Monday 1st September 2014

(9 years, 10 months ago)

Read Hansard Text
The Petition of the people of Suffolk Coastal,
Declares that the bingo industry is currently subjected to bingo duty at 20% whereas most other forms of gambling are taxed at 15% and further that the Petitioners believe that bingo venues offer a pleasant and safe environment for people to come together and enjoy themselves.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to reduce bingo duty from 20% to 15% so investment can take place in the bingo industry modernising premises and creating jobs.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.—[Presented by Dr Thérèse Coffey, Official Report, 17 March 2014; Vol. 577, c. 614 .]
Observations from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Treasury, received 25 July 2014:
The petitioners have requested that the House of Commons urges the Government to reduce bingo duty from 20% to 15% so investment can take place in the bingo industry modernising premises and creating jobs. [HMRC observes that] the Chancellor made an announcement in his Budget speech to reduce the rate to 10%.
In his speech the Chancellor said:
“While betting machines have grown, the number of bingo halls has plummeted by three quarters over the last thirty years.
Yet bingo duty has been set at the high rate of 20%.
Now fuel duty is frozen, my Honourable Friend for Harlow has turned his energy and talent into a vigorous campaign to cut bingo duty—ably assisted by my Honourable Friend for Waveney.
They want the rate cut to 15%.
I can go further.
Bingo duty will be halved to 10% to protect jobs and protect communities.”
The rate of bingo duty was reduced to 10% for bingo duty accounting periods beginning on or 30 June 2014.