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Open Petition since 23rd January 2025

Include Wales in the Union Flag - 1,865 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 2,989 - 11 added in the past 24hrs)

I urge the Government and Parliament to recognize Wales's integral role within the UK by updating the Union Jack to include Wales. I am calling for an official review and redesign process that engages experts, stakeholders, and the public to ensure Wales's rightful place on our national flag.

Open Petition since 19th December 2024

Referendum on whether to abolish the Welsh Parliament - 1,220 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 1,493 - 3 added in the past 24hrs)

I believe a referendum in Wales is needed on whether to abolish the Welsh Parliament.

Open Petition since 12th December 2024

Devolve The Crown Estate In Wales - 1,322 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 1,406 - 1 added in the past 24hrs)

We are calling on the Government to devolve the Crown estate from Westminster to Wales, like it was devolved to Scotland in 2017. We believe that the appointment of a Crown Estate Commissioner doesn't go far enough, and that a radical change is needed by devolving the Crown Estate.

Closed Petition closed 10th April 2024

Amend the devolution settlement for Wales to remove powers over speed limits - Final Signatures: 723

I want the Government to amend powers devolved to the Welsh Senedd and Welsh Government as to remove control over speed limits. This would mean the UK Government and Parliament would regain control over speed limits in Wales.

Closed Petition closed 22nd June 2022

Hold a referendum in Wales on returning devolved powers to the UK Government - Final Signatures: 4,666

The Government should hold a referendum to ask the people of Wales if they want to return devolved powers to the UK Government. The 1997 referendum had turnout of just over 50%, and a yes vote of 50.3%. This means only around 25% of the eligible electorate voted for devolution.

Closed Petition closed 27th July 2021

Hold Welsh referendum to return power to the UK government. - Final Signatures: 78

The Government should hold a referendum in Wales on whether to return powers from the Welsh Government to the central UK government to avoid confusion in separate rules and laws.

Closed Petition closed 20th July 2022

Return Welsh Health and Social Care to Westminster - Final Signatures: 133

Return the management of Health and Social Care in Wales to the jurisdiction of the Westminster Government.

Closed Petition closed 15th May 2023

Devolve the same powers to Wales as Scotland - Final Signatures: 928

Devolve powers to Wales that are already devolved to Scotland (the first four are also devolved to Northern Ireland) that include:

- justice
- policing
- social security elements
- charity law
- multiple tax powers
- bank holidays
- land and agricultural assets including the Crown Estate

Closed Petition closed 19th March 2024

Hold a referendum on ending devolution in Wales - Final Signatures: 45,152

Hold a referendum on Welsh Devolution and whether the people want the Welsh Senedd to be abolished.

The Government responsed to this petition on 12th October 2023 (View Full Response)
The UK Government has no plans to hold a referendum on the future of devolution in Wales.
Closed Petition closed 24th August 2023

Devolve powers for Wales to make St David's Day a bank holiday - Final Signatures: 134

Devolve bank holiday powers to Wales, so the Welsh Government can make St David's Day a bank holiday.

There is majority support in Wales for a St David's Day bank holiday, and support from every party in the Senedd.

Scotland and Northern Ireland already have patron saint bank holidays.