amend the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to make provision regarding assemblies at state schools without a designated religious character in England; to repeal the requirement for those schools to hold collective worship; and for connected purposes.
The Education (Assemblies) Bill [HL] is a Lords Private Members' Bill tabled by Baroness Burt of Solihull.
Is this Bill currently before Parliament?Yes. This Bill was introduced on 12 September 2024 and is currently before Parliament.
Whose idea is this Bill?As a Private Members' Bill, this Bill represents the individual initiative of an Member of the House of Lords (Baroness Burt of Solihull), not the Government.
What type of Bill is this?Lords Private Members' Bills can be tabled by any member, at any time during the Session. A number of Lords may win ballot slots to receive precedence in the Lords.
So is this going to become a law?Lords PMBs are extremely unlikely to become law. Unless the Bill receives unanimous support from MPs and can pass 2nd Reading in the Commons without debate, it will not proceed further in the Bill process.
Would you like to know more?See these Glossary articles for more information: Private Members Bill, Process of a Bill
Official Bill Page Initial Briefing papers All Bill Debates
Next Event: There is no future stage currently scheduled for this bill
Last Event: Friday 7th February 2025 - 2nd reading (Lords)
Bill Progession through Parliament