Personal Independence Payment Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Personal Independence Payment

Information between 15th September 2024 - 5th October 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Written Answers
Social Security Benefits: Disability
Asked by: Baroness Buscombe (Conservative - Life peer)
Tuesday 17th September 2024

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask His Majesty's Government what percentage of residents of Ceredigion in Wales are currently in receipt of disability benefits.

Answered by Baroness Sherlock - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Work and Pensions)

The table below shows the number of claimants in February 2024 who are on the different disability benefits, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance, including the Child element (DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA).









This information can be found on the published datasets on Stat-Xplore - Log in (

The latest available population estimates published by the Office of National Statistics on Population estimates - local authority based by single year of age - Nomis - Official Census and Labour Market Statistics ( show that the estimated population of Ceredigion in April 2023 is 73,050.

This means that 12% of the residents of Ceredigion in Wales were claiming disability benefits in February 2024.

Personal Independence Payment
Asked by: Katie White (Labour - Leeds North West)
Monday 16th September 2024

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, what steps her Department is taking to reduce the length of time to undertake a PIP review.

Answered by Stephen Timms - Minister of State (Department for Work and Pensions)

We continue to prioritise new claims to PIP to ensure claims are put into payment as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this means many customers are waiting longer than expected for their review to be undertaken.

We have been actively recruiting additional Case Managers to meet increased demand for PIP, which means we are now in a position to begin to deploy additional resource onto award reviews. This will increase the number of review cases we can complete ‘in house’.

We have just moved to a new contract for the delivery of health assessments and our new suppliers will be taking steps to ensure they have sufficient capacity to deliver the required volume of assessments. However, this may take time and there is an extensive training period for new Healthcare Professionals to ensure quality standards are maintained.

We have introduced processes to increase efficiency and move cases through the system more quickly:

  • Where sufficient evidence/information is available, Case Managers can make decisions on reviews, avoiding the need for a functional assessment, which means many customers receive a decision faster.
  • Healthcare Professionals now complete most assessments by telephone, which means the vast majority of customers who need an assessment do not need to attend a face-to-face appointment at an Assessment Centre.
  • We’ve introduced a change for customers with the most severe conditions, on the highest level of support, who now receive an ongoing PIP award which is only subject to a light touch review every 10 years. .

For customers waiting for a review, we keep them regularly updated using SMS text messages. We also ensure all PIP customers awaiting a review remain in payment, extending awards for up to 12 months where necessary, notifying customers in writing to allay concerns.

Personal Independence Payment: Aldershot
Asked by: Alex Baker (Labour - Aldershot)
Monday 16th September 2024

Question to the Department for Work and Pensions:

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, how many and what proportion of claimants for Personal Independence Payments were (a) initially turned down and (b) successful on appeal in Aldershot constituency in the latest period for which data is available.

Answered by Stephen Timms - Minister of State (Department for Work and Pensions)

In Aldershot in the Financial Year 2022/23, 450 people who had registered to claim PIP were disallowed after assessment, this is 51% of all initial decisions. Of these, 40 claims were subsequently awarded PIP following an appeal, this is 5% of all initial decisions in the Financial Year 2022/23.


  • Figures are rounded to the nearest 10.
  • Percentages have been rounded to the nearest percent.
  • This data is unpublished data. It should be used with caution and it may be subject to future revision.
  • These figures include appeal outcomes up to March 2024, the latest date for which published data is available. Note that more appeals could be made and completed after March 2024, so numbers may change as it can take some time for an appeal to be lodged and then cleared after the initial decision.
  • Figure provided for the number of applicants first awarded PIP at appeal stage include claims that were awarded via a lapsed appeal after a disallowed initial decision and no change to award at MR.

o A lapsed appeal is where DWP changed the decision in the customer’s favour after an appeal was lodged but before it was heard at a tribunal hearing.

Department Publications - Statistics
Thursday 3rd October 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: Tribunals statistics quarterly: April to June 2024
Document: (ODS)

Found: SSCS_1 3 Personal Independence Payment (New Claim Appeals) which replaces Disability Living Allowance

Thursday 3rd October 2024
Ministry of Justice
Source Page: Tribunals statistics quarterly: April to June 2024
Document: (ODS)

Found: They may relate to another benefit. 3) Personal Independence Payment (New Claim Appeals) which replaces

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Health Transformation Programme management information to July 2024
Document: Health Transformation Programme management information to July 2024 (webpage)

Found: Details Management information on volumes of referrals for Health Transformation Area assessments and Personal

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024
Document: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024 (webpage)

Found: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024
Document: (ODS)

Found: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024
Document: (Excel)

Found: Personal Independence Payment statistics to July 2024

Department Publications - Transparency
Friday 20th September 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: OSCAR II – publishing data from the database: September 2024
Document: (ODS)


Personal Independence Payment mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Thursday 26th September 2024

Source Page: Fiscal framework outturn report: 2024
Document: Fiscal Framework Outturn Report (PDF)

Found: 648† 737 768 781 797 827 Net effect on Budget -11† -18 -57 -80 -100 -91 Adult Disability Payment Personal

Tuesday 24th September 2024
Population Health Directorate
Source Page: Economic inactivity in Scotland: supporting those with longer-term health conditions and disabilities to remain economically active
Document: Economic inactivity in Scotland: supporting those with longer-term health conditions and disabilities to remain economically active (PDF)

Found: work for all workers, but particularly improving job security for disabled workers, reforming th e Personal

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice Directorate
Source Page: Research to inform the evaluation of the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme in the context of the devolved disability benefits
Document: Research to inform the evaluation of the Accessible Vehicles and Equipment Scheme in the context of the devolved disability benefits (PDF)

Found: Scotland, ADP and CDP replaced benefits that you may have received from DWP in the past including Personal

Tuesday 17th September 2024
Tackling Child Poverty and Social Justice Directorate
Source Page: Social Security Experience Panels: Legacy report
Document: Social Security Experience Panels - Legacy report (PDF)

Found: Payment 2020 Research on Cold Spell Winter Fuel Payment Client Panels established Research on Personal

Scottish Parliamentary Debates
Social Security (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 2
108 speeches (97,008 words)
Thursday 26th September 2024 - Committee
1: Balfour, Jeremy (Con - Lothian) said at the start of the meeting, as I did at the start of our previous one, that I am in receipt of personal - Link to Speech

5 speeches (684 words)
Thursday 19th September 2024 - Committee
1: Balfour, Jeremy (Con - Lothian) Just for the avoidance of doubt, I remind members that I am in receipt of a higher rate of personal independence - Link to Speech