Information between 23rd January 2023 - 13th March 2025
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Tweets |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 9:56 a.m. Read this 👇There's now only *one constituency in the country* where more people disagree than agree with the statement "Britain was wrong to leave the EU" + enthusiasm for Brexit has faded more in left-leaning areas suggesting the realignment is unwinding Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 1:15 p.m. @lewis_baston I don't think we can draw conclusions about the realignment until we see the polling on the other issues @freddiesayers says @unherd have polled Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 2:03 p.m. @vinyl_librarian The correlation between class and voting intention has been declining for over 20 years - and not just in the UK. So there definitely has been a realignment. Brexit was a symptom as well as a catalyst of that realignment, not its cause Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 1:31 p.m. The "Is it '92 or '97?" debate is a bit silly. It doesn't have to be - and probably isn't - either. There are a whole range of outcomes between a historic Labour landslide and a surprise Conservative victory Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 2:04 p.m. @NicholasTyrone There's actually only a majority in one. In two others it is a tie Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 4:34 p.m. @AlistairPhilpot There's still nearly two years to go and predicting British politics has been a mug's game over the last few years, but if you are asking me today I would say Labour majority of 60ish Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 6:02 p.m. @nawBitbot Typo in your reply You wrote "You've" when you meant "Boris and Truss". He was in a position to dominate British politics for a decade and he stuffed it up Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 5:34 p.m. Simon is conflating two things. You can regret Brexit without thinking we should rejoin. There is very strong evidence of regret eg @YouGov found that 56% of voters think we were wrong to leave the EU compared to only 32% who think we were right 🧵 1/4 Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 5:34 p.m. What is more, the @YouGov tracker shows a clear direction of travel - partly because 'We were right to leave' voters are less certain than 'We were wrong to leave' voters, and partly because over time elderly voters are replaced by young voters who tend to be less pro-Brexit 3/4 Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 5:34 p.m. I can understand why Simon is embarrassed about the growing level of regret, but the Conservative Party needs to face up to it - and what it means for its future electability. It doesn't necessarily mean we will rejoin...4/5 Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 5:34 p.m. @unherd and @focaldataHQ found there is only one constituency in England, Scotland or Wales where more people disagree with the statement 'Britain was wrong to leave the EU' than agree with it 2/4 Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 5:34 p.m. ...but it does mean the very bad deal that @BorisJohnson and @DavidGHFrost negotiated isn't going to stick. As a minimum, we will end up with a closer trading and security relationship with our neighbours 5/5 Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 6:43 p.m. @janjay_j Click on the link! (It's Boston in Lincolnshire) Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 6:42 p.m. @nawBitbot The last sentence is true, and I have been vindicated - pretty much everything I predicted has come to pass The first sentence is not true - Boris was brought down by Boris, not by his internal critics Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 9:21 p.m. @nawBitbot How is it delusional? Boris wasn't brought down by external events (Brown and the global financial crisis), by an unpopular policy (Thatcher and the poll tax, Blair and Iraq) or by a divided party (May and Brexit). He was brought down by his own behaviour Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 9:31 p.m. @Samfr @Sime0nStylites @jamesjohnson252 @unherd As James says, regret does not equal rejoin, but there is a clear trend on both questions. I think the one thing you can say with certainty is the current deal is not going to stick - we may or may not rejoin, but we will definitely end up with a closer relationship than we have Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 9:44 p.m. @DouglasUnwin @YouGov The polling shows small numbers of Remainers have changed their minds, and many more Leavers. Plus the sample is changing - elderly people are replaced by new young voters every year. Forgive me but I trust polling much more than your anecdotal evidence Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
30 Jan 2023, 9:41 p.m. @Sime0nStylites @Samfr @jamesjohnson252 @unherd *If the trend continues* it will have to - otherwise it will render the Conservatives unelectable like unilateral disarmament did for Labour in the 1980s Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
29 Jan 2023, 1:08 p.m. Heard @BrineMP say that the Conservative Party is suffering from 'long Boris'. Seems a perfect description of what Rishi Sunak is grappling with. There are going to be more of these ethics issues. Sunak's concern for due process is admirable, but politically speed is vital too Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
