Israel Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Israel

Information between 3rd September 2024 - 13th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Thursday 5th September 2024
Lord Bellingham (Conservative - Life peer)

Oral questions - Main Chamber
Subject: Restrictions on arms sales to Israel
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Parliamentary Debates
Oral Answers to Questions
139 speeches (9,312 words)
Wednesday 11th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Wales Office
1: Brendan O'Hara (SNP - Argyll, Bute and South Lochaber) It is beyond dispute that Israel has used F-35s to do exactly that, yet this Government have chosen to - Link to Speech

Sanctions: Syria
17 speeches (4,962 words)
Monday 9th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
1: Richard Foord (LD - Honiton and Sidmouth) The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has suggested that the strikes, allegedly carried out by Israel - Link to Speech

Israel: Arms Sales
20 speeches (1,410 words)
Thursday 5th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
1: Lord Bellingham (Con - Life peer) what representations they have received following their announcement to restrict certain arms sales to Israel - Link to Speech
2: Baroness Chapman of Darlington (Lab - Life peer) expected and as is understandable, the range of reactions to our suspension of some export licences to Israel - Link to Speech
3: Lord Bellingham (Con - Life peer) Also, what does it say to Israel, a democratic ally, which is basically being accused by us of being - Link to Speech
4: Baroness Chapman of Darlington (Lab - Life peer) This is not an embargo on sales of arms to Israel. - Link to Speech
5: Lord Turnberg (Lab - Life peer) My Lords, I am sure that the decision to reduce arms supplies to Israel will offer great encouragement - Link to Speech

25 speeches (1,456 words)
Thursday 5th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
1: Lord Hamilton of Epsom (Con - Life peer) Forsyth, the Government have risked the wrath of the United States by restricting sales of arms to Israel - Link to Speech

Holocaust Memorial Bill
104 speeches (40,406 words)
2nd readingSecond Reading
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Lord Howarth of Newport (Lab - Life peer) In London and across the world, there is passionate feeling about the Israel-Palestine conflict. - Link to Speech
2: Lord Verdirame (Non-affiliated - Life peer) The reason why so many of our Jewish friends and colleagues consider certain criticisms of Israel as - Link to Speech
3: Lord Robathan (Con - Life peer) I think Israel is facing an existential threat. - Link to Speech
4: Lord Tugendhat (Con - Life peer) She said that the memorial will become,“a focus for anti-Israel and antisemitic protest”.For as long - Link to Speech

Oral Answers to Questions
127 speeches (10,586 words)
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Scotland Office
1: Rishi Sunak (Con - Richmond and Northallerton) to another important issue, the Government have suspended 30 of the UK’s 350 arms export licences to Israel - Link to Speech
2: Rishi Sunak (Con - Richmond and Northallerton) Will he take this opportunity to reassure Israel and the Jewish community that the United Kingdom and - Link to Speech
3: Keir Starmer (Lab - Holborn and St Pancras) I have made that repeatedly clear in all my engagements with Israel, across the region and with all our - Link to Speech

Covid-19 Inquiry
47 speeches (34,032 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Baroness Chakrabarti (Lab - Life peer) During Covid, Israel issued a compulsory licence to secure supplies of early drugs thought to be active - Link to Speech

Middle East Update
29 speeches (3,347 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
1: None Throughout my life, I have been a friend of Israel: a liberal, progressive Zionist who believes in Israel - Link to Speech
2: Baroness Northover (LD - Life peer) It is impossible to argue that Israel is doing that”. - Link to Speech
3: Lord Deben (Con - Life peer) It is also important to remind Israel that international law defines the boundaries of Israel and that - Link to Speech
4: Baroness Chapman of Darlington (Lab - Life peer) to supporting Israel in defending itself. - Link to Speech
5: Baroness Chapman of Darlington (Lab - Life peer) This is not about punishing Israel. - Link to Speech

Violent Disorder
19 speeches (5,630 words)
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Lords Chamber
Home Office
1: Lord Sharpe of Epsom (Con - Life peer) back to my previous question, there was clear evidence of anti-Semitism on our streets in relation to Israel - Link to Speech

