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Closed Petition closed 18th April 2019

Provide prescription payment exemption for people with Sickle Cell Anaemia. - Final Signatures: 12,604

Sickle Cell Anaemia: genetically inherited haematological condition. Patients suffer acute chronic pain affecting the bones & joints caused by vaso-occlusion, ischaemic injury, high risk of infection & stroke. Stress, low temperature & physical activity are a few of the triggers of this condition.

The Government responsed to this petition on 22nd January 2019 (View Full Response)
There are no plans to review the list of medical exemptions from NHS prescription charges. However, extensive arrangements are already in place to ensure people can access affordable prescriptions.
Closed Petition closed 23rd April 2019

Increase funding for multi-disciplinary treatment centres for FND Patients. - Final Signatures: 10,876

Funding is needed to set up and increase service provision for multi-disciplinary treatment centres. Treatment requires specialist care with a team of neurologists, physiotherapists etc. which must be integrated to create an effective plan. Current options are limited & insufficient.

The Government responsed to this petition on 29th April 2019 (View Full Response)
The funding and planning of services for patients with FNDs is a local matter. Patients with FND should receive appropriate assessment and support with access to specialists as appropriate.
Closed Petition closed 4th April 2019

Organise a rescue plan to prevent the avoidable overnight closure of PRH’s A&E - Final Signatures: 32,661

The overnight closure of Princess Royal Hospital’s A&E is avoidable and a solution is there if those responsible higher up nationally choose to intervene.

Government and those at the top in the NHS have the power to resolve this and stop it happening.

The Government responsed to this petition on 23rd October 2018 (View Full Response)
The Trust with NHS support is making every effort to avoid overnight closure of Telford’s A&E, but has plans in place if it is unavoidable. This is a temporary measure, to safeguard patients’ safety.
Closed Petition closed 25th March 2019

Increase funding for dementia research to find effective treatments. - Final Signatures: 34,401

Alzheimer's Research UK calls on the government to put 1% of the total annual cost of dementia towards dementia research each year to urgently find an effective treatment. Dementia is the leading cause of death in the UK and without an effective treatment death rates will continue to rise.

The Government responsed to this petition on 25th October 2018 (View Full Response)
Dementia remains a key priority for the Government. We are on track to exceed the pledge to invest £300 million between 2015 and 2020 and continue to fund research for dementia treatments and cures.
Closed Petition closed 18th April 2019

Reject Remote Pharmacist Proposals. Keep Pharmacists Present for Patients. - Final Signatures: 10,423

Whilst a pharmacy is open it is a fundamental patient right that a qualified pharmacist is available on site at all times to consult in person, without the need for an appointment. Patient safety would be jeopardised if a pharmacist wasn't present in a pharmacy.

The Government responsed to this petition on 19th March 2019 (View Full Response)
The Government has no current proposals to remove the requirement that a pharmacist must supervise the sale or supply of Pharmacy or Prescription Only Medicines at or from a registered pharmacy.
Closed Petition closed 13th March 2019

Stop commercial reps from targeting new mothers on postnatal wards - Final Signatures: 14,002

As new parents, we believe it is wrong that some commercial representatives have unlimited access to enter secure NHS postnatal wards, drop in uninvited on new mothers just hours after they have given birth, and pressurise them to share their personal data in exchange for a pack of free samples.

The Government responsed to this petition on 25th October 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government expects NHS providers to have regard for the General Data Protection Regulations and to have procedures that ensure the privacy and dignity of mothers in maternity wards is respected.
Closed Petition closed 5th April 2019

Allow students to register at two GPs - Final Signatures: 29,060

Students are unable to access help as they are living in two locations whilst only registered to one GP. I tried to access help for my mental health (I was suicidal, anxious and self harming) whilst at home this summer but was refused as I was registered at the uni GP (100 miles away).

The Government responsed to this petition on 31st January 2019 (View Full Response)
GP practices must provide urgent and immediately necessary treatment, from 8am to 6.30pm, to anyone, regardless of whether they are registered at the practice.
Closed Petition closed 6th May 2019

Stop the detention of people with autism & learning disabilities in ATU’s - Final Signatures: 45,010

Too many people with Autism and learning disabilities are detained in Assessment and Treatment Units (ATUs), some end up being put in seclusion units, this needs to stop.

The Government responsed to this petition on 30th November 2018 (View Full Response)
We agree that people with autism and learning disabilities should not be inappropriately detained in mental health hospitals. The CQC will review the use of long-term segregation and seclusion
Closed Petition closed 2nd May 2019

Increase funding to Children's Mental Health services - Final Signatures: 15,791

NHS children and adolescent mental health services (CAMHs) are so poorly funded that young people are often left to suicide before they get the help they need. CAMHs are having to turn away children with complex psychological conditions. No child should be told they are not ill enough to get help.

The Government responsed to this petition on 5th March 2019 (View Full Response)
Mental health funding will grow by at least £2.3bn a year by 2023/24, with funding for children and young people’s mental health growing faster than overall NHS funding.
Closed Petition closed 16th May 2019

NHS supply new lifesaving drugs for Cystic Fibrosis like 11 other EU countries - Final Signatures: 108,144

Children & young adults with CF endure lifelong suffering & early death. They need Orkambi and other precision medicines as they are developed. Sufferers in the EU, US & Australia can access the drugs, but not the UK. Hundreds have died in the 3yrs since these drugs were licensed.

Debate: This petition was debated in Westminster Hall on 10th June 2019

The Government responsed to this petition on 7th December 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government urges Vertex Pharmaceuticals to fully re-engage with the NICE appraisal process and to accept the offer the NHS made in July.