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Arms Length Body Publication (Published)

Nov. 15 2023

Source Page: Virtual reality technologies for treating agoraphobia or agoraphobic avoidance: early value assessment
Publication Type: Guidance published
Document: Supporting documentation (PDF 1.81 MB) (webpage)

Found: Intervention Comparator (s) Outcomes Amelia Virtual Care Gelabert and Giner, 201812 NR Spain (Catalonia

Arms Length Body Publication (Published)

Nov. 15 2023

Source Page: Virtual reality technologies for treating agoraphobia or agoraphobic avoidance: early value assessment
Publication Type: Guidance published
Document: Assessment report (PDF 1.31 MB) (webpage)

Found: Intervention Comparator (s) Outcomes Amelia Virtual Care Gelabert and Giner, 201812 NR Spain (Catalonia

Arms Length Body Publication (Published)

Nov. 10 2023

Source Page: Virtual reality technologies for treating agoraphobia or agoraphobic avoidance: early value assessment
Publication Type: Draft guidance
Document: Supporting documentation (PDF 1.56 MB) (webpage)

Found: Intervention Comparator (s) Outcomes Amelia Virtual Care Gelabert and Giner, 201812 NR Spain (Catalonia

Scottish Parliament Debate - Committee
National Outcomes - Thu 09 Nov 2023

1: None Compared with Catalonia, though, I would say that the situation is very different. - Speech Link
2: None It is different for Catalonia and Madrid, which are bigger economies. - Speech Link
3: None audacious moves that basically failed, are very telling about what could be for the Basque Country, Catalonia - Speech Link
4: None The Catalan process has been detrimental to the international reputation of Catalonia, not, of course - Speech Link

Scottish Parliament Debate - Committee
Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 - Tue 31 Oct 2023

1: None In Spain, only the regions of Catalonia and the Balearics have a tourist tax, but it is an on-going topic - Speech Link
2: None Catalonia does the same, but a slightly different approach is taken in the Balearics; if the ship is - Speech Link

Scottish Government Publication (Research and analysis)
Environment and Forestry Directorate

Oct. 23 2023

Source Page: Low-level pollution - health impacts: evidence review
Document: Health Impacts Of Low Level Air Pollution - Review And Assessment Of Evidence (PDF)

Found: (2022) analysed and modelled data from 473 mother - child pairs within the ECLIPSES study in Catalonia

Scottish Parliamentary Research (SPICe)
Bile Cìs Luchd-tadhail (Alba) (Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill
Oct. 20 2023
View source webpage
Tha Bile Cìs Luchd-tadhail (Alba) (“am Bile”) ag amas air leigeil le ùghdarrasan ionadail cìs a thoirt a-steach, ma thogras iad, air àiteachan-fuirich thar oidhche anns na sgìrean aca. Tha am pàipear-ullachaidh seo ag innse nan adhbharan a tha reachdas ga thoirt a-steach, cùl-fhiosrachadh a’ Bhile agus na h-atharrachaidhean a tha am Bile a’ moladh. Chan eil e na

Found: Tha an leas-phàipear ri BRIA a' Bhile7a’ toirt cunntas air sgeamaichean ionann ann an Catalonia, Slobhinia

Select Committee
Liverpool John Moores University
IGR0004 - Intergovernmental relations: 25 years since the Scotland Act 1998

Written Evidence Oct. 17 2023

Inquiry: Intergovernmental relations: 25 years since the Scotland Act 1998
Inquiry Status: Closed
Committee: Scottish Affairs Committee (Department: Scotland Office)

Found: My forthcoming book, Territorial Politics in Catalonia and Scotland: Nations in Flux (Manchester University

Select Committee
University of Strathclyde
SSS0005 - Scotland's space sector

Written Evidence Oct. 17 2023

Inquiry: Scotland's space sector
Inquiry Status: Closed
Committee: Scottish Affairs Committee (Department: Scotland Office)

Found: is a ‘reserved’ matter, within Europe several sub-national governments, such as Basque Country and Catalonia

Scottish Parliament Debate - Committee
Pre-budget Scrutiny 2024-25 - Thu 05 Oct 2023

1: Brown, Keith (SNP - Clackmannanshire and Dunblane) However, the examples that they provided—from Canada, Korea, Quebec and Catalonia—are not really comparable - Speech Link