(1 month ago)
Written StatementsMaking Britain a clean energy superpower is one of this Government’s five missions. This is critical to our country—to cut bills; to create jobs; to deliver energy security, with cheaper, zero-carbon electricity by 2030; and to meet our net zero target.
This Government have taken immediate action by setting up Great British Energy, a publicly owned company to invest in clean, home-grown energy. We have also already committed to the biggest investment in clean energy in British history.
Offshore wind will play a pivotal role in our achieving clean power by 2030 and accelerating to net zero by 2050—our recently published clean power action plan sets a capacity range for between 43 GW and 50 GW by 2030. The UK is already a world leader in offshore wind technology, and the Great British Energy partnership with the Crown Estate will bring forward new offshore wind developments, with the potential to deliver up to 20 GW to 30 GW of extra offshore wind seabed leases to the market by 2030.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is playing a crucial role in supporting the growth of offshore wind, to help de-risk and accelerate planning decisions for offshore wind while protecting and enhancing the marine environment. The nature and climate change crises are of equal importance, and we must address them together.
To do this, we will implement an offshore wind environmental improvement package. Work is well advanced, and recent and upcoming milestones include:
underlining our commitment to use the powers conferred in the Energy Act 2023 to ensure that compensatory measures for unavoidable environmental impacts to marine protected areas (MPAs) can be delivered strategically rather than on a project-by-project basis, including through a library of measures that DEFRA is developing in collaboration with stakeholders;
publication of an updated joint position statement on unexploded ordinance that sets out that low noise clearance should be the default in the marine environment. This has also been published alongside a marine noise policy paper highlighting the further actions we are taking to reduce noise in our seas;
consulting on an offshore wind piling noise limit in the first half of 2025, followed by a pilot programme in 2025 and 2026, to reduce the risk of project delays because of the need to limit the amount of underwater noise generated;
consulting in spring 2025 on reforms to the environmental compensation requirements for offshore wind projects, with the aim to bring in legislation by autumn 2025. This will aim to increase the number of measures available to developers to offset the adverse impacts of offshore wind developments, while retaining a robust process that ensures that damage to our precious marine environment remains compensated for; and
the launch of a marine recovery fund in late 2025 to provide an optional mechanism for developers to fund delivery of strategic compensatory measures.
We are already delivering on the clean power action plan. Today I am announcing an action that my Department will take to help accelerate and de-risk the consent of offshore wind projects while continuing to protect the marine environment.
Multiple offshore wind projects are at risk because there are currently no ecologically effective options that developers can deliver themselves to compensate for their unavoidable impacts on seabed habitats within special areas of conservation and marine conservation zones. Without suitable measures, these projects cannot be delivered. DEFRA commits to designating new MPAs and/or extending existing MPAs in Secretary of State waters to deliver sufficient strategic compensation to compensate for likely environmental effects of offshore wind development. We do not expect this to be available to any project outside the following:
Projects that received a seabed lease from the Crown Estate under leasing round 3, round 4 or the 2017 extensions round;
Projects in the current leasing round 5 in the Celtic sea;
Associated transmission infrastructure projects—for example, those forming part of the holistic network design. We will be working with devolved Governments on how this relates to projects in their waters where cabling will come through English waters; and
Projects that have already been granted consent but are unable to discharge their consent conditions, or where adaptive management may now be required as the agreed compensation measures have not had the impact expected when consent was granted.
We are also aware that offshore wind projects might sometimes be required to compensate for essential maintenance activities carried out once the wind farm is operational and/or for unforeseen impacts. For this reason, we will aim to deliver additional environmental compensation so that projects eligible to request MPA designation to support project consent—those listed above, in paragraph 7—as well as operational projects delivered in leasing round 2, can access this measure if available and deemed suitable.
In all cases, MPA designations will be delivered by DEFRA. Those designations and associated management will be funded by the offshore wind developers that successfully apply to use this measure through the marine recovery fund.
We anticipate that the total area of new and/or extended MPAs required to compensate for the predicted impacts of offshore wind projects will be small in comparison to the tranches of MPAs previously designated in Secretary of State waters. We will be looking to protect a range of benthic habitats.
Working closely with our statutory nature conservation bodies, potential areas will be identified based on ecological principles. We will be following the established legislative processes for designation and will keep stakeholders, including the fishing industry, regularly informed, as well as providing opportunities for them to share any concerns as regards the proposed sites, so that the views and impacts on affected industries and communities are fully understood.
To avoid the risk that new MPAs designated for compensation might later be leased for energy or other projects that cause damage, we will also be working with the Crown Estate, the Marine Management Organisation and others to explore ways in which we might deliver additional long-term protection from future impacts that will require compensation.