Middle East Update
61 speeches (9,430 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Commons Chamber
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
1: David Lammy (Lab - Tottenham) That continues to be our mission on every front: in Israel, in the west bank, in Lebanon, in the Red - Link to Speech
2: Emily Thornberry (Lab - Islington South and Finsbury) Friend reiterate the very important point that this is not an arms embargo on Israel? - Link to Speech
3: Laura Kyrke-Smith (Lab - Aylesbury) I welcome the Foreign Secretary’s decision to suspend certain arms sales to Israel. - Link to Speech
4: David Lammy (Lab - Tottenham) The issues boil down to the security of Israel once we get to that ceasefire. - Link to Speech
5: Apsana Begum (Ind - Poplar and Limehouse) That is still less than 10% of the total number of arms export licences to Israel. - Link to Speech

Exports to Israel: Military Operations in Gaza
1 speech (696 words)
Monday 2nd September 2024 - Written Statements
Department for Business and Trade
1: Jonathan Reynolds (LAB - Stalybridge and Hyde) The UK Government have been absolutely clear that Israel must, in taking military action to support - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 10th September 2024
Written Evidence - Dubai International Financial Centre Authority
DAT0022 - UK-EU data adequacy

UK-EU data adequacy - European Affairs Committee

Found: Some of them are valuable business partners, such as the US, South Korea, Israel, Australia and

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Written Evidence - Market Research Society
DAT0016 - UK-EU data adequacy

UK-EU data adequacy - European Affairs Committee

Found: sub-legislative levels into legislation to enhance legal certainty (e.g., Argentina, Canada and Israel

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Written Evidence - Conservative European Forum
DAT0018 - UK-EU data adequacy

UK-EU data adequacy - European Affairs Committee

Found: countries, including Andorra, Argentina (only commercial organisations), the Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Israel

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Written Evidence - Potter Clarkson
ENB0055 - Engineering biology

Engineering biology - Science and Technology Committee

Found: CANADA 130 175 187 4% 2% ITALY 101 148 181 7% 5% DENMARK 127 185 179 4% -1% BELGIUM 116 186 178 5% -1% ISRAEL

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Written Evidence - Good Food Institute Europe
ENB0005 - Engineering biology

Engineering biology - Science and Technology Committee

Found: Israel, Singapore and the United States have approved cultivated meat and precision fermentation

Written Answers
Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Paula Barker (Labour - Liverpool Wavertree)
Friday 13th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the potential implications for his policies of recent Israeli military activity in the West Bank.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK is concerned by the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) ongoing military operation in the occupied West Bank and attacks by Palestinian militants. We recognise Israel's need to defend itself against security threats, but we are worried by the methods Israel has employed and by reports of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The risk of instability is serious and the need for de-escalation urgent. As our statement on 30 August made clear, we continue to call on the Israeli authorities to exercise restraint, adhere to international law, and clamp down on the actions of those who seek to inflame tensions.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Ben Lake (Plaid Cymru - Ceredigion Preseli)
Friday 13th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what representations he has made to his Israeli counterpart on violence against Palestinian civilians.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

We are clear that International Humanitarian Law and the rules-based order must be upheld, and civilians protected. From the Prime Minister down, we have repeatedly urged Israel to improve aid access, minimise civilian casualties and engage seriously with negotiations for a ceasefire deal.

Given the grave concerns about the conduct and consequences of the war in Gaza for civilians, on day one in office, the Foreign Secretary commissioned a thorough review into Israel's compliance with International Humanitarian Law. The review concluded that there is a clear risk that some items might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) as part of Israel's military operations in Gaza, and - in line with domestic legislation - suspended these exports. The Foreign Secretary set out this decision to the House on 2 September. The Foreign Secretary spoke with Israeli Foreign Minister Katz on 2 September, and on 3 September spoke with Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely, to discuss the UK's review of export licenses.

The Government will continue to use every diplomatic lever to bring about a ceasefire. It is clear that a ceasefire would not only protect civilians in Gaza, but also pave the way for wider de-escalation and bring much needed stability for the Middle East.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Laura Kyrke-Smith (Labour - Aylesbury)
Friday 13th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will raise the case of Alice Kisiya with his Israeli counterpart; and what diplomatic steps he is taking to help protect land rights of Palestinians.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK's position is clear. Settlements are illegal under international law, present an obstacle to peace, and threaten the physical viability of a two-state solution. We recognise settlements have reached record levels in the past year and have been accompanied by an increase in settler violence. We urge Israel to take greater action to hold violent settlers to account. During his visit in July, the Foreign Secretary met Palestinians displaced in the West Bank. He was horrified to hear of acts of violence carried out by settlers. The UK has sanctioned eight people and two entities responsible for perpetrating, inciting, and promoting human rights abuses against Palestinian communities in the West Bank. While we do not comment on specific cases, we keep all these issues under review, and we discuss them with our closest allies. The Foreign Secretary was clear with PM Netanyahu on his visit to Israel and the OPTs (July 2024) that the Israeli government must clamp down on settler violence and end settlement expansion.

