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Select Committee
First Report - 2 Statutory Instruments Reported

Report Oct. 18 2024

Committee: Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)

Found: S.I. 2024/645 Building (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2024 S.I. 2024/647 Allocation of Housing and Homelessness

Scottish Government Publication (Research and analysis)
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice Directorate

Oct. 18 2024

Source Page: Scottish Housing Market Review Q3 2024
Document: Scottish Housing Market Review Q3 2024 (PDF)

Found: Homelessness ................................ ................................ .....................

Written Question
Prisoners' Release: Reoffenders
Friday 18th October 2024

Asked by: Lord Porter of Spalding (Conservative - Life peer)

Question to the Ministry of Justice:

To ask His Majesty's Government how many of the prisoners who were given early release on 10 September had been imprisoned for a second or subsequent offence.

Answered by Lord Timpson - Minister of State (Ministry of Justice)

Data on SDS40 releases forms a subset of data intended for future publication.

Offenders released under SDS40 will be subject to the same set of strict licence conditions that would apply had they been released at a 50% automatic release point and will be liable to recall to prison if they do not comply with these conditions or are judged to be a risk to public safety.

Prison release planning has been reviewed and adapted to account for recent changes. Prison, probation staff and support providers are working hard to ensure those being released early have all necessary available support. This includes temporary accommodation for those at risk of homelessness, access to employment and benefits, and continuity of mental health and substance misuse provision.

Written Question
Homelessness: Men
Friday 18th October 2024

Asked by: Oliver Ryan (Labour (Co-op) - Burnley)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, with reference to the Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities, published on 22 February 2018, if she will make an assessment of the adequacy of the guidance on (a) priority need and (b) emergency accommodation provision for single men who (i) do not fit the priority categories and (ii) are rough sleeping.

Answered by Rushanara Ali - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)

Homelessness legislation and guidance makes clear people who are vulnerable have priority need. This includes a duty to provide the household with temporary accommodation until settled accommodation is secured.

Homelessness levels are far too high. We are determined to tackle this and will develop a new cross government strategy, working with mayors and councils across the country, to get us back on track to ending homelessness once and for all.

Written Question
Friday 18th October 2024

Asked by: Amanda Martin (Labour - Portsmouth North)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will make an assessment with Cabinet colleagues of the potential merits of establishing a cross-departmental programme led by the Cabinet Office to (a) develop a long-term strategy and (b) ensure funding for tackling homelessness and rough sleeping.

Answered by Rushanara Ali - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)

The Deputy Prime Minister is leading cross-government work to deliver the long-term solutions we need to get us back on track to ending homelessness. This includes chairing a dedicated Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG), bringing together ministers from across government to develop a long-term strategy.

The Government is working at pace to deliver these new initiatives. The Government’s spending plans will be set out at the next Spending Review.

Departmental Publication (News and Communications)
Ministry of Defence

Oct. 17 2024

Source Page: Government delivers more homes for heroes
Document: Government delivers more homes for heroes (webpage)

Found: veteran organisation based in Northern Ireland which was awarded under the £8.55m Reducing Veteran Homelessness

Non-Departmental Publication (News and Communications)
Office for Veterans' Affairs

Oct. 17 2024

Source Page: Government delivers more homes for heroes
Document: Government delivers more homes for heroes (webpage)

Found: veteran organisation based in Northern Ireland which was awarded under the £8.55m Reducing Veteran Homelessness

Scottish Government Publication (FOI/EIR release)
Local Government and Housing Directorate

Oct. 17 2024

Source Page: Deputy First Minister meeting with founder of HALO Urban Regeneration: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202400431283 - Information released (PDF)

Found: deprived communities, we are now facing a crisis in our construction industry and extreme levels of homelessness

Early Day Motion
Anya Easey Sherlock, Centrepoint UK award winner (4 Signatures)
17 Oct 2024
Tabled by: Liz Saville Roberts (Plaid Cymru - Dwyfor Meirionnydd)
That this House warmly congratulates 18 year-old Anya Easey Sherlock from Gwynedd on winning the Centrepoint UK Partner Award 2024 at the British Museum, London; notes that Centrepoint is the UK's leading youth homelessness charity, supporting almost 14,000 young people every year and campaigns to end youth homelessness; acknowledges that …
Written Question
Homelessness: Departmental Coordination
Thursday 17th October 2024

Asked by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)

Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:

To ask the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, if she will have discussions with the Minister for Women and Equalities on a role for a Women and Equalities Minister in the cross-government strategy to tackle homelessness.

Answered by Rushanara Ali - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Housing, Communities and Local Government)

We will consult and engage a wide range of stakeholders to develop our new cross-government strategy to make sure we put in place services that meet people’s needs. This includes discussions with the Secretary of State for Education who has responsibility for women and equalities to consider how we can ensure our strategy takes account of the needs of women.

The Government is taking action by setting up a dedicated Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG), bringing together ministers from across government, to develop a long-term strategy to put us back on track to ending homelessness.