Jet Zero Council Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Jet Zero Council

Information between 7th November 2023 - 12th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
31 speeches (9,483 words)
Monday 9th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Transport
1: Greg Smith (Con - Mid Buckinghamshire) We have significant players in this space in the UK, such as Zero Petroleum, which sits on the jet zero - Link to Speech

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Mandate
1 speech (1,108 words)
Thursday 25th April 2024 - Written Statements
Department for Transport
1: Mark Harper (Con - Forest of Dean) consultation sets out four options that have been developed alongside stakeholders, through forums such as the Jet - Link to Speech

Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations (Amendment) Order 2024
9 speeches (2,757 words)
Tuesday 26th March 2024 - Grand Committee
Department for Transport
1: None Through the Jet Zero Council, we are working with the SAF industry to consider what other measures could - Link to Speech

Battery and Hydrogen-powered Aircraft
23 speeches (1,324 words)
Thursday 30th November 2023 - Lords Chamber
Department for Transport
1: Lord Davies of Gower (Con - Life peer) transformational aircraft technology and will continue to collaborate closely to drive progress through the Jet - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 29th May 2024
Report - Seventh Report - Net zero and UK shipping

Environmental Audit Committee

Found: Morgan , Director of Flight Operations, easyJet Q294–336 Wednesday 18 May 2022 Emma Gilthorpe , CEO, Jet

Wednesday 3rd April 2024
Special Report - Sixth Special Report - Net zero and the UK aviation sector: Government Response to the Committee’s Third Report

Environmental Audit Committee

Found: As part of the Jet Zero Council, the Government has set up a Non-CO2 Task and Finish Group, which brings

Thursday 21st December 2023
Report - 3rd Report - Net zero and the UK aviation sector

Environmental Audit Committee

Found: effect; • the pathway to commercialisation for zero carbon aviation fuels; the role of the Government’s Jet

Written Answers
Aviation: Hydrogen
Asked by: Lord Taylor of Warwick (Non-affiliated - Life peer)
Tuesday 2nd April 2024

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the role of hydrogen technology in reducing aviation carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, and what steps they are taking to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen-powered aircraft.

Answered by Lord Davies of Gower - Shadow Secretary of State for Wales

The Government’s Jet Zero Strategy, published in July 2022, set out our approach to achieving net zero UK aviation by 2050 through multiple different measures. The use of hydrogen is considered in the Zero Emission Flight chapter of the Strategy.

The Strategy anticipates that hydrogen will be first deployed in short haul aviation with recognised uncertainty on the potential for and timing of its scaling up for use in long haul. As with all measures in the Jet Zero Strategy the Government keeps the evidence base under regular review and any changes will be reflected in future updates to the Strategy.

Between 2013 and 2030, industry and government will invest over £5 billion to develop transformational aircraft technology through the Aerospace Technology Institute Programme. This includes co-investment in industry led projects to develop hydrogen aircraft in the UK.

In 2022 a Delivery Group of the government and industry forum the Jet Zero Council was established to accelerate the adoption of zero emission flight.

Regional Airports: Infrastructure
Asked by: Scott Benton (Independent - Blackpool South)
Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what support he is providing to regional airports for the costs of installing infrastructure to allow a transition to green fuel sources.

Answered by Anthony Browne

As a predominately private sector investment in infrastructure is a matter for individual airports. The Government is however supporting R&D activity to enable the sector to prepare for the adoption of new zero emission aviation fuels such as hydrogen.

As part of the Tees-Valley Transport Hydrogen Hub DfT is supporting the establishment of re-fuelling stations at Teesside International Airport which can be used by hydrogen airside vehicles.

In October 2023 DfT launched a Transport Research and Innovation Grant competition. Through this we are offering funding for up to 10 projects which can facilitate the development of infrastructure for zero emission airport operations and the handling of zero emission aircraft. The competition has closed and applications are currently being assessed.

In addition, the Jet Zero Council has a dedicated sub-group on Zero Emission Flight Infrastructure. This group convenes representatives of government, industry and academia with an interest in developing zero emission flight in the UK.

Aviation: Hydrogen
Asked by: Henry Smith (Conservative - Crawley)
Friday 17th November 2023

Question to the Department for Business and Trade:

To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, what steps her Department is taking to engage with tier 2 suppliers developing new hydrogen technology for the aviation sector.

Answered by Nusrat Ghani

The Department for Business and Trade is investing £685m through the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) Programme to co-fund the development of zero-carbon and ultra-efficient aircraft technology and cross-cutting enablers. This includes collaborative R&D projects to develop new hydrogen technologies.

We are funding the ATI’s Hydrogen Capability Network Phase 0 project to explore the operating model for open access facilities to accelerate the development of liquid hydrogen aircraft technologies and capabilities.

As part of the Jet Zero Council, a Zero Emission Flight Delivery Group is advising on how government and industry can work together to accelerate the adoption of zero emission flight.

Aviation: Hydrogen
Asked by: Henry Smith (Conservative - Crawley)
Thursday 16th November 2023

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, with reference to the Aerospace Technology Institute Fly Zero project, what assessment his Department has made of the implications for its policies of the use of hydrogen in long haul aviation.

