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Written Question
Alcoholic Drinks: Labelling
Monday 17th March 2025

Asked by: Dan Aldridge (Labour - Weston-super-Mare)

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether he has any plans to introduce legislation requiring alcoholic beverages to display (a) full ingredient lists and (b) nutritional information in line with the labelling requirements for other food and drink products.

Answered by Ashley Dalton - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)

It is mandatory for alcohol labels to state the product’s strength, namely alcohol by volume, and whether the product contains any of the 14 main allergens. There is also voluntary guidance on communicating the UK Chief Medical Officers' low risk drinking guidelines. There are no current plans to change mandatory labelling requirements on alcoholic products.

A National Institute for Health and Care Research-funded study on alcohol calorie labelling is underway to assess the impact of alcohol calorie labelling on product selection, purchasing, and consumption, which will report in 2026.