Racism Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Racism

Information between 2nd September 2024 - 12th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Planning Policy: Traveller Sites
33 speeches (11,009 words)
Wednesday 11th September 2024 - Westminster Hall
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Olivia Blake (Lab - Sheffield Hallam) To put it bluntly, the location of many sites today is a consequence of anti-Traveller racism. - Link to Speech

Anti-Muslim Prejudice and Hate Crime
20 speeches (1,538 words)
Monday 9th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Baroness Blower (Lab - Life peer) schools are places where all ignorance and prejudice-based behaviour are challenged, and where anti-racism—in - Link to Speech

Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill [HL]
27 speeches (11,990 words)
2nd reading
Friday 6th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Baroness Uddin (Non-affiliated - Life peer) Many women are grief-stricken, in their own words, due to systemic racism and failures which profoundly - Link to Speech
2: Baroness Merron (Lab - Life peer) asked for urgent advice on immediate action to tackle inequalities for women and for babies, addressing racism - Link to Speech

Online Safety Legislation: Abuse on Social Media
24 speeches (1,487 words)
Thursday 5th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department for Business and Trade
1: Baroness Ritchie of Downpatrick (Lab - Life peer) assessment they have made of the ability of current online safety legislation to regulate abuse, including racism - Link to Speech
2: Baroness Jones of Whitchurch (Lab - Life peer) the Act, stirring up hatred is a priority offence, requiring providers to proactively combat illegal racism - Link to Speech

Holocaust Memorial Bill
104 speeches (40,406 words)
2nd readingSecond Reading
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Lord Austin of Dudley (Non-affiliated - Life peer) all nationalities to Westminster and central London—of what can happen when politics is poisoned by racism - Link to Speech
2: Baroness Pinnock (LD - Life peer) we are to tackle not only anti-Semitism but, as the noble Lord, Lord Cameron, said, discrimination, racism - Link to Speech
3: Lord Khan of Burnley (Lab - Life peer) democratic institutions to murderous consequences, and it will challenge us to stand up and combat racism - Link to Speech
4: Baroness Deech (XB - Life peer) Introspection does not get us anywhere where anti-Semitism or other forms of racism are concerned. - Link to Speech

Social Disorder
22 speeches (1,524 words)
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Baroness Scott of Bybrook (Con - Life peer) What steps will the new Government take to improve social cohesion and tackle racism wherever it raises - Link to Speech

Oral Answers to Questions
127 speeches (10,586 words)
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Scotland Office
1: Gavin Robinson (DUP - Belfast East) for his officers who not only stand for law and order in Northern Ireland, but stand in the face of racism - Link to Speech

Violent Disorder
19 speeches (5,630 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Home Office
1: None They were thuggery, racism and crime. - Link to Speech
2: Lord Sharpe of Epsom (Con - Life peer) I am sorry to say that the far left is in large part responsible for the most enduring form of racism - Link to Speech

Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill
98 speeches (33,389 words)
Committee of the whole House
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Transport
1: None I will work alongside anyone who wants to eradicate racism and bind our cosmopolitan communities together - Link to Speech
2: Julia Buckley (Lab - Shrewsbury) Friend the Member for Sheffield Central (Abtisam Mohamed) and her moving story of her family overcoming racism - Link to Speech

Violent Disorder
68 speeches (9,754 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Home Office
1: Yvette Cooper (Lab - Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley) They were thuggery, racism and crime. - Link to Speech
2: Alistair Carmichael (LD - Orkney and Shetland) The Home Secretary is correct to call out the disorder we have seen for what it is: thuggery, racism - Link to Speech
3: Dawn Butler (Lab - Brent East) It is also important that we talk not only about thuggery and racism, but about Islamophobia. - Link to Speech
4: Yvette Cooper (Lab - Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley) That should never happen in our country, which is why we do have to challenge racism and extremism wherever - Link to Speech

Technology in Public Services
94 speeches (23,848 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology
1: Layla Moran (LD - Oxford West and Abingdon) algorithm to help sort visa applications after it was claimed that the algorithm contained entrenched racism - Link to Speech