Answered by Anthony Browne

The conclusions made by the FlyZero project were used to inform the Government’s Jet Zero Strategy, which was published in July 2022, and sets out the Government’s approach to achieving net zero 2050 for UK aviation. The use of hydrogen is considered in the Zero Emission Flight chapter of the Strategy.

The Strategy anticipates that hydrogen will be first deployed in short haul aviation with recognised uncertainty on the potential for and timing of its scaling up for use in long haul. As with all measures in the Jet Zero Strategy the Government keeps the evidence base under regular review and any changes will be reflected in future updates to the Strategy.

Building on the recommendations of the FlyZero project, the Government, through the Department for Business and Trade, are funding the initial phase of a Hydrogen Capability Network. This project aims to define the operating model for open-access facilities designed to accelerate the development of liquid hydrogen aircraft technologies, capabilities, and skills in the UK.

The Government continues its work with industry and academia through the Jet Zero Council to drive the delivery of new technologies and innovative ways to cut aviation emissions. In 2022 a Delivery Group of the Council was established on Zero Emission Flight, which considers the use of hydrogen in meeting net zero aviation by 2050.

Aviation: Hydrogen
Asked by: Henry Smith (Conservative - Crawley)
Thursday 16th November 2023

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what recent discussions he has had with the Civil Aviation Authority on the processes it has in place for the licensing of hydrogen in aviation (a) testing and (b) programmes.

Answered by Anthony Browne

The Government works closely with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the UK’s independent aviation regulator.

Baroness Vere met with new CAA CEO Rob Bishton on 26 October and discussions included the CAA’s approach to regulating innovative technologies that will support decarbonisation of the sector.

The CAA are active participants in the Jet Zero Council, the forum that brings together Government, industry and academia to drive the delivery of new technologies and innovative ways to cut aviation emissions and co-chaired by the Secretaries of State for Transport, Business and Trade and Energy Security and Net Zero. The CAA attended the ninth Jet Zero Council, held on 8 November, and also chair a Regulatory Sub-Group within the Zero Emission Flight Delivery Group of the Council.

The CAA is supporting the testing of hydrogen in aviation by a range of UK organisations. As one example ZeroAvia, with CAA permissions, are currently test flying an aircraft using hydrogen fuel-cell propulsion in Gloucestershire.

The CAA have also established a Hydrogen Regulatory Challenge which will run for 18 months from October 2023 supported by funding from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology’s Regulatory Pioneers Fund.

Aviation: Carbon Emissions
Asked by: Henry Smith (Conservative - Crawley)
Thursday 16th November 2023

Question to the Department for Transport:

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what plans his Department has to support UK SMEs developing innovative decarbonisation technologies in the aviation sector other than through the Aerospace Technology Institute.

Answered by Anthony Browne

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is responsible for aerospace manufacturing, however the Department for Transport (DfT) is supporting UK SMEs to develop technology for use at airports to support the decarbonisation of the aviation sector.

In October, DfT announced the latest round of Transport Research and Innovation Grant (TRIG) funding which includes £450,000 for up to 10 projects that either facilitate the development of airport ground infrastructure for zero emission aircraft or support airport operations in their transition to zero emission. TRIG is open to UK registered SMEs, large companies and universities.

The Government also works with industry and academia through the Jet Zero Council, co-chaired by the Secretaries of State for Transport, Business and Trade and Energy Security and Net Zero, to drive the delivery of new technologies and innovative ways to cut aviation emissions.

Department Publications - Transparency
Thursday 29th August 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: DfT: ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, January to March 2024
Document: (webpage)

Found: modernisation, decarbonisation and skills Anthony Browne 28/02/2024 BALPA To discuss safety, skills and the Jet

Department Publications - News and Communications
Thursday 25th April 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: Aviation fuel plan
Document: Aviation fuel plan (webpage)

Found: consultation sets out 4 options that have been developed alongside stakeholders, through forums such as the Jet

Thursday 25th April 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: Aviation fuel plan supports growth of British aviation sector
Document: Aviation fuel plan supports growth of British aviation sector (webpage)

Found: Luis Gallego, CEO of IAG, said: We will continue to support the work of the Jet Zero Council to deliver

Department Publications - Consultations
Thursday 25th April 2024
Department for Transport
Source Page: Sustainable aviation fuels revenue certainty mechanism: revenue certainty options
Document: Sustainable aviation fuels revenue certainty mechanism: revenue certainty options to support a sustainable aviation fuel industry in the UK (PDF)

Found: There will be opportunities to discuss views on the content of this document, thr ough Jet Zero Council

Department Publications - Research
Tuesday 5th December 2023
Department for Transport
Source Page: Advanced air mobility evidence review
Document: Advanced air mobility evidence review (PDF)

Found: Jet Zero Council keeps up momentum with £3 million government funding for zero emission flight infrastructure

Department Publications - Policy paper
Tuesday 14th November 2023
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
Source Page: UK Net Zero Research and Innovation Framework: Delivery Plan 2022 to 2025
Document: UK Net Zero Research and Innovation Framework: Delivery Plan 2022 to 2025 (PDF)

Found: The Jet Zero Council, established in July 2020, plays a key role in ensuring the strategy is delivered