29 Jan 2023, 1:18 p.m. It is good that he has recognised this, but I have never heard him properly address the fact that he supported that leadership when other Labour MPs had the courage to speak out against it Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
29 Jan 2023, 1:11 p.m. Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
29 Jan 2023, 1:38 p.m. @Ben_Symak I didn't Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
29 Jan 2023, 8:17 p.m. @lewis_goodall I think he makes a fair point about that particular headline - but he would get more sympathy about that if he apologised, both for the serious failure to meet the standards set out in the Code and his treatment of journalists who sought to question him about his tax affairs Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
28 Jan 2023, 12:17 a.m. Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
28 Jan 2023, 1:19 p.m. One of the (many) challenges Sunak faces is that he needs to convince voters his government is different from its two predecessors, and that he understands why people lost faith in them - but saying these things overtly will **** off the Johnson and Truss supporters among his MPs Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
28 Jan 2023, 1:56 p.m. @WhitworthConor That is a highly misleading statistic - and deliberately so. Spending as a percentage of GDP was much higher in 2010 than for most of Labour's time in office because the economy shrank during the global financial crisis Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
28 Jan 2023, 4:05 p.m. This is nuts. Global Britain anyone? Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
28 Jan 2023, 6:39 p.m. @jason1973bob @CamillaTominey Try reading the whole thread before you reply Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 12:31 p.m. Putin will certainly have celebrated Brexit because it was bound to distract the UK and EU for a few years and create some rancour between them, but as usual Verhofstadt goes too far - Putin invaded Crimea in 2014 when the UK was still in the EU Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 4:55 p.m. Some useful nuance in this from @JLPartnersPolls but the headline is just 7% - and only 10% of Leave voters - want to stick with @BorisJohnson & @DavidGHFrost deal; 51% - and 43% even of Leave voters - want a closer relationship. The deal is going to be renegotiated Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 4:55 p.m. A special mention to the 19% who want "a new kind of association with the EU unlike anything we know today" Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 4:55 p.m. Not forgetting the 7% who want "no or minimal economic ties" with any of our nearest neighbours Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 6:03 p.m. This is basically Putin's line to take. Beneath contempt We didn't push NATO expansion - countries in eastern Europe pleaded to join because they (rightly as events have proven) feared Russian aggression. Nigel thinks we should have said no because Putin didn't like it #appeaser Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 5:55 p.m. @7691Toro @JLPartnersPolls @BorisJohnson @DavidGHFrost I say this as if ultimately they will have to. Also they will slowly learn that some of the other things they want - like low taxes - are much harder to deliver when you inflict economic self-harm Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 5:57 p.m. I have the utmost respect for @JLPartnersPolls, but I am a bit worried that people who served in the 2017-2019 Parliament were over-represented in the sample for this poll... Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 6:32 p.m. Not sure this quite makes the point he thinks - 'Disaster' is the second most prominent word. 'Shambles', 'Mistake', 'Chaos' and 'Mess' not far behind Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
31 Jan 2023, 11:24 p.m. @_HenryBolton Thinking we have made a mistake is neither arrogant or scandalous, and it is what most people think. I have "undermined" anything. And to suggest I am responsible for the current Northern Ireland Protocol is absurd Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
1 Feb 2023, 9:58 p.m. This is not good news, for the Conservative Party or for Parliament Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 2:26 p.m. @TorstenBell @racheljanetwolf Your last point in brackets doesn't get the attention it deserves in this debate Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 10:13 p.m. Train back from Birmingham cancelled. Next train was the slow one that took nearly TWO AND A HALF HOURS. Was in a pretty foul mood when I finally arrived at Euston. Walked out of the station and there in front of me was a Nando's #allisnowwellintheworld Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 10:41 p.m. You can ask why he didn't give the Ukrainians everything they needed when he was PM, but he is right Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 10:35 p.m. Not that privately... Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
23 Jan 2023, 9:41 a.m. Birthday present from my kids #youvebeenwarned Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