Oral Answers to Questions
170 speeches (10,610 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Angela Rayner (Lab - Ashton-under-Lyne) Division and decline, combined with rising Islamophobia and racism, contributed to the vile scenes of - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Thursday 5th September 2024
Written Evidence - Care Quality Commission
PRT0085 - Preterm Birth

Preterm Birth - Preterm Birth Committee

Found: To summarise, Women from Black and minority ethnic groups experience racism in several different

Thursday 5th September 2024
Oral Evidence - Department of Health and Social Care, Department of Health and Social Care, and Department of Health and Social Care

Preterm Birth - Preterm Birth Committee

Found: When I say “conditions”, I have been shocked to hear about the amount of racism that staff experience

Written Answers
Radicalism: Scotland
Asked by: Blair McDougall (Labour - East Renfrewshire)
Wednesday 4th September 2024

Question to the Scotland Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland, what steps he is taking with the Secretary of State for the Home Department to help tackle far-right extremism in Scotland.

Answered by Kirsty McNeill - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Scotland Office)

The past weeks have been frightening for many of our communities in Scotland, in particular for Muslims. I will never forget hearing from a young woman who has asked to work from home indefinitely because she is so afraid to be in a city centre, in Scotland, in 2024, wearing the hijab. That is intolerable and cannot - and will not - be accepted.

So I do not share the complacency of some that Scotland has no issues around racism and Islamophobia to address.

The UK Government and Scotland Office are determined to play our part in defeating hate. I am grateful to the civil society and voluntary organisations throughout our communities whose efforts are so vital in supporting that endeavour, and to Police Scotland for their work in keeping us safe.

While I am confident that the true values of this country are best reflected by millions of decent, law abiding people who cherish our neighbours and will not be divided, we must acknowledge that mosques, synagogues and other buildings used by a range of faith communities in Scotland have had to take advantage of Home Office funding for security. Their need to do so shames us all and we will not rest until those responsible for violent disorder are brought to justice and everyone, of every faith and background, feels equally safe.

This government will continue to promote unity and solidarity across the diverse communities that so enrich life in Scotland and the United Kingdom and bring to justice all those engaged in thuggery and violent disorder.

Department Publications - Policy paper
Thursday 12th September 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: United Kingdom’s response to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ List of Issues Report
Document: (PDF)

Found: and encourages employers through guidance, case studies and advice to address racial inequality and racism

Thursday 12th September 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: United Kingdom’s response to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ List of Issues Report
Document: (PDF)

Found: 2015 - 2025, provides a framework for Government departments to tackle racial inequalities, eradicate racism

Monday 9th September 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: A Thematic Inspection on The Quality of Services Delivered to Young Adults in Probation.
Document: The Quality of Services Delivered to Young Adults in Probation. (PDF)

Found: One manager told us: “There is a lack of confidence in people asking questions about racism and discrimination

Department Publications - Research
Thursday 12th September 2024
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Independent investigation of the NHS in England
Document: (PDF)

Found: www.mind.org.uk/about -us/our -strategy/becoming -a-truly -anti -racist - organisation/facts -and -figures -about- racism

Department Publications - News and Communications
Saturday 7th September 2024
Northern Ireland Office
Source Page: Secretary of State: A new chapter in the UK-Ireland relationship
Document: Secretary of State: A new chapter in the UK-Ireland relationship (webpage)

Found: for it and we must stand resolutely against senseless violence, intimidation and - let’s be blunt - racism

Department Publications - Statistics
Thursday 5th September 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: Process evaluation of the Newham Y2A Hub
Document: (PDF)

Found: intersectional approach points to the highly racialised nature of poverty and criminalisation: i nstitutional racism

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Sep. 12 2024
Government Equalities Office
Source Page: Equality and Human Rights Commission: annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Engagement with other bodies and organisations We hosted visits from the European Commission on Racism

Sep. 10 2024
NHS Blood and Transplant
Source Page: NHS Blood and Transplant annual report and accounts: 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Forward Together people and culture programme, which includes further action on developing an anti-racism

