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Deposited Papers

Nov. 23 2023

Source Page: Productivity in policing. 44p.
Document: Policing_Productivity_Review.pdf (PDF)

Found: PRODUCTIVITY REVIEWresearch would be beneficial to address current gaps in knowledge e.g., electronic tagging

Departmental Publication (Statistics)
Home Office

Nov. 20 2023

Source Page: Policing Productivity Review
Document: Policing Productivity Review (PDF)

Found: cost rank (1-6) research would be benefcial to address current gaps in knowledge e.g., electronic tagging

Bill Documents
14 Nov 2023 - Explanatory Notes
Bill 010 EN 2023-24 - large print
Criminal Justice Bill 2023-24

Found: Providing the courts with an express power to impose electronic monitoring (“tagging”) as a condition

Departmental Publication (Guidance and Regulation)
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Mar. 21 2024

Source Page: The Antarctic Treaty: Measures adopted at the 45th Consultative Meeting 2023
Document: The Antarctic Treaty: Measures adopted at the 45th Consultative Meeting 2023 (PDF)

Found: party camped on the island for a month conducting research on the common cold virus: accompanying dogs

Scottish Parliamentary Research (SPICe)
Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill
Jun. 06 2023
View source webpage
A briefing on the background and context to the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill, and an explanation of the changes being made by the Bill.

Found: W alked up shooting involves a group of individuals with guns walking across a moor in a line with dogs

Scottish Government Publication (Consultation analysis)
Environment and Forestry Directorate

Oct. 07 2022

Source Page: Hunting with dogs: consultation analysis
Document: Title (PDF)

Found: Hunting with dogs: consultation analysis

Departmental Publication (Transparency)
Home Office

Apr. 24 2023

Source Page: Non-technical summaries granted in 2022
Document: Non-technical summaries: projects granted in 2022, July to December (PDF)

Found: This project will use both adult and juvenile dogs, pigs and minipigs We only use dogs when pigs or

Departmental Publication (Transparency)
Home Office

Jul. 20 2023

Source Page: Non-technical summaries granted in 2023
Document: Non-technical summaries: projects granted in 2023, January to March (PDF)

Found: This project will use juvenile and adult dogs and minipigs.

Departmental Publication (Guidance and Regulation)
Home Office

Sep. 29 2022

Source Page: Animal research: technical advice
Document: Animal research: technical advice (webpage)

Found: This includes information about: methods of capture identification (ringing, tagging or marking animals

Departmental Publication (Transparency)
Home Office

Apr. 24 2023

Source Page: Non-technical summaries granted in 2022
Document: Non-technical summaries: projects granted in 2022, January to June (PDF)

Found: pricks of blood rather than a larger sample, and ear tissue collected for DNA as part of routine ear tagging