Designating new MPAs and putting management measures in place to protect them will take time. Although work has already begun on this, we are aware that the timelines of some projects mean that they will still be delayed if they are required to wait for MPA designations and associated management to be functioning. Where this is the case, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero and the Marine Management Organisation may consider circumstances in which the adverse effect can occur before compensation is in place. However, this would need to be considered against other factors. Where this is permitted, a greater amount of environmental compensation is likely to be needed to make up for the time delay and developers will be required to pay into the marine recovery fund before any adverse effect can occur. DEFRA will also be producing high-level implementation and monitoring plans in advance of final MPA designations to assist developers in providing the necessary information at this stage, with final updated plans being provided once designation has taken place.
We recognise that accelerating development of marine activities, and environmental protection and restoration measures such as the designation of new MPAs, is increasing marine spatial tensions. Though not caused by their actions, these competing priorities and demands for space present a challenge for the fishing industry, particularly as it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid causing an impact on fishing activities in all cases. Fishing is an incredibly important part not just of the UK’s food system, but of our cultural identity as a country—so much so that we will not let these impacts on the industry go unaddressed. That is why DEFRA established, and continues to lead, the cross-Government marine spatial prioritisation programme, working with the Marine Management Organisation, to address this spatial squeeze and ensure that the industry’s interests are represented. The Government will ensure that the sector is supported to adapt to increased pressure on space. We will work with the industry to maintain its viability into the future and ensure that it continues to make a significant contribution to coastal communities. The Government are committed to finding ways for different industries to co-exist and benefit from our marine space. We will also work with the Crown Estate and other relevant stakeholders to see how they can help in this process. Food security is national security, and a sustainable fishing industry is an important part of that.
Alongside designating MPAs for benthic compensation, we will be undertaking a wider review of the MPA network and we will be keeping delivery of the MPA target under review, with the aim of future-proofing the network, for example in terms of climate change adaptation and mitigation, while allowing us to still meet our international commitment to effectively protect 30% of our seas by 2030. A wider network review will also look to provide higher certainty for the fishing industry on the future MPA network.
My announcement today demonstrates this Government’s dual commitment to enabling offshore wind and protecting our precious marine environment, while supporting our fishing industry. The fragile state of our natural environment means that we cannot afford to press ahead without considering the impact on nature—we need to address both the climate and biodiversity crises together.
Our action will help unlock the capacity needed to meet this Government’s ambitious but achievable target of clean power by 2030, building a home-grown energy system that takes back control and can bring down bills for households and businesses for good.
(1 month ago)
Written StatementsMy hon. Friend the Member for Bolton West (Phil Brickell has replaced my hon. Friend the Member for Stevenage (Kevin Bonavia) as a member of the United Kingdom delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
My hon. Friend the Member for Smethwick (Gurinder Singh Josan) has replaced my hon. Friend the Member for Northampton North (Lucy Rigby) as a member of the United Kingdom delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
(1 month ago)
Written StatementsI am today updating the House on the Government’s plans to supercharge growth in the Oxford-Cambridge corridor and the high-potential sectors within it, as part of our ambitious plan for change.
The Oxford-Cambridge region is already home to world-leading universities and globally renowned science and technology firms. It has the potential to become one of the most innovative and economically dynamic areas in the world, but numerous constraints, from inadequate transport connections to a lack of affordable housing, prevent it from realising its true potential. This Government are determined to do what is necessary to drive sustainable economic growth in the region to the benefit of local communities and national prosperity.
The Chancellor has today announced the appointment of Lord Patrick Vallance as a champion for the Oxford-Cambridge growth corridor. His extensive experience across life sciences, academia and Government makes him ideally suited to identify and maximise growth opportunities in the region. He will work with me and other Ministers to ensure the corridor makes a significant contribution to kick-starting economic growth.
Working with local partners, Peter Freeman and the Cambridge Growth Company are progressing the development of an ambitious plan for delivering high-quality sustainable growth in Cambridge and its environs. Their work will continue in earnest.
In greater Cambridge, the benefits of decisive Government intervention are already evident. As a result of close working with local authorities and regulators, the Environment Agency has lifted objections to development in the area, paving the way for 4,500 additional homes, new schools and new office, retail and laboratory space to be built.
The Government welcome the University of Cambridge’s proposal for a new flagship innovation hub in the centre of the city, which will attract global investment and foster a community that catalyses innovation. The Chancellor has today also confirmed the prioritisation of a new Cambridge cancer research hospital as part of the new hospitals programme, bringing together Cambridge University Hospitals’ cancer services, with researchers from AstraZeneca and Cancer Research UK.
