

The department provides a number of financial support programmes for those students who need the most help with the costs associated with staying in post-16 education. This includes extra funding to providers for disadvantaged students aged 16 to 19 with low prior attainment, or those who live in the most disadvantaged areas. In addition, the 16 to 19 bursary fund targets support towards young people who need the most help with education-related costs. In the 2022/23 academic year the department is providing £164 million to help financially disadvantaged students participate in post-16 education to cover such costs as travel, meals, books and course equipment, and over £31 million for free meals.

The department also provided over £550 million in the 2021/22 academic year to enable providers of 16 to 19 education to recruit, support, and retain disadvantaged students, and support those with special education needs and disabilities.

For those learners aged 19 and over, providers receive disadvantage uplift so that there is increased funding for learners living in deprived areas. In addition, funds are made available to providers to help adults overcome barriers to learning. This includes Learner Support, which is available to colleges and providers to support learners aged 19 and over with a specific financial hardship which is preventing them from taking part and/or continuing in learning, and learning support which is available to meet the cost of putting in place reasonable adjustments, as set out in the Equality Act 2010, for learners who have an identified learning difficulty and/or disability, to achieve their learning goal.

The department has also taken steps to improve apprentice pay, including aligning the apprentice national minimum wage rate with the national minimum wage rate for under 18s, and accepting in full the recommendations of the Independent Low Pay Commission to increase the apprentice national minimum wage by 9.7% from April 2023.

Written Question
Oak National Academy
Wednesday 21st December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, pursuant to the Answer of 14 December 2022 to Question 104365 on Oak National Academy, if he will publish the non-statutory curriculum guidance that will be provided to Oak National Academy.

Answered by Nick Gibb

As outlined in the Oak National Academy framework document, Oak will have due regard to the Department’s non statutory curriculum guidance. The Department does not intend to provide Oak with any specific non statutory guidance but expects Oak to remain abreast of existing and new published non statutory guidance as it becomes available.

Written Question
Special Educational Needs
Thursday 15th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps she is taking to ensure that the forthcoming National SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan will consider the whole journey of young people with SEND through a 0 to 25 system; what assessment she has made of the different needs and challenges of schools and FE colleges in supporting young people with SEND; and what steps is she taking to ensure these differing needs and challenges are reflected in that Plan.

Answered by Claire Coutinho - Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Green Paper, published in March 2022, set out proposals for a single national SEND and AP system, from early years to adulthood. These proposals offer children and young people the opportunity to thrive, with access to the right support, so they can fulfil their potential and lead happy, healthy and productive adult lives.

Throughout the 16-week consultation period, the department attended 175 events to listen to and engage with several thousand people, including children and young people of different ages. These conversations covered a broad range of sectors, including schools and further education colleges, to understand the challenges facing the system and to hear feedback on our proposals.

The green paper consultation closed on 22 July 2022. The department is using the feedback received, along with continued engagement with the whole system, to inform the next stage of delivering improvements for children, young people and their families.

The department is committed to publishing a full response to the green paper in an improvement plan early in 2023.

Written Question
Oak National Academy
Wednesday 14th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if he will make an assessment of the impact on the commercial curriculum resources market of converting Oak National Academy to an arms-length body producing state-financed and endorsed curriculum materials.

Answered by Nick Gibb

As an integral part of the process to set up Oak National Academy as an arm’s length body, with close regard to Cabinet Office guidance, the Department produced a business case which included an assessment of potential market impact. This business case was published in early November. Monitoring market impact will be a priority throughout Oak National Academy’s lifetime and will be factored into the body’s ongoing evaluation and two year review.

As an arm’s length body, Oak will receive Government funding through the Department. Oak will ensure alignment with the National Curriculum and have due regard to the Department’s non statutory curriculum guidance but is operationally independent of Government.

Written Question
Oak National Academy
Wednesday 14th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what plans she has to safeguard the independence of the content and style of curriculum materials produced by the Oak National Academy.

Answered by Nick Gibb

As set out in Oak National Academy’s Framework Agreement, Oak will be operationally independent from the Department. The Department will not prescribe or approve the content of curriculum packages or educational resources.

