Transport for London Act 2016

confer further powers upon Transport for London; and for related purposes.

Private Bill

What is this Bill?

The Transport for London Act 2016 was a Private Bill that became an Act of Parliament.

Is this Bill currently before Parliament?

No. This Bill was introduced on 29 November 2010 and became an Act of Parliament on 4 May 2016.

Whose idea is this Bill?

Private Bills are usually tabled by local organisations to allow for local changes that would otherwise conflict with the general law.

Official Bill Page Ministerial Extracts from Debates

This bill has received Royal Assent and has become an Act of Parliament

Bill Progession through Parliament

Commons Completed
Lords Completed
Royal Assent

Latest Key documents

Bill Debate
Act of Parliament

Timeline of Bill Documents and Stages

12th May 2016
Act of Parliament
Transport for London Act 2016 c.i
4th May 2016
Royal Assent (Commons)
28th April 2016
Consideration of Commons amendments (Lords)
12th April 2016
3rd reading (Commons)
12th April 2016
3rd reading (Commons)
12th April 2016
3rd reading (Commons)
12th April 2016
3rd readingReport stage (Commons)
12th April 2016
Report stage (Commons)
12th April 2016
Report stage (Commons)
11th February 2016
Bill reintroduced
10th February 2016
Bill reintroduced and sent to the Commons
9th February 2016
Motion to revive Bill
30th November 2015
Motion to revive Bill withdrawn
16th November 2015
Motion to revive Billmotion to revive Bill
5th March 2015
Report stage (Commons)
13th January 2015
Committee stageTranscript of House of Commons Opposed Bill Committee day 1 of 1 13 January 2015 (Commons)
9th September 2014
2nd reading (Commons)
12th June 2014
Bill reintroduced
9th June 2014
Bill reintroduced
9th June 2014
Bill reintroduced
12th May 2014
Carry-over motion
12th May 2014
Carry-over motion
6th May 2014
Carry-over motion
4th March 2014
1st reading (Commons)
4th March 2014
3rd reading (Lords)
28th January 2014
Committee stageCorrected Transcript of House of Lords Unopposed Bill Committee (Lords)
28th January 2014
Committee stageUnopposed Bill Committee: day 1 of 1 (Lords)
9th May 2013
Bill reintroduced see item 2
13th December 2011
2nd reading (Lords)
24th January 2011
1st reading (Lords)
29th November 2010
Petition to introduce a Private Bill presented to Parliament