Maternity Services Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Maternity Services

Information between 3rd September 2024 - 13th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Wednesday 9th October 2024 2:30 p.m.
Max Wilkinson (Liberal Democrat - Cheltenham)

Westminster Hall debate - Westminster Hall
Subject: Maternity services in Gloucestershire
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Parliamentary Debates
Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill [HL]
27 speeches (11,990 words)
2nd reading
Friday 6th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Baroness Merron (Lab - Life peer) urgent advice on immediate action to tackle inequalities for women and for babies, addressing racism in maternity - Link to Speech

Vaginal Mesh Implants: Compensation
19 speeches (8,026 words)
Thursday 5th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Baroness Merron (Lab - Life peer) The noble Baroness, Lady Wyld, also raised the point on maternity services, which, as she will be well - Link to Speech

Budget Responsibility Bill
92 speeches (23,910 words)
Committee of the whole House
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
HM Treasury
1: Will Forster (LD - Woking) I was born in Frimley Park hospital, one of the nearby hospitals we depend on, as Woking lacks maternity - Link to Speech

Preventable Baby Loss
34 speeches (13,143 words)
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Andy MacNae (Lab - Rossendale and Darwen) services meet nationally agreed standards and guidelines. - Link to Speech
2: Caroline Johnson (Con - Sleaford and North Hykeham) services in East Kent. - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Thursday 5th September 2024
Written Evidence - Care Quality Commission
PRT0085 - Preterm Birth

Preterm Birth - Preterm Birth Committee

Found: on all pre-term birth services, these services do form part of our overall approach to assessing maternity

Thursday 5th September 2024
Oral Evidence - Department of Health and Social Care, Department of Health and Social Care, and Department of Health and Social Care

Preterm Birth - Preterm Birth Committee

Found: our NHS colleagues on the steps that they have taken about the three-year delivery plan to improve maternity

Thursday 5th September 2024
Oral Evidence - NHS England, and NHS England

Preterm Birth - Preterm Birth Committee

Found: I work at University College London and I am the National Clinical Director for Maternity Services.

Written Answers
Maternity Services: Standards
Asked by: Melanie Ward (Labour - Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy)
Wednesday 11th September 2024

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether NHS hospitals are required to record the number of occasions on which instrumental delivery of a baby creates lasting health problems for the mother.

Answered by Karin Smyth - Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)

The Department recognises the significant physical and psychological consequences of birth trauma and the devastating impact this has on women. The Government remains fully committed to improving the quality and consistency of care for women throughout pregnancy, birth, and the critical months that follow. National Health Service trusts in England submit data through the Maternity Services Data Set from the booking appointment through to discharge from maternity services, which is usually approximately 10 days after birth. This includes data on instrumental delivery complications including post-partum haemorrhage and severe perineal tears but, due to the time period covered by the data, does not capture lasting health problems arising from birth.

Perinatal Mortality: Aldershot
Asked by: Alex Baker (Labour - Aldershot)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what recent assessment he has made of trends in rates of perinatal mortality in Aldershot constituency.

Answered by Karin Smyth - Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)

While no specific assessment has been made of the trends in rates of perinatal mortality in the Aldershot constituency, NHS England does collect some data on perinatal mortality through the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS), although this is not collected for individual National Health Service trusts in England. Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries across the UK (MBRRACE) is the gold standard for mortality data, and produces the national perinatal mortality figures. MBRRACE uses the data collected in the MSDS and combines it with other data sources to build an accurate picture of perinatal mortality in England.

The MBRRACE Perinatal Mortality tool allows you to view trends for trusts and health boards which can be compared against other trusts in the region, and is available at the following link:

Maternity Services: Asylum
Asked by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, if he will make an assessment of the adequacy of the provision of maternity services to asylum seekers; and if he will take steps to help ensure that asylum seekers understand how to access emergency maternity health care.

Answered by Karin Smyth - Minister of State (Department of Health and Social Care)

The Home Office manages all asylum processes, which includes supporting people to access the services they need. Women seeking asylum are asked at several stages of their asylum application whether they may be pregnant by Home Office case workers, who will identify the necessary support and relevant accommodation to meet their needs. Pregnant women seeking asylum are generally accommodated in community settings and, as such, have access to the same local health and care services as other resident women.

Under the umbrella of the National Asylum Seekers’ Health Oversight Group, NHS England and the Home Office co-chairs a working group focused on maternal health and aimed at improving the access, experience, and outcomes of women seeking asylum during pregnancy and after birth. For example, the group has produced the Escalation Route Agreement for healthcare professionals to communicate any concerns directly to Home Office case workers in relation to accommodation moves in the later stages of pregnancy or the perinatal period.

Department Publications - Research
Thursday 12th September 2024
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Independent investigation of the NHS in England
Document: (PDF)

Found: conversation needs to be had on skills, staffing mix, clinical models, leadership and culture in maternity

Thursday 12th September 2024
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Independent investigation of the NHS in England
Document: (PDF)

Found: NHS Maternity Services Monthly Statistics.

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Sep. 12 2024
Government Equalities Office
Source Page: Equality and Human Rights Commission: annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: use of AI in health and social care yrace discrimination in NHS employment yracial disparities in maternity

Non-Departmental Publications - Statistics
Sep. 12 2024
NHS England
Source Page: Q4 (1 Jan to 31 Mar 2024) ANNB and YPA screening KPI data
Document: (ODS)

Found: note 5 ST2 We do not recommend that ST2 is used to compare performance between maternity services as

Maternity Services mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Parliamentary Debates
Portfolio Question Time
102 speeches (54,597 words)
Wednesday 11th September 2024 - Main Chamber
1: Minto, Jenni (SNP - Argyll and Bute) hospital and I have been gathering evidence from people across the health boards and the neonatal and maternity - Link to Speech