Limit the sale and use of Fireworks to licence holders only
- 84,352 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 89,392 - 46 added in the past 24hrs)
Fireworks killed our mum, Josephine Smith.
Her home was attacked using fireworks. We believe the use of fireworks after sale to the public cannot be policed.
We think all displays should be licensed and sales limited to licence holders only.
Scheduled Debate: This petition is scheduled to be debated on 9th December 2024
The Government responsed to this petition on 9th December 2024 (View Full Response)Require parliamentary scrutiny of any proposal to amend the Royal Mail USO
- 4,247 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 14,871 - 67 added in the past 24hrs)
We call on the Government to amend legislation to require parliamentary scrutiny on any change to the Royal Mail's Universal Service Obligation (USO).
Make it illegal to sell, buy and use fireworks other than silent ones
- 831 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 1,078 - 2 added in the past 24hrs)
Change the law so that we can no longer buy non-silent fireworks, sell them or use them.
Ban fireworks
- 420 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 797 - 3 added in the past 24hrs)
We believe fireworks should be banned, as we think they are cruel to animals.
Ban holiday companies raising prices in school holidays.
- 337 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 729 - 3 added in the past 24hrs)
Put restrictions on holiday companies so that they are unable to raise prices of holidays so much during school holiday times.
Require coercive control awareness training for some sectors
- 209 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 518 - 3 added in the past 24hrs)
We call upon the UK Government and Parliament to implement requirements for coercive control awareness training for all professionals working in these sectors - healthcare, education, social services and police forces.
Set dates when fireworks are allowed.
- 281 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 386 - 2 added in the past 24hrs)
When October hit, fireworks start day and night until January.
We want the government to choose selected dates e.g. Diwali, 4th of July, New year's Eve, etc. To approve as recognised for fireworks and prohibit fireworks out of these dates.
Conduct a review of routes into work for new graduates.
- 308 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 364 - 2 added in the past 24hrs)
We believe that many graduates, myself included, who spent £27k+ on university are struggling to find jobs. Entry-level roles often demand experience, which feels unfair, as we're constantly rejected for lacking it. We need opportunities, yet many of us lack industry connections.
Require all products to show origin of production.
- 59 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 237 - 2 added in the past 24hrs)
The Government should introduce legislation to require all products, including those sold online, to show their origin of production.
UK Government to open talks with EU on rejoining Custom Union and Single Market
- 84 Signatures
(Estimated Final Signatures: 236 - 2 added in the past 24hrs)
We think the government should seek to rejoin CU/SM as soon as possible to ensure seamless trade.