Oral Answers to Questions

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Wednesday 23rd October 2019

(4 years, 11 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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John Bercow Portrait Mr Speaker
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Order. There will be more—colleagues can be entirely assured of that.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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Q6. What plans he has to (a) encourage investment in and (b) improve the transport infrastructure of northern Lincolnshire.

Boris Johnson Portrait The Prime Minister
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We will invest in infrastructure in every corner of the UK, including spending £13 billion on transport in the north of the country.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers
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I thank my right hon. Friend for his reply. Three things that would encourage investment in northern Lincolnshire and boost the local economy are free port status for the Humber ports, improved access to those ports by upgrading the A15 between Lincoln and the A180, and improved east-west rail freight connections. Will my right hon. Friend confirm his support for those proposals?

Boris Johnson Portrait The Prime Minister
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I can indeed confirm support for those proposals. I well remember meeting my hon. Friend and his constituents in a corridor in Portcullis House, and they raised with me the issue of the railway crossing at Suggitt’s Lane. I assure my hon. Friend that Suggitt’s Lane is never far from my thoughts and that, in addition to the other pledges I have made today, I have undertakings from the Department for Transport that it will seek to find a solution and a safe means for pedestrians to cross that railway line.

Prime Minister's Update

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Wednesday 25th September 2019

(5 years ago)

Commons Chamber
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Boris Johnson Portrait The Prime Minister
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I quite agree with the hon. Gentleman; he is absolutely right. One of the reasons I wanted to have a Queen’s Speech was so that we could bring back the domestic violence Bill.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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May I draw the Prime Minister’s attention to an email I received from Port Equipment Engineering Ltd, which is based at Immingham in my constituency? It said:

“The people voted to leave and this has to be respected. Pushing it back further would certainly cause damage to the local area. Please represent us in Parliament and speak of the massive impact this is having and how it will escalate quickly with further problems.”

I urge the Prime Minister to stick to his guns and deliver on 31 October. The port of Immingham is ready and waiting, and will hopefully get free port status after we leave.

Boris Johnson Portrait The Prime Minister
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I thought that was coming, Mr Speaker. I am certainly grateful for my hon. Friend’s support for my ambition to get Brexit done by 31 October. Apart from anything else, it will not only help to take the sting out of the current conversation and calm everybody down, but deliver the business certainty and confidence that people have been crying out for around the whole United Kingdom.

European Council

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Thursday 11th April 2019

(5 years, 5 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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Both sides—both Government and Opposition—are approaching these talks with the aim of constructively looking to see whether we can find a way through this that will command a majority in this House that will then enable us to get the legislation through. The hon. Lady did what other hon. and right hon. Members on both the Labour and the Government Benches did at the previous general election, which is stood on a manifesto to deliver Brexit.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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In her statement, my right hon. Friend spoke of the British people being frustrated with the present situation. I can certainly confirm that that applies to my constituents, but they are also angry and feel that our country has been humiliated. Can the Prime Minister give them at least a crumb of comfort by absolutely assuring them that there will most certainly never ever be another application for an extension? Does she agree that the one benefit from the extension is that it gives us even more time to prepare for no deal?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I thank my hon. Friend for the support that he has recently shown for the deal. The best way that we can give that confidence to his constituents is by ensuring that, in this House, we agree a deal so that we are then able to deliver on our leaving of the European Union.

Oral Answers to Questions

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Wednesday 27th March 2019

(5 years, 6 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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The hon. Gentleman has raised a very important point, and he speaks on this issue from personal experience. He is absolutely right. We need to ensure that people are aware of the dangers, aware of the signs that they need to take notice of and aware that they need to take them to their doctor, because lives can be saved. The Health Secretary has heard the passionate case that the hon. Gentleman has made in relation to public health information on this, and I am sure that he will be happy to meet him to discuss this further.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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I hope that the American ambassador is enjoying his visit here today as much as he enjoyed his visit to north-east Lincolnshire last Friday, when I was able to join him at Young’s Seafood in Grimsby, where we enjoyed some of the finest seafood possible. Does the Prime Minister agree that Brexit increases the opportunity to build on our existing trading relationship with the United States?

John Bercow Portrait Mr Speaker
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We hope the ambassador’s palate was satisfied. I dare say we will be hearing about it if it was not.

European Council

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Monday 25th March 2019

(5 years, 6 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I indicated earlier that the Government are not giving a blank cheque to the indicative votes process, which is important. It is perfectly possible that the House might come to a decision, to contradictory decisions or to no decision at all. We will obviously have to engage constructively with whatever comes out of those votes.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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I share the Prime Minister’s scepticism about the indicative votes procedure. Indeed, I would go further and say it is a complete waste of time. I am sure some who propose it are genuine in their desire to find a way through but, in actual fact, I think the majority want to thwart the result of the referendum.

I was out in my constituency over the weekend and, as the Prime Minister knows, it is a 70% Brexit-supporting area. Like me most of my constituents are prepared to back her deal when I explain it, imperfect though it is, but fear that there may yet be further concessions. Can she give an absolute assurance that she and the whole Government will not agree to anything that further delays Brexit beyond a few weeks?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I want to be able to deliver Brexit, and to do it within the extension we have been given to 22 May. Any further extension would require us to stand in European parliamentary elections. As I said earlier, I think people would ask what on earth we were doing if, having voted nearly three years ago to leave the European Union, they were then asked to elect Members to the European Parliament. I think they would say that we were failing to deliver on their vote, and I believe we have a duty to do that.

