Debates between Lord Grayling and Ed Miliband during the 2019-2024 Parliament

Tue 9th May 2023

Energy Bill [Lords]

Debate between Lord Grayling and Ed Miliband
Ed Miliband Portrait Edward Miliband
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Actually, I was talking about onshore wind farms that had not just planning permission and consent—[Interruption.] I will tell the hon. Lady simply. In 2006, Tony Blair changed the policy to be in favour of nuclear. When I left office in 2010, we identified 10 new nuclear sites, and there have been 13 years since then. How many nuclear plants had been built and made operational? Precisely zero. The Secretary of State had to talk about the previous Conservative Government, who left office 25 years ago—that is indeed stuck in the past.

Lord Grayling Portrait Chris Grayling
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Given the importance of nuclear and what the right hon. Member has just said, why did the last Labour Government sell off Westinghouse, which was owned by Britain and was the main repository of our nuclear skills?

Ed Miliband Portrait Edward Miliband
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The right hon. Member wants to re-litigate the last Labour Government. Let us talk about the future. We want nuclear to move ahead, and actually the Government have had 13 years and failed to do it.