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Closed Petition closed 21st September 2018

Reduce the age of Breast Screening to 25-30 - Final Signatures: 28,935

I was diagnosed with breast cancer age 36, at 37 I was told it was terminal. I have a 8 year old daughter who has already lost her dad to heart disease. Because of my age, I never dreamt I'd have breast cancer
Cancer does not discriminate!
Help our kids get diagnosed quicker to prevent early death

The Government responsed to this petition on 15th May 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government is committed to helping detect, treat and reduce the number of lives lost to invasive breast cancer. Evidence for the effectiveness of screening women under 50 is limited.
Closed Petition closed 4th October 2018

Make anti-GD2 treatment available on the NHS - Final Signatures: 30,387

Neuroblastoma is an aggressive cancer which mainly affects children under the age of 5.

Anti GD2 therapy is standard in the US but is not available on the NHS. Around 60% of patients relapse with current NHS treatment options compared to 10% of patients after anti GD2 treatment.

The Government responsed to this petition on 7th June 2018 (View Full Response)
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is developing guidance for the NHS on dinutuximab beta, an anti GD2 therapy, for high-risk neuroblastoma and recently consulted on draft guidance.
Closed Petition closed 4th December 2018

Scrap car parking charges at NHS Hospitals in England - Final Signatures: 29,771

Hospital car parking charges affect the vulnerable, visitors of ill relatives and hardworking NHS staff. The fees are a major cause of social injustice.

Join the campaign to get this stealth tax scrapped, once and for all.

The Government responsed to this petition on 27th June 2018 (View Full Response)
Hospitals’ car parking policies must put patients first, but removing charges would mean losing over £200m from patient care budgets, and result in fewer spaces being available for genuine users.
Closed Petition closed 12th January 2019

We want our Government to follow the lead of Australia & ban commercial sunbeds - Final Signatures: 15,368

Skin cancer rates continue to soar in the UK, melanoma kills 6 people every day. Sunbed users have an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

The Government responsed to this petition on 13th November 2018 (View Full Response)
The Department of Health and Social Care takes the risks to health of ultraviolet radiation seriously, including exposure through use of sunbeds.
Closed Petition closed 31st January 2019

For all Suicides by Veterans to be recorded as Veterans by all UK Coroners - Final Signatures: 16,740

At the moment Coroners in the UK do not have to keep records of suicides by Veterans even though several Coroners back the calls for such data to be kept in a readily accessible format therefore we don't know if the rates given within studies are higher or lower than civialian suicides.

The Government responsed to this petition on 30th October 2018 (View Full Response)
The Government recognises the potential to use personal information about victims of suicide to improve understanding of “at risk” groups and, from that, to facilitate better targeted interventions.
Closed Petition closed 18th November 2018

Increase funding & testing of pulmonary fibrosis & idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - Final Signatures: 10,932

Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition in which the lung tissue becomes thickened, stiff & scarred over a period of time. The lungs lose their ability to transfer oxygen into the bloodstream. As a result, the brain and other organs don’t get the oxygen they need.

The Government responsed to this petition on 24th October 2018 (View Full Response)
Reducing deaths from lung disease is a key NHS priority. NHS England funds specialist services for pulmonary fibrosis and is developing a new long-term plan to improve respiratory care.
Closed Petition closed 26th January 2019

We want a world class radiotherapy service accessible for all cancer patients. - Final Signatures: 10,610

We want the best radiotherapy treatment for cancer as close to home as possible. 1 in 2 of us will at some point develop cancer, meaning 1 in 4 of us need radiotherapy at some point in our lifetime. More investment is critical; despite the need, radiotherapy only receives 5% of the UK cancer budget.

The Government responsed to this petition on 25th February 2019 (View Full Response)
NHS England committed £130 million to upgrade or replace radiotherapy machines in England and will use its capital settlement, to be negotiated in 2019 Spending Review, in part to replace equipment.
Closed Petition closed 30th January 2019

Fund life saving Immunotherapy for lung cancer patients to more than 2 years - Final Signatures: 10,263

Currently Pembrolizumab (immunotherapy) is only an option for 24 months if you have lung cancer. If you have Melanoma it is given until it either stops working or the side effects become too much, no time limit.

The Government responsed to this petition on 5th February 2019 (View Full Response)
It is a key Government priority that you and other patients have access to effective cancer treatments. Pembrolizumab is available to NHS patients with lung cancer in line with NICE’s guidance.
Closed Petition closed 3rd March 2019

Free Parking for all NHS Staff at Hospitals in England - Final Signatures: 25,857

At hospitals in England, NHS staff have to pay for their parking. To be charged to spend your day dedicated to helping others is unjust.

Staff can get permits to reduce the parking prices but they are only valid in the staff car park where there are not enough spaces for all of the staff to park.

The Government responsed to this petition on 13th November 2018 (View Full Response)
Upkeep and management of car parks in NHS Trusts in England is funded through parking fees; not patient care budgets. Any additional revenue goes to patient services. Staff often receive reduced fees.
Closed Petition closed 24th March 2019

Hold a public inquiry into the decision to incentivise diesel cars & its effects - Final Signatures: 10,292

In 2001 the government decided to link car tax (VED) to CO2 emissions. In 2002 company car tax also became emissions-based. People were encouraged by such incentives to buy diesel cars, yet owners of even relatively new diesels now face draconian extra taxes, parking surcharges, even effective bans.

The Government responsed to this petition on 4th March 2019 (View Full Response)
The design of vehicle taxes helps the UK meet its CO2 targets. On air quality, diesel supplements incentivise bringing forward new cleaner technology rather than penalising drivers who can’t upgrade.