Sep. 10 2024
NHS Blood and Transplant
Source Page: NHS Blood and Transplant annual report and accounts: 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Forward Together people and culture programme, which includes further action on developing an anti-racism

Sep. 10 2024
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited
Source Page: HS2 Ltd Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2023 – 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Understanding others, recognising their value and behaving accordingly.We have zero tolerance toward racism

Sep. 10 2024
HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Source Page: HM Chief Inspector of Prisons annual report: 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: using physical force inappropriately against prisoners, and staff and prisoners reported witnessing racism

Sep. 10 2024
HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Source Page: HM Chief Inspector of Prisons annual report: 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: using physical force inappropriately against prisoners, and staff and prisoners reported witnessing racism

Non-Departmental Publications - Policy paper
Sep. 09 2024
HM Prison and Probation Service
Source Page: A Thematic Inspection on The Quality of Services Delivered to Young Adults in Probation.
Document: The Quality of Services Delivered to Young Adults in Probation. (PDF)
Policy paper

Found: One manager told us: “There is a lack of confidence in people asking questions about racism and discrimination

Non-Departmental Publications - News and Communications
Sep. 04 2024
Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration
Source Page: IAGCI invites tenders to evaluate Home Office country information on Vietnam, India, and Turkey
Document: Country policy and information note: Kurds, Turkey, October 2023 (PDF)
News and Communications

Found: establishing a State order in any way based on these concepts or opinions (Article 78), regionalism or racism

Racism mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Tuesday 24th September 2024
Population Health Directorate
Source Page: Scottish Health Survey: content review outcomes report
Document: Scottish Health Survey - content review outcomes report (PDF)

Found: from others that would enhance the available data on these topics: • Sleep • Social media • Racism

Thursday 12th September 2024
Learning Directorate
Source Page: School uniform and clothing: Guidance for schools and education authorities
Document: School uniform and clothing in Scotland: Guidance for schools and education authorities (PDF)

Found: groups with respect to uniform and clothing policy, and to consider how a whole-school approach to anti-racism

Wednesday 11th September 2024
Learning Directorate
Source Page: Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 28 February 2024
Document: Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 28 February 2024 (webpage)

Found: Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 28 February 2024

Wednesday 11th September 2024
Health Workforce Directorate
Source Page: NHS Scotland Pride Badge initiative: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202400424571 - Information released - Annex A - C (PDF)

Found: Executive of NHS Scotland and Director General for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government, said : “Racism

Monday 9th September 2024
Lifelong Learning and Skills Directorate
Source Page: Calculation criteria and definitions in relation to Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA): FOI Review
Document: FOI 202300384538 - Information released - Document (PDF)

Found: This framework sets out the Scottish Government’s approach to promoting race equality and tackling racism

Monday 9th September 2024
Chief Operating Officer, NHS Scotland Directorate
Source Page: Communications regarding cancer strategy: FOI Review
Document: FOI 202300373742 - Information Released - Annex B (PDF)

Found: access, experience and outcomes for individuals and groups experiencing socio -economic inequalities, racism

Friday 6th September 2024

Source Page: Anti-racism: Cabinet Secretary's statement
Document: Anti-racism: Cabinet Secretary's statement (webpage)

Found: Anti-racism: Cabinet Secretary's statement

Thursday 5th September 2024
Mental Health Directorate
Source Page: Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA): Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan
Document: Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA): Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy (PDF)

Found: This includes marginalised groups who experience discrimination, racism or exclusion (social, political

Thursday 5th September 2024
Mental Health Directorate
Source Page: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan
Document: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan (PDF)

Found: up to date messaging within existing training and relevant information on equality including anti -racism

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Source Page: Draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 (SNAP3) 2024-29 - consultation analysis
Document: Draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 (SNAP3) 2024-29: Consultation analysis (PDF)

Found: changes, or for those people who are an ethnic minority, there will be a huge wealth gap from decades of racism

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Learning Directorate
Source Page: Violence in schools, teacher numbers and international student costs: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400416498 - Information released - Annex (PDF)

