Renationalise the NHS, scrap integrated care systems, and end PFI contracts Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Renationalise the NHS, scrap integrated care systems, and end PFI contracts

Information between 9th January 2022 - 5th October 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Future of the NHS
75 speeches (14,447 words)
Monday 31st January 2022 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Kim Johnson (LAB - Liverpool, Riverside) the NHS hangs in the balance, and the petition is entirely correct in calling on the Government to renationalise - Link to Speech
2: Edward Argar (CON - Charnwood) Members today, calls for the Government to renationalise the NHS. - Link to Speech
3: Edward Argar (CON - Charnwood) The petition calls for the Government to “scrap integrated care systems”, but to do so would be to let - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Friday 2nd September 2022
Formal Minutes - Formal Minutes 2021-22: List of closed petitions

Petitions Committee

Found: animal welfare to the national curriculum  from EYFS 91 Renationalise

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
Written Evidence - Positive Money
LBC0158 - Life beyond COVID

Life beyond COVID - COVID-19 Committee

Found: Renationalise the NHS, railways, energy etc.DerekDaisleyOur obsession with economic and population growth.ChristinaIsherwoodLess

Early Day Motions
Tuesday 25th October

NHS and privatisation

32 signatures (Most recent: 28 Apr 2023)
Tabled by: Kate Osborne (Labour - Jarrow and Gateshead East)
That this House believes that privatisation of the NHS has failed, it has led to a crisis in the NHS with higher waiting lists, decisions made on cost not health needs, has led to billions of pounds being taken by private profit making companies at the expense of services; further …

Rebecca Long Bailey (Independent - Salford) - @RLong_Bailey
1 Feb 2022, 2:08 p.m.

Yesterday I spoke in support of a parliamentary petition calling on the Govt to renationalise the NHS, scrap Integrated Care Systems, end PFI and scrap the Health and Care Bill, which will reduce our rights to access healthcare and allow privatisation of our NHS. #ScrapNHSBill

Link to Original Tweet
Jon Trickett (Labour - Normanton and Hemsworth) - @jon_trickett
18 Jan 2022, 12:48 p.m.

Today we learn the Tories want to copy the “Academy Chain” school model for the NHS. The purpose is clear. Academy chain bosses rake in £300,000+ in salaries. This is about creating more fat cats & cronies. Renationalise the NHS.

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