23 Jan 2023, 10:41 p.m. My wife took me to @MockingbirdUK tonight as my birthday present. It was outstanding - cannot recommend it highly enough Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 7:21 a.m. I'm not convinced by this. Blair was a master political strategist - he needed someone who understood government as a chief of staff. But Starmer is an experienced civil servant - maybe what he needs is someone who can help him with political strategy Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 7:49 a.m. I think most people would be surprised to learn a) that the lowest earning 50% pay just 8.3% of all the money raised in income tax and the highest earning 1% pay 28.3%; and b) that the first figure is lower today than under Labour (11.2%), and the second figure is higher (26.5%) Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 8:01 a.m. @NewtownAndy I am not sure if that's true, at least when it comes to income as opposed to wealth (which is what we're talking about when it comes to income tax). Big increase in personal allowance clearly a factor…. Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 8 a.m. @davewvero53 I am not sure if that's true, at least when it comes to income as opposed to wealth (which is what we're talking about when it comes to income tax). Big increase in personal allowance clearly a factor Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 8:01 a.m. @paul18280 I am not sure if that's true, at least when it comes to income as opposed to wealth (which is what we're talking about when it comes to income tax). Big increase in personal allowance clearly a factor…. Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 7:39 a.m. @OJS50 I loved the book, but I sympathise with you - I lost a whole summer I will never get back to the bloody Grapes of Wrath Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
24 Jan 2023, 10 a.m. There are only two possible explanations for this: no-one else knew Nadhim had paid a penalty (in which case PM will be pretty unhappy he wasn't open about this); or some officials knew, but the PM wasn't told (in which case the PM will be pretty unhappy with his own team) Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
25 Jan 2023, 1:14 p.m. Suspect Number 10 will - without wanting to interfere in an independent investigation - be asking if there is any way this could be speeded up. Not in Nadhim Zahawi's, the government's or the public interest for this to drag on for 10 days Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
25 Jan 2023, 2:57 p.m. @MarkFoxNews Of course - but they often like to have a report from their ethics adviser they can fall back on to justify the decision Link to Original Tweet |
Lord Barwell (Conservative - Life peer) - @GavinBarwell
25 Jan 2023, 2:59 p.m. @baynesa The next train wasn't an Avanti West Coast one Link to Original Tweet |
Parliamentary Debates |
Affordable Housing: Supply
31 speeches (18,330 words) Thursday 25th April 2024 - Lords Chamber Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Mentions: 1: Lord Birt (XB - Life peer) The noble Lord, Lord Barwell, put the issue simply and bluntly, and I think everybody here would agree - Link to Speech |
Debate on the Address
127 speeches (57,540 words) Tuesday 7th November 2023 - Commons Chamber Cabinet Office Mentions: 1: Peter Bottomley (Con - Worthing West) glad that the Government are now moving forward on that, and I pay tribute to Gavin Barwell—now Lord Barwell—who - Link to Speech |
Leasehold Reform
127 speeches (30,119 words) Tuesday 23rd May 2023 - Commons Chamber Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Mentions: 1: Peter Bottomley (CON - Worthing West) When Gavin Barwell, now Lord Barwell, became the Housing Minister, he said that the Government’s Leasehold - Link to Speech |
Select Committee Documents |
Monday 20th November 2023
Oral Evidence - 2023-11-20 16:00:00+00:00 Local authorities in financial distress - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Found: position is that the funding formula, as was, to my recollection, was set up 30 years ago when Lord Barwell |
Monday 20th November 2023
Oral Evidence - 2023-11-20 16:00:00+00:00 Local authorities in financial distress - Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Found: position is that the funding formula, as was , to my recollection, was set up 30 years ago when Lord Barwell |
Thursday 16th February 2023
Agendas and papers - 22 February 2023 - 5th meeting - Agenda Conduct Committee Found: Any Other Business For information: • Email of apology from Lord Barwell dated 28 January |
Thursday 24th June 2021
Oral Evidence - Lord David Frost, Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby CMG (Head of the UK Mission to the European Union at Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), and Matthew Taylor (Director General, EU Secretariat at Cabinet Office) Lord David Frost, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and Cabinet Office Foreign Affairs Committee Found: More recently, Lord Barwell has given various interviews in which he has stated that this was exactly |
Department Publications - Policy paper |
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Cabinet Office Source Page: Publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry phase 2 report Document: (PDF) Found: 31 March 2022 Lord Wharton of Yarm Day 259 4 April 2022 Stephen Williams Day 260 5 April 2022 Lord Barwell |
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Cabinet Office Source Page: Publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry phase 2 report Document: (PDF) Found: Wharton MP (now the Rt Hon The Lord Wharton of Yarm) and Gavin Barwell MP (now the Rt Hon The Lord Barwell |