To ensure we can realise Oxford’s full potential, we intend to take forward a new growth commission to explore how we can best unlock and accelerate nationally significant growth for the city and the surrounding area. The commission builds on the Government’s commitment to making Culham in Oxfordshire the country’s first AI growth zone as part of the Government’s AI opportunities action plan. This is the Government’s modern industrial strategy in action.
Across the Oxford-Cambridge growth corridor, we are demonstrating our commitment to investing in the delivery of major transport infrastructure and public services to boost the region’s economic prosperity and contribute to national economic growth. The Government are:
delivering the acceleration of phase 2 of East West Rail, connecting Oxford to Bedford from 2030. The full new railway to Cambridge will support vibrant new and expanded communities. We have already received 18 submissions for large-scale new developments within the corridor, each of which will be considered by the new towns taskforce;
moving quicker at Tempsford to deliver an east coast main line station three to five years earlier than planned, which will link services directly to London in under an hour;
committed to upgrading 10 miles of the A428, improving journeys between Milton Keynes and Cambridge; and
unlocking £7.9 billion investment in the next five years for water companies, by agreeing their water resource management plans. This will improve our water infrastructure and provide a foundation for growth and includes nine new reservoirs, such as the new fens reservoir serving Cambridge and the Abingdon reservoir near Oxford.
We will continue to update Parliament on the work of the Government in the Oxford-Cambridge corridor.
(1 month ago)
Written StatementsI am pleased to announce that today the Government have commenced the first tranche of victim-related measures in the Victims and Prisoners Act 2024. This underscores the Government’s commitment to ensuring that victims receive the vital information and support they need. As well as provisions that inform the meaning of part 1 of the Act, such as the definition of “victim”, we are also commencing the following measures:
First, we have commenced the obligation on those who provide victims code services to comply with the victims code unless there is a good reason not to. This underlines our commitment to ensuring victims receive the service that they deserve under the victims code, and that agencies are held to account for delivering this.
Secondly, we have commenced new measures that will help the Victims Commissioner to better hold bodies accountable for how they are delivering for victims. This includes:
bringing new bodies into the commissioner’s remit, including the criminal justice inspectorates and additional Government Departments;
requiring that those subject to the code compliance duty in section 5 of the Act to co-operate with the commissioner, for example, complying with reasonable requests for data or access when requested, so far as it is appropriate and reasonably practicable;
making clear that the commissioner can include recommendations in their statutory reports, whether made annually or to the Secretary of State throughout the year; and requiring that those within the commissioner’s remit respond to recommendations made in those reports where relevant to them within 56 days; and requiring criminal justice inspectorates to consult the commissioner when developing their inspection frameworks and programmes.
Together, these measures will enable the commissioner to gain a deeper understanding of the victims landscape. They will also foster greater transparency and accountability between authorities, encouraging good practice and respectful treatment of victims.
Finally, we have commenced the measure that will simplify the complaints process for victims who need to escalate their complaints. Where victims of crime want to make complaints to the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO) relating to their experience as a victim, this measure removes the so-called “MP-filter” which required victims to make these complaints via their Member of Parliament. The measure also enables those acting on behalf of a victim to bypass the filter and make the victim’s complaint directly. This means victims can choose whether to make their complaint themselves, or through an MP or other trusted person if they prefer.
By implementing this initial tranche of measures, we are laying a stronger foundation for victims to have confidence that they will receive the information and support they need and deserve. We will continue to build on this foundation through the Government’s manifesto commitments to increase the powers of the Victims Commissioner and introduce independent legal advisers for rape victims, ensuring there is more accountability where the needs of victims are not being met.
(1 month ago)
Written StatementsI wish to update the House on the Government’s position regarding airport expansion and the transition to greener aviation.
The Government recognise that air connectivity plays a vital role in supporting economic growth across the country, contributing £14 billion to our GDP in 2023 and over 140,000 jobs across the UK in 2022.
However, capacity constraints are hindering the country’s ability to reap the growth benefits of aviation. There is a particular capacity challenge in the south-east of England. Heathrow airport—the largest airport in Europe by passenger traffic, the most internationally connected airport in the world, and the UK’s only hub airport—plays a critical role in enabling international connectivity for both passengers and freight. This supports productivity and economic growth. Around 75% of UK long-haul flights go from Heathrow and 60% of UK air freight goes through Heathrow. But Heathrow is running at nearly full capacity, which is limiting our potential to compete with major European hubs and holding back growth.
Tackling capacity constraints at Heathrow airport could unlock growth benefits that a world-class aviation sector can provide. That is why the Government support and are inviting proposals for a third runway at Heathrow, to be brought forward by the summer.
Expansion could inject billions into our economy, create over 100,000 extra jobs, strengthen Heathrow’s status as a global passenger and air freight hub, and deliver major benefits for passengers, including lower fares and reduced delays.