Found: review; , the Curriculum Improvement Cycle, the Additional Support for Learning Action Plan; the Anti -Racism

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Performance, Delivery and Resilience Directorate
Source Page: Programme for Government 2024-25: Serving Scotland
Document: Programme for Government 2024-25: Serving Scotland (PDF)

Found: lWorking with partners across the public and third sectors to embed anti‑racism and advance the Race

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Learning Directorate
Source Page: Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 1 February 2024
Document: Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 1 February 2024 (webpage)

Found: Anti-Racism in Education Programme Board minutes: 1 February 2024

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Population Health Directorate
Source Page: Preventative and Proactive Care Programme Board: 18 March 2024
Document: Preventative and Proactive Care Programme Board: 18 March 2024 (webpage)

Found: Rishma Maini) as it may be helpful to the work being done around racialised health inequality and anti-racism

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Culture and Major Events Directorate
Source Page: Correspondence regarding Creative Scotland funding and Aye Write festival: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400412099 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: Museums should ensure anti -racism is embedded in their workplaces and public spaces. 3.

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Safer Communities Directorate
Source Page: Pro-Palestine marches in Scotland correspondence: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400419294 - Information released - Annex (PDF)

Found: (1)(b)] • [redacted – out of scope] • Some pro -Palestinian groups have been joining in anti -racism

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Local Government and Housing Directorate
Source Page: Correspondence on Homelessness and President of Iceland's Scotland Visit: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400413604 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: Our team’s focus is on strategic anti -racism and developing anti -racism infrastructure.

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
People Directorate
Source Page: Scottish Government organisational chart and workforce information: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400420599 - Information Released - Attachment (Excel)


Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Constitution Directorate
Source Page: Media appearances, education and lifelong learning in an independent Scotland, Independence and Gaelic Minister posts: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400414637 - Information Released - Annex B, C and D (PDF)

Found: As part of our wider Anti-Racism in Education Programme ambitions, we have further supported this work

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Source Page: Community cohesion: First Minister's statement
Document: Community cohesion: First Minister's statement (webpage)

Found: from having legitimate concerns, those indulging in these mindless acts were doing so from a place of racism

Scottish Written Answers
Asked by: Kerr, Stephen (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - Central Scotland)
Monday 9th September 2024


To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-21297 by Emma Roddick on 25 September 2023, which of the recommendations that were made by the expert group to "measure, track and evaluate progress made in eradicating racism in Scotland' it has followed.

Answered by Stewart, Kaukab - Minister for Equalities

The Scottish Government is determined to play our part in eradicating racism, inequality and injustice – and in building a better, fairer world.

On the recommendation of the Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group to Develop National Anti-Racism Infrastructure (AIGG), a public procurement process has commenced to identify a host organisation for the Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland (AROS). The tender process closed on the 2nd September and tenders are currently being evaluated. The contract award is scheduled to take place at the end of October and the contract will commence in January 2025.

AROS will support the development of a detailed workplan to track and measure progress being made with the Scottish Government’s antiracism commitments, including relevant Key Performance Indicators. Working in partnership with partners, including third sector organisations and communities, AROS will develop robust governance and accountability mechanisms to ensure effective oversight of the workplan and strategic objectives that will drive anti-racism change.

Scottish Parliamentary Debates
Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1
52 speeches (42,104 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Committee
1: Adam, Karen (SNP - Banffshire and Buchan Coast) Equalities, who joins us with Government officials Amanda Gordon, who is the strategic lead on anti-racism - Link to Speech

Community Cohesion
28 speeches (33,842 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Main Chamber
1: Swinney, John (SNP - Perthshire North) legitimate concerns, those who were indulging in those mindless acts were doing so from a place of racism - Link to Speech
2: Findlay, Russell (Con - West Scotland) We all have a duty to stand up to bigotry and racism in all its forms, and it is important to recognise - Link to Speech
3: Kidd, Bill (SNP - Glasgow Anniesland) Stand Up to Racism Scotland has planned a family-friendly and safely stewarded mass event with support - Link to Speech