Douglas Carswell Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for Douglas Carswell

Information between 23rd September 2021 - 19th June 2024

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Douglas Carswell mentioned

Parliamentary Debates
Business of the House
74 speeches (9,439 words)
Thursday 20th January 2022 - Commons Chamber
Leader of the House
1: Jacob Rees-Mogg (CON - North East Somerset) Members also have the opportunity to decide these things for themselves, and I recall the behaviour of Douglas - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Monday 18th March 2024
Written Evidence - The Institute for Government
NED0002 - Non-executive director appointments

Public Accounts Committee

Found: exclusively supported the Conservatives, two (Ben Goldsmith, brother of former minister Zac Goldsmith, and Douglas

Tuesday 20th June 2023
Report - Seventh Report - The Role of Non-Executive Directors in Government

Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee

Found: Swansea, as NED in the Cabinet Office (2020–21) • Former Conservative and UK Independence Party MP, Douglas

Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park (Conservative - Life peer) - @ZacGoldsmith
7 Aug 2022, 4:04 p.m.

@brianmoore666 If you want to read more, it’s all covered here in Hansard. My proposals were backed by everyone from Jeremy Corbyn to Douglas Carswell.

Link to Original Tweet
Lord Leigh of Hurley (Conservative - Life peer) - @HowardDLeigh
11 Apr 2022, 8:16 p.m.

@lmharpin @Christian4BuryS So did he call for MPs who cross the floor to call a bye election or not? Seem to remember that's what Douglas Carswell did ...being told that 2/3 in the room support him is not exactly empirical or even first hand!

Link to Original Tweet

Department Publications - Transparency
Friday 15th December 2023
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Government Lead Non-Executive’s annual report 2022 to 2023
Document: Government Lead Non-Executive’s annual report 2022 to 2023 (PDF) (PDF)

Found: like to thank Non-Executive Board Members, Lord Johnson (in his previous capacity as ARAC chair), Douglas

Department Publications - Policy paper
Wednesday 10th May 2023
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Government Lead Non-Executive’s annual report 2021 to 2022
Document: Government Lead Non-Executive’s annual report 2021 to 2022 (PDF)

Found: I would like to thank D r Dambisa Moyo, Douglas Carswell, Sir Stephen O’Brien and Noël Harwerth for