Once proposals have been received, the Government will move at speed to review the airports national policy statement (ANPS), which provides the basis for decision making on granting development consent for a new runway at Heathrow. Any scheme must be delivered in line with the UK’s legal, climate and environmental obligations.
The Government are committed to ensuring that the economic benefits of airport expansions are delivered in a way that considers and addresses environmental and social responsibilities. We are already making great strides in transitioning to greener aviation. Earlier this month, the SAF mandate became law, requiring 2% of this year’s aviation fuel supply to be from sustainable sources, with the targets reaching 10% in 2030 and 22% in 2040. SAF is one of the key measures required to reach net zero emissions from aviation by 2050; it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by around 70%, on average, when replacing fossil kerosene—jet fuel.
Today, I am pleased to announce that we will invest £63 million over the next year for the advanced fuels fund, supporting SAF producers across the UK, including in areas such as Teesside. We have also published today the Government’s response to the consultation on a revenue certainty mechanism (RCM), which, once implemented, will encourage investment into the nascent UK SAF industry. Next steps on the RCM will be set out imminently.
Taken together, our SAF commitments will support thousands of jobs, bring down our transport emissions, support our energy security and make the UK a clean energy superpower.
(1 month ago)
Written StatementsThe Office for Budget Responsibility has made a formal assessment that the previous Government’s welfare cap and margin for 2024-25 is on course to be exceeded by £8.6 billion and is therefore not met. Under the terms of the charter for budget responsibility, I am required to lay a paper before the House proposing measures to reduce spending to within the level of the cap or to explain why the breach is considered justified.
The forecast breach, due in particular to expected higher expenditure on universal credit and disability benefits, is unavoidable given the inheritance from the last Government.
The likely scale of the eventual breach has been known since March 2023. No action was taken by the previous Administration to avoid it. While this Government have already shown that they will not shy away from difficult decisions, this breach could only have been addressed through implementing immediate and severe cuts to welfare spending. This would not have been the right course of action.
The forecast breach underlines the previous Government’s failure to control welfare spending and failure to bring forward genuine reform to get more people into work. It is a result of the previous Government’s legacy of low growth and high inflation, which is driving the cost of living crisis felt by so many. Additionally, growing levels of economic inactivity, exacerbated by the pandemic but never gripped by the last Government, have led to a higher-than-forecast rise in benefit spending, particularly on universal credit and disability benefits. It is a symptom of a failed approach to employment support and a broken health and disability benefits system that does not incentivise or support people who could work into work and is not geared up to deal with the fact we are an older, less healthy nation. It is also a symptom of previous failures to think across public services and to establish shared goals across health, training and skills and social security.
The UK is the only G7 country whose employment rate has not returned to pre-pandemic levels. A total of 2.8 million people are locked out of the workforce due to poor health. Millions are stuck in low-paid, insecure work. Some 420,000 more households are predicted to claim universal credit health benefits by the end of the decade, increasing from a third to a half of all universal credit claims. Nearly one in eight of all our young people are not in education, employment or training. All of this has contributed to a higher welfare bill and the breach of the welfare cap.
It is not just the economic cost of this failure that is unacceptable, but also the human cost to individuals and communities denied the opportunity to improve their living standards through work.
That is why, with our ambition to achieve an 80% employment rate, we are delivering radical reforms to drive up employment and living standards, getting a grip of the benefits bill and making the system fairer.
Our “Get Britain Working” White Paper is transforming the DWP from a Department for welfare into a Department for work and devolving funding and powers to mayors and local leaders to drive down economic inactivity in their areas.
In the spring, we will bring forward a Green Paper on reforming the health and disability benefits system to put spend on a sustainable footing and ensure disabled people and those with health conditions have the same rights as everybody else, including the right to work. We will shift the focus to early intervention to support people into work and respond to the complex and fluctuating nature of today’s health conditions.
Alongside these radical reforms, we are also bringing forward the biggest welfare fraud and error package in recent history, including our new, recently announced powers to identify, prevent and deter fraud in the welfare system.
Our welfare system does not exist in isolation. Much of the increase in welfare spending is influenced by wider policies such as health, housing and education. For this reason, my Department will be working across Departments to deliver our key goals, including creating a more sustainable welfare system.
The new charter for budget responsibility establishes a new welfare cap for this Parliament and the Department will, later this year, also publish a new annual report on welfare spending, which sets out the Department’s plan to ensure welfare spending is on a sustainable path as well as progress against the cap.
This Government are committed to working more closely between Departments on common goals, particularly supporting people into work, safeguarding taxpayers’ money and delivering value for money for every pound, which is why we are building a fairer and more sustainable social security system.