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Closed Petition closed 12th March 2018

Fund research into pediatric brain cancer & earlier access to experimental drugs - Final Signatures: 21,799

A classroom of innocent UK school children is dying every year to an incurable brain cancer called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), but globally over 200,000 children in the last 50 years have lost their lives to this death sentence of an illness. This needs to end & a cure needs to be found

The Government responsed to this petition on 4th October 2017 (View Full Response)
We have set up a Department of Health Task and Finish Working Group on Brain Tumour Research to discuss how we can address the need to increase the level and impact of research into brain tumours.
Closed Petition closed 13th March 2018

Reduce the age of Mandatory Mammograms to age 25-30 - Final Signatures: 29,167

I was diagnosed with breast cancer age 36, at 37 I was told it was terminal. I have a 7 year old daughter who has already lost her dad to heart disease.
Because of my age, I never dreamt I'd have breast cancer

The Government responsed to this petition on 26th September 2017 (View Full Response)
The Government is committed to helping detect, treat and reduce the number of lives lost to invasive breast cancer. Evidence for the effectiveness of screening women under 50 is limited.
Closed Petition closed 13th March 2018

Stop NHS England from removing herbal and homeopathic medicines - Final Signatures: 34,670

NHS England is consulting on recommendations to remove herbal and homeopathic medicines from GP prescribing. The medicines cost very little and have no suitable alternatives for many patients. Therefore we call on NHS England to continue to allow doctors to prescribe homeopathy and herbal medicine.

The Government responsed to this petition on 12th October 2017 (View Full Response)
It is for local NHS organisations to decide on the commissioning and funding of these healthcare treatments. NHS England’s consultation on low value prescription items includes homeopathic treatments
Closed Petition closed 15th March 2018

Layla's Law Vaccinate all UK children against Meningitis B strain (MenB). - Final Signatures: 12,080

Layla Rose Ermenekli, died of Meningitis B on the 4th Feb 17. Had Parliament made the Vaccination available to all children on 01 Sept 15 and not just new born babies, Layla Rose would be alive today. In addition the report into Layla's death shows medical professionals missed opportunities.

The Government responsed to this petition on 23rd October 2017 (View Full Response)
The UK became the first country to have a national publicly-funded infant MenB vaccination programme using the vaccine Bexsero®. Based on expert advice, it offers protection to those at highest risk.
Closed Petition closed 4th April 2018

Nurses to work without having to pay an annual registration £120 fee to the NMC - Final Signatures: 11,941

I'm asking the government to support nurses not having to pay an annual registration fee to the NMC which is very costly . Nurses should be able to register without having to pay any fees .

The Government responsed to this petition on 27th February 2018 (View Full Response)
The NMC, as an independent body, sets a registration fee at the level required to fund its regulatory activity including registration and revalidation, education and standards and fitness to practise.
Closed Petition closed 9th May 2018

Provide free flash glucose monitoring systems to type 1 diabetics on the NHS. - Final Signatures: 10,788

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease and cannot be cured. Sufferers need insulin daily via injections or a pump and have to do regular painful fingerprick blood tests. The flash system allows users to test glucose via a disc placed on the arm without puncturing skin every time, therefore no pain.

The Government responsed to this petition on 20th April 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government has no plans to provide flash glucose monitoring systems free of charge to all Type 1 diabetic NHS patients.
Closed Petition closed 8th May 2018

The Government must publish their consultation on social care by early 2018. - Final Signatures: 19,542

A chronic lack of funding means that over 1 million older and disabled people are going without the care they need, including help to get out of bed, wash and eat - without this basic help they cannot live a decent life.

The Government responsed to this petition on 24th November 2017 (View Full Response)
On 16 November 2017, the Government set out plans to publish a Green Paper by summer 2018 presenting its proposals to reform care and support for older people.
Closed Petition closed 23rd May 2018

Build a new A&E Hospital CENTRAL to St Albans, Watford and Dacorum. - Final Signatures: 10,566

We call on the NHS decision makers to instruct West Herts Hospital Trust (WHHT) to amend their Strategic Outline Case to include the most sensible, popular and cost-effective option of building a new A&E hospital in a more accessible and central location than Vicarage Road, Watford.

The Government responsed to this petition on 4th June 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government appreciates that there is local concern about the location for a new A&E hospital proposed by West Herts Hospital Trust. This is a matter for local determination.
Closed Petition closed 17th May 2018

Stop the privatisation of NHS services - Final Signatures: 238,769

We call for a ban on the outsourcing (privatisation) of NHS services, and stop the renewal of any outsourcing contracts already signed. Companies should not be profiteering from NHS contracts, when every pound of NHS budgets is desperately needed for more doctors and nurses, and to pay them more.

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 23rd April 2018

The Government responsed to this petition on 20th February 2018 (View Full Response)
The vast majority of NHS care has and will continue to be provided by public sector organisations. Patients should be able to access the best treatments based on quality of care not type of provider.
Closed Petition closed 27th April 2018

Make offering gay conversion therapy a criminal offence - Final Signatures: 13,239

Being gay is not an illness, yet to this day gay people are still offered 'therapies' to cure themselves. This often involves electroshock, starvation and prayer therapy. This dangerous practice is not yet illegal despite all major psychological bodies ruling it not only ineffective but also harmful

The Government responsed to this petition on 30th November 2017 (View Full Response)
The Government totally condemns any attempt to treat being gay, lesbian or bisexual as an illness. However, the Government does not believe creating a criminal offence is the right way forward.