Baroness Murphy Portrait

Baroness Murphy

Crossbench - Life peer

Became Member: 17th June 2004

Baroness Murphy is not a member of any APPGs
Leader's Group on Members Leaving the House (L)
1st Jul 2010 - 13th Jan 2011
Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
22nd Jul 2004 - 11th Jul 2005
Science and Technology: Sub-Committee I
1st Dec 2004 - 7th May 2005

Division Voting information

Baroness Murphy has voted in 408 divisions, and never against the majority of their Party.
View All Baroness Murphy Division Votes

All Debates

Speeches made during Parliamentary debates are recorded in Hansard. For ease of browsing we have grouped debates into individual, departmental and legislative categories.

Sparring Partners
Earl Howe (Conservative)
Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Lords
(10 debate interactions)
Lord Warner (Crossbench)
(10 debate interactions)
Lord Patel (Crossbench)
(8 debate interactions)
View All Sparring Partners
Department Debates
Department of Health and Social Care
(129 debate contributions)
Department for Work and Pensions
(10 debate contributions)
Department for Education
(10 debate contributions)
Ministry of Justice
(7 debate contributions)
View All Department Debates
View all Baroness Murphy's debates

Lords initiatives

These initiatives were driven by Baroness Murphy, and are more likely to reflect personal policy preferences.

Baroness Murphy has not introduced any legislation before Parliament

Baroness Murphy has not co-sponsored any Bills in the current parliamentary sitting

Latest 2 Written Questions

(View all written questions)
Written Questions can be tabled by MPs and Lords to request specific information information on the work, policy and activities of a Government Department
25th Jun 2020
To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the impact of the 14-day quarantine period required to be undertaken upon arrival by all new care home residents on the mental health of residents, in particular those with dementia.

Keeping people safe throughout this period is the Government’s top priority. We have been working closely with the sector and public health experts to put in place guidance and support for adult social care and we will continue to ensure they have what they need to respond.

Due to evidence of asymptomatic spread, during periods of sustained transmission we recommend that all residents being discharged from hospital or interim care facilities to the care home and new residents admitted from the community should be isolated for 14 days within their own room.

The steps we have taken have been designed with care users in mind, to ensure that individuals are treated with dignity and respect and that their particular needs are addressed.

We know that the measures put in place to protect care home residents can be challenging for residents, staff and their families. We always seek to balance the impact that these measures may have, considering the physical and mental wellbeing of individuals alongside risks around transmission and the need to safeguard those living and working in care homes.

25th Jun 2020
To ask Her Majesty's Government what consideration they have given to testing care and nursing home residents for COVID-19 (1) before, (2) upon, and (3) three days after, admission so as to allow for a seven day quarantine period; and what assessment they have made of the impact of any such testing programme on the mental health and well-being of residents in such homes.

To provide a more comprehensive response to a number of outstanding Written Questions this has been answered by an information factsheet Testing – note for House of Lords which is attached, due to the size of the data. A copy has also been placed in the Library.