Leaving the EU

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Tuesday 12th February 2019

(5 years, 7 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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That point was raised earlier by the hon. Member for North Ayrshire and Arran (Patricia Gibson), to whom I responded by making clear the work we have been doing with suppliers of medicines to ensure that there will be continuity of supply and that patients will continue to receive the medicines they need in all scenarios, including a no-deal scenario. When we are able to bring a deal back that deals with the issues raised by this House, the hon. Lady and every Member will have the responsibility of determining whether they want to leave the European Union with or without a deal.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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One opportunity to boost our coastal communities post Brexit is the establishment of free ports, which port operators will not consider while we are a member of the customs union. I welcome my right hon. Friend’s reaffirmation that we will be leaving the customs union, but can she give an assurance that she will not concede further on that in any customs arrangements that she negotiates, so that we can establish free ports?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I know that my hon. Friend has had a great interest in free ports for some time and has been promoting the concept, as has the Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen. This is an interesting area. There are issues that need to be addressed in relation to free ports, but it is an interesting area that we would want to look at.

Leaving the European Union

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Monday 21st January 2019

(5 years, 8 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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The hon. Gentleman says this Government brought austerity. This Government had to respond to the significant financial and economic crisis left to us by the Labour Government when we took over in 2010. It is this Government who are bringing an end to austerity, and ensuring that our debt will come down and that we maintain lower taxes. I notice that the Scottish Government have been increasing taxes on people in Scotland. They might want to think very carefully about that before talking about impacts on people.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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I welcome my right hon. Friend’s statement, particularly her reference to the backstop. I believe that if the EU was prepared to be somewhat more flexible on that, it could open the door to an acceptable agreement. In recent days, I have been contacted by constituents who are concerned that further opening of the negotiations could weaken our position on freedom of movement. My right hon. Friend has always been very firm on that issue. May I invite her to reaffirm her determination to ensure that there is no relaxation of the current position?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I am happy to give my hon. Friend that assurance. I have always said that I believe that the desire to bring an end to free movement was one of the things that led to many people voting to leave the European Union. This Government will deliver on that—there will be an end to free movement.

Oral Answers to Questions

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Wednesday 16th January 2019

(5 years, 8 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I referred earlier to figures on the number of people in absolute poverty, which have reached record lows under this Government, but the hon. Gentleman talks about people who are in work. The Government have taken a number of steps to help those people: we have cut taxes for 32 million people, increased the national living wage and frozen fuel duty. Unfortunately, however, in the case of so many of those measures, which we took to give financial help to people who are just about managing—the sort of people he is talking about—the Labour party opposed them.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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In an article I posted on my website in November, I concluded by saying:

“Hopefully we will eventually come to a position that both sides who support the agreement and those, like me, who oppose it can…coalesce. I believe this could happen over coming weeks, though there will be more drama before we reach that point.”

We have all had our fair share of drama, but would my right hon. Friend agree that it is not both sides—meaning remain and leave—who must coalesce around an agreement but the European Union, and may I urge her to continue negotiations with Europe in the hope it will show some flexibility?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I thank my hon. Friend for making a very obvious point that has not been raised by those who have been talking about the sort of discussions we are to have across Parliament. I want to see what will secure the support of the House, but of course we have to ensure that it can secure the support of the EU. This is a treaty and agreement between two parties, and, as I said last night, once we have those ideas from the House, I will take them to the EU.

European Council

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Monday 17th December 2018

(5 years, 9 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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There is growing concern—indeed, growing anger—among my constituents at the prospect of a second vote. They feel that their vote has been stolen from them. Bearing in mind that the advocates of a second vote talk about chaos, confusion and uncertainty, does my right hon. Friend agree with me that that would be the result of a second vote on a smaller turnout?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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I agree with my hon. Friend that there is concern—and I think there should be concern—about the divisive nature of a second referendum if that were to take place, and also concern about the fact, as he has said, that his constituents and many other people up and down the country trusted that the politicians were going to deliver on the vote that they gave in 2016. We have a duty to do so.

Leaving the EU

Martin Vickers Excerpts
Monday 26th November 2018

(5 years, 10 months ago)

Commons Chamber
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Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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The answer is that, obviously, there are aspects of the future relationship where the detailed determination will be coming in. At the heart of my hon. Friend’s question is the extent to which we wish to continue with the common rulebook on these sorts of matters. I would also remind him that I, and the Government, have been clear that we want to maintain high animal welfare standards in this country and, indeed, enhance them.

Martin Vickers Portrait Martin Vickers (Cleethorpes) (Con)
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May I refer my right hon. Friend to paragraph 54 of the political declaration, which refers to social security arrangements, and ask what assessment the Government have made of the numbers involved? What estimate has been made of the cost to the British taxpayer?

Baroness May of Maidenhead Portrait The Prime Minister
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This reference is exactly what I was thinking of when I responded to an earlier question in relation, for example, to pension payments that might take place once we have left the EU. As my hon. Friend will see from this, this matter is yet to be fully addressed within the future negotiations. Obviously, we will be looking at exactly the issues he has raised in doing so.