Deregulation Bill 2019-21 Alert Sample

Alert Sample

View the Parallel Parliament page for the Deregulation Bill 2019-21

Information since 5 Mar 2024, 11:01 p.m.

Deregulation Bill 2019-21 mentioned

Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 16th April 2024
Oral Evidence - Centre for European Reform, Andrew Kurth LLP, and techUK

UK-EU data adequacy - European Affairs Committee

Found: Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill, which despite its launch as a Brexit red-tape deregulation

Department Publications - Guidance
Monday 11th March 2024
Cabinet Office
Source Page: Amending bills: style manual
Document: Style Manual for Amendments to Bills (PDF)

Found: But this is not always the case: for example amendmen ts to the Deregulation Bill made in Public Bill