Baroness Clark of Kilwinning Alert Sample

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View the Parallel Parliament page for Baroness Clark of Kilwinning

Information between 15th May 2022 - 8th February 2025

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
17 May 2022, 1:06 p.m.

Today is International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. We still have a way to go to achieve equality for all LGBT+ people across society. Let's continue to fight for a world without prejudice. #IDAHOBIT2022

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
17 May 2022, 4:49 p.m.

Prices are going through the roof yet employers are trying to impose wage restraint, meaning real cuts in pay. Prices and profits should be capped, not workers wages.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
18 May 2022, 4:27 p.m.

Cutting services is no way to respond to staffing shortages. The Scottish Government need to get round the table with the rail unions to resolve this dispute, rather than cutting services, booking offices and reducing staff numbers.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
17 May 2022, 10:13 a.m.

Oil and gas companies made over £12 billion profits between January and March whilst many struggle with fuel bills. Today, Tory and SNP MPs have a chance to vote in the Commons for Labour’s proposal for a windfall tax on these profits.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
16 May 2022, 8:46 a.m.

One of the many, many reasons we need guards, and good levels of staffing on trains, and in stations

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
15 May 2022, 1:26 p.m.

Completely agree. We need an emergency rent freeze now. Tenants can’t wait.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
18 May 2022, 9 a.m.

Bringing forward price caps more likely to mean more frequent price increases, than any price fall - this is just tinkering around the edges of a broken energy system. With oil and gas giants making record profits, we need a windfall tax now.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
19 May 2022, 3:09 p.m.

Today is "Gender Pensions Gap Day" - retired women go the equivalent of four and a half months each year without a pension. @The_TUC analysis suggests the gender gap is 38%. Ministers must act now by investing in childcare and reforming auto-enrolment.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
23 May 2022, 9 a.m.

This week is the first Scottish Bus Week, organised by @TransformScot. Promoting bus use is vital to reducing emissions and tackling inequalities. That also means overhauling our broken free market model. Let's invest so buses serve communities, not shareholders #scottishbusweek

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
23 May 2022, 9:50 a.m.

More than 300 services were cancelled by #ScotRail yesterday & today a drastically reduced temporary timetable starts. Drivers are being asked to work rest days & being offered 2.2% when inflation is 9%+ is just not on. Ministers and rail bosses must resolve the dispute.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
20 May 2022, 11:47 a.m.

Almost 1 in 4 ferries on Arran route were cancelled in the 6 months to March 22. This chaos is damaging peoples lives, missed health appointments and damaging businesses. These appalling figures due to lack of investment are on Scottish Government's watch. We need action.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
21 May 2022, 9 a.m.

Wealth inequality entrenches power & influence among a tiny elite. The Sunday Times Rich List shows billionaire wealth up 9.4% this year while many can't afford essentials. Scotland's richest man owns 220k acres of land. The Scottish Government should introduce a land value tax.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning (Labour - Life peer) - @KatySClark
22 May 2022, 9:43 a.m.

The Westminster government have failed to tackle the cost of living crisis and are instead attacking unions. Unions who exist to stand up for working people, who are fighting wage cuts for their members whilst the rich have seen their wealth soar.

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Baroness Clark of Kilwinning mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Tuesday 17th September 2024

Source Page: Health briefing packs ahead of Scottish Parliament health committee: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400392694 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: • Life peer, Baroness Clark of Kilwinning. took a leave of absence from the House of Lords after