@drjawalsh Both @WHO & @MHRAmedicines show it"s safe & efficacious @jburnmurdoch shows link between vacc drive & fall in cases/hospitalisations https://t.co/6qGddcpon8 https://t.co/YMo4Fyy9ci https://t.co/RocNCKjeGB
Just had #Astrazeneca Covid vaccine at Bucks Univ campus #Aylesbury. V efficient system, steady flow of ppl : credit to #Bucks @NHS & volunteers 1/2
I'd urge anyone both in UK & other European countries who's nervous about the vaccine to have it done. It's quick, painless & every week the clinical evidence that it works well gets more & more compelling 2/2
@MichaelAodhan @SamuelMarcLowe Yes, and whoever said it had a bigger head than brain
@djgreenDE @pmdfoster @agaule By supporting 2nd reading of a Withdrawal Bill in 18/19, wt debates,votes about 2nd ref and CU during passage. Water under the bridge now but May approach to FTA negots inc common rulebook on industrial goods, vet treaty, participation in some EU schemes, Foreign Pol cooperation
@neilmunro49 @pmdfoster There were a couple of times in 18/19 when we came v close to a compromise but it was always a bridge too far. I've said often publicly that I wish we'd sought some cross-party approach earlier but am far from certain that it wld have succeeded.
@caymsortweeted @pmdfoster Sorry but that's not right. The Electoral Commission was consulted & the Govt changed the ref question in line with the Commission's recommendation.
@JamesHarrisNow @pmdfoster I go part of the way with you on that, but for a hard core & not for all Leavers in HofC. Said a bit more on this to @UKandEU https://t.co/9SNYmV2Rwm (Thank you for the compliment)
@neilmunro49 @pmdfoster Hse of Commons had chance to decide on menu of options from No Deal to EEA + CU to 2nd ref. Free vote with Cabinet abstaining. Every option was defeated.
@heeney77 @Dan1763 @pmdfoster Not my job to speak for ERG! But probably spent more time debating with them than anyone else & for most of them ideas of sovereignty, pol independence were far more important than any econ argument