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New law to ensure employees have a right to choose not to wear a name badge - Final Signatures: 19

Every person has the right to protect their own identity in private life and should have that right at work as well, but if you're a retail employee wearing a name badge is often compulsory. Now social media is part of everyday life, wearing name badges shouldn't be forced on retail employees.

Make cyber insurance a legal requirement for UK organisations - Final Signatures: 45

UK organisations continue to put more reliance in technology every day, but too many fail to make provision against cyber crime, which puts organisations and their employees at risk. We can protect the UK by making cyber insurance mandatory.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Nationalise and invest in the UK Steel Industry - Final Signatures: 106

We want the Government to nationalise and invest in the UK Steel Industry. Producing steel in the UK has economic and strategic benefits. It supports domestic industries, creates jobs, reduces reliance on imports, and can support national security by ensuring a stable supply of a crucial material.

Closed Petition closed 11th April 2024

Introduce new rules on transparency of subsidy applications and awards - Final Signatures: 27

We want the Government to require subsidy-awarding bodies to publish applications for subsidy before subsidy is provided, to improve openness and transparency, so competitors are aware of intervention in their markets.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Make it illegal to taper redundancy payments for people approaching pension age - Final Signatures: 32

We want the Government to introduce a new law to prohibit employers from tapering redundancy payments for employees who are approaching pension age.

Closed Petition closed 19th March 2024

Create a Minister of State for Hospitality that attends Cabinet - Final Signatures: 38

To create a standalone position of Minister of State for Hospitality that attends cabinet. They should be given responsibility for creating regional and national hospitality plans for the ever growing and expanding Hospitality Industry.

Closed Petition closed 12th January 2024

Require education on Gender Dysphoria in schools and workplaces - Final Signatures: 38

Gender Dysphoria should be explained properly in all schools and workplaces to stop the current confusion and the spreading of misinformation. Gender Dysphoria is not a choice, it has lifelong effects and many people do not understand the condition.

Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Require offline access is offered for all services provided to the public - Final Signatures: 136

Everyone should have fair and equal access to all services. But we believe people who are not online - including many older and disabled people - are being overlooked. We want the Government to make it a legal requirement to provide offline access to all services.

Closed Petition closed 11th January 2024

Give fathers/second parents a right to 6 weeks' paid leave in baby's first year - Final Signatures: 14,428

Change parental leave and pay to give employed fathers/second parents two weeks' paternity leave, plus four weeks' non-transferable parental leave, paid at 90%, to be taken in the baby's first year. Introduce a Paternity Allowance with similar benefits for other fathers/second parents.

The Government responsed to this petition on 29th January 2024 (View Full Response)
The Government has no plans to increase Paternity Leave and Pay. If parents wish to take longer leave they can use Shared Parental Leave to share up to 37 weeks of pay, and up to 50 weeks of leave.
Closed Petition closed 30th May 2024

Require companies to return funds on gift cards if not used - Final Signatures: 27

Legislation should be introduced to require companies to return unredeemed funds on gift cards to the buyer if not used within a certain time frame.