Written Question
Oak National Academy
Wednesday 14th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if she will make an estimate of the potential loss of revenue for teacher authors from Oak National Academy spending on full curriculum resources.

Answered by Nick Gibb

The Government has set aside up to £43 million over the next three years to support Oak National Academy, a significant proportion of which is expected to be provided directly to schools, publishers, and other organisations for the creation of resources on behalf of Oak.

Where Oak needs to use existing third party content, such as texts, Oak will seek to have an overarching licence with relevant licensing bodies wherever feasible, or direct relationships with rights holders where necessary, so the rights holder gets full payment for their work.

Written Question
Oak National Academy
Wednesday 14th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what plans she has to direct the Oak National Academy on children's learning about (a) society and (b) history.

Answered by Nick Gibb

Oak’s resources will be created independently, free to access, non-compulsory for schools to use, and evidence based. In creating curriculum packages and educational resources, Oak will ensure alignment with the National Curriculum, and have due regard to the Department’s non-statutory curriculum guidance.

The Department does not prescribe how subjects, including society and history, should be taught but we expect schools to develop a curriculum that meets the need of their pupils.

Written Question
Oak National Academy: Publishing
Wednesday 14th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what impact the Oak National Academy’s proposed creative commons licensing would have on teacher authors’ moral rights of (a) attribution and (b) integrity.

Answered by Nick Gibb

Oak National Academy has conducted the recent procurement on the basis of a non-commercial licence, but will be exploring the case for alternatives, including Open Government Licence and commercial licence. Some market testing indicated benefits to that approach.

In considering a range of potential licensing arrangements Oak will ensure third party intellectual property rights will be respected.

Written Question
Adult Education and Apprentices: Finance
Friday 9th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, if he will set out the total spending on (a) adult education and (b) apprenticeships in each of the last five years.

Answered by Robert Halfon

Departmental spending on adult education is reported through publication of Annual Reports and Accounts. These are available for each of the last five financial years with the most recent report published for 2020/21. These can be found here:

Spend on apprenticeships is reported in the Education & Skills Funding Agency Annual Report and Accounts. The latest report, for 2021/22, is published here:

The table below shows the department’s ring-fenced apprenticeships spend for the last five years.

Financial Year

Total Ring-fenced Apprenticeships Spend (£ million)











Written Question
Further Education: Energy
Friday 9th December 2022

Asked by: Emma Hardy (Labour - Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice)

Question to the Department for Education:

To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what assessment her Department has made of the potential impact of removing energy cost support after April 2023 on the finances of further education colleges.

Answered by Robert Halfon

The department knows that alongside pay and inflationary pressures, one of the biggest challenges facing some colleges is the rising cost of energy. We are keeping under review the potential impacts of the rising cost of energy on providers across the department’s remit.

Colleges are autonomous institutions responsible for their own financial sustainability and are taking actions to respond to inflationary pressures, for example through reducing energy consumption.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has recently outlined the range of support on energy cost increases that will be available for businesses, the public sector and households. As part of that, the Energy Bill Relief Scheme will provide a price reduction to ensure that all businesses and other non-domestic customers, including colleges, are protected from excessively high energy bills over this winter. Discounts will be applied to energy usage initially between 1 October 2022 and 31 March 2023.

Schools and colleges in England will also be allocated a share of £500 million in capital funding in financial year 2022/23. This comprises £447 million for schools and sixth form colleges and £53 million for FE colleges, to spend on energy efficiency upgrades.

This will not only help schools and colleges save money, but it will also make them more energy efficient during the cold period and increase winter resilience for future years. A further education college group will receive £290,000 on average from that additional funding. Allocations were published on 6 December 2022 to help colleges plan, and payments are expected to be made in January 2023.

The department is investing £3.8 billion more in further education and skills over the Parliament as a whole to ensure people can access high-quality training and education that leads to good jobs, addresses skills gaps, boosts productivity and supports levelling up. This will support the sector to reform and deliver the technical, skilled education employers want and our economy needs.