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Deposited Papers
Ministry of Justice

Jan. 21 2008

Source Page: Administration and enforcement restriction orders: setting the parameters. Consultation paper. 37 p.
Document: DEP2008-0154.pdf (PDF)

Found: Administration and enforcement restriction orders: setting the parameters.

Departmental Publication (Statistics)
Department for Work and Pensions

Oct. 07 2024

Source Page: Impacts of external debt for indebted Universal Credit claimants
Document: (PDF)

Found: Impacts of external debt for indebted Universal Credit claimants

Scottish Parliamentary Research (SPICe)
Local Government Finance: facts and figures 2024
Sep. 09 2024
View source webpage
This briefing provides a range of factual information and analysis on local government finance, including a profile of the local government budget over time, council tax and non domestic rates income, and expenditure trends from 2013-14 to 2024-25. Financial sustainability and capital investment are main focuses of the briefing. As such, there is extensive discussion of local

Found: Local Government Finance: facts and figures 2024

Select Committee
Gabriella Bedford
FE0011 - Financial Education

Written Evidence Jan. 30 2024

Inquiry: Financial Education
Inquiry Status: Closed
Committee: Education Committee (Department: Department for Education)

Found: Introduction I am a current UK sixth form student who is passionate about personal finance and financial

Select Committee
Eighth Report - SME Finance

Report May. 08 2024

Committee: Treasury Committee (Department: HM Treasury)

Found: Eighth Report - SME Finance HC 27 Report

Departmental Publication (Transparency)
HM Treasury

Oct. 18 2024

Source Page: National Loans Fund account 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: The NLF provides finance for both the DMA and EEA, so surpluses and deficits of the DMA and EEA are

Non-Departmental Publication (News and Communications)
Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

Sep. 04 2024

Source Page: IAGCI invites tenders to evaluate Home Office country information on Vietnam, India, and Turkey
Document: Country policy and information note: fear of illegal moneylenders, Vietnam, January 2023 (PDF)

Found: IAGCI invites tenders to evaluate Home Office country information on Vietnam, India, and Turkey

Non-Departmental Publication (Services)
Student Loans Company

Apr. 25 2024

Source Page: Student finance application forms and notes for new 2024 to 2025 full-time tuition fee only students
Document: (PDF)

Found: Student finance application forms and notes for new 2024 to 2025 full-time tuition fee only students

Written Question
Prisoners' Release
Monday 22nd April 2024

Asked by: Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi (Labour - Slough)

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice, what steps his Department is taking to ensure prison leavers are aware of the resettlement services available.

Answered by Edward Argar - Shadow Secretary of State for Justice

Effective resettlement of prison leavers is a core part of our efforts to reduce re-offending. This includes making sure someone has a home, family links where appropriate, access to healthcare, a job or further education, and/or access to benefits.

Probation practitioners in the community coordinate the overall rehabilitation of offenders as they leave prison and serve their licence, supported by Pre-Release Teams (PRT) who provide support to address identified immediate resettlement needs and pre-release support for all people in prison. The immediate resettlement needs of all prisoners are assessed on entry to prison and reviewed pre-release.

Utilising both prison-based services and Commissioned Rehabilitative Services (CRS), there is a wide range of resettlement support covering accommodation, employment, dependency and recovery, personal wellbeing and finance, benefit and debt services. CRS also offers a ‘mentoring’ service, which can be delivered pre-release and follow offenders through the gate for those being released on licence to support community integration. Community probation practitioners and PRTs work proactively with prisoners to build pre-release plans and refer into these services to ensure that the right support is in place for release.

In addition, we have also introduced employment hubs where prisoners can access job vacancies and support with applications, and Prison Employment Leads who support with work-readiness and match them to jobs on release.

To further improve awareness for prison leavers, we are introducing Resettlement Passports, which will bring together key information and services that an individual needs in one place to resettle into the community, such as bank accounts, CVs and identity documents to prove the right to work and rent, as well as appointment and contact information to enable prison leavers to engage with resettlement services available.

Deposited Papers

Mar. 24 2010

Source Page: Debt and reserves management report 2010-11. 72 p.
Document: DEP2010-0820.pdf (PDF)

Found: Debt and reserves management report 2010-11. 72 p.