West Bank: Violence
Asked by: Laura Kyrke-Smith (Labour - Aylesbury)
Friday 13th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the potential implications for his policies of the reported (a) use of violence and (b) detention of Palestinian land owners in the West Bank by Israeli (i) settlers and (ii) soldiers.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK's position is clear. Settlements are illegal under international law, present an obstacle to peace, and threaten the physical viability of a two-state solution. We recognise settlements have reached record levels in the past year and there has been an increase in settler violence. We urge Israel to take greater action to hold violent settlers to account. The UK strongly condemns settler violence and provocative remarks such as those made by Israel's National Security Minister Ben-Gvir which threaten the status quo of the Holy Sites in Jerusalem. The UK has sanctioned eight people and two entities responsible for perpetrating, inciting, and promoting human rights abuses against Palestinian communities in the West Bank. We keep all these issues under review and we discuss them with our closest allies.

Israeli Settlements
Asked by: Laura Kyrke-Smith (Labour - Aylesbury)
Friday 13th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the potential implications for his Department’s policies of the increase in Israeli settlement expansion and the depopulation of Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK's position is clear. Settlements are illegal under international law, present an obstacle to peace, and threaten the physical viability of a two-state solution. We recognise settlements have reached record levels in the past year and there has been an increase in settler violence. We urge Israel to take greater action to hold violent settlers to account. During his visit in July, the Foreign Secretary met Palestinians displaced in the West Bank. He was horrified to hear of acts of violence carried out by settlers. The Israeli Government has seized more of the West Bank in 2024 than in the past 20 years. This is completely unacceptable. The UK strongly condemns settler violence and provocative remarks such as those made by Israel's National Security Minister Ben-Gvir, which threaten the status quo of the Holy Sites in Jerusalem. The UK has sanctioned eight people and two entities responsible for perpetrating, inciting, and promoting human rights abuses against Palestinian communities in the West Bank. We keep all these issues under review, and we discuss them with our closest allies.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Calvin Bailey (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what recent representations he has made to his Israeli counterpart on compliance with (a) the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and (b) other provisions of international law by the Israeli authorities in the treatment of Palestinian detainees in Israeli custody.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Government is concerned by credible claims of mistreatment of detainees, which the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) cannot investigate, having been denied access to places of detention.  The treatment of detainees was a factor taken into account in our decision on arms export licences, as set out in the summary of the international humanitarian law (IHL) process, decision and the factors taken into account [].

The Foreign Secretary made an Oral Statement to update the House on this decision on 2 September. The Foreign Secretary has repeatedly called for Israel to allow the ICRC access to detainees in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The UK unequivocally condemns all violations and abuses, including sexual violence and violence against children, and calls for all reports to be fully investigated to ensure justice for victims and survivors. The arrest and detention of children should follow due process, in line with international juvenile justice standards.

Western Sahara: Politics and Government
Asked by: Andrew Murrison (Conservative - South West Wiltshire)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the potential merits of supporting Morocco’s autonomy plan for Western Sahara, in line with the amended diplomatic positions of (a) France, (b) the US, (c) Israel and (d) Spain.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

Successive UK Governments have regarded the status of Western Sahara as undetermined. The UK supports UN-led efforts to reach a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, based on compromise. The UK continues to support UN-led efforts and, in particular, the work of Staffan de Mistura as Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara. Officials regularly discuss Western Sahara with international partners, including the UN, Morocco, and Algeria; we continue to encourage constructive engagement with the political process.

Israel: Arms Trade
Asked by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, with reference to his oral statement of 2 September 2024 on Middle East Update, Official Report, column 37, if he will hold discussions with counterparts in other countries involved in the F-35 global supply chain on the potential merits of collectively withholding export licenses for F-35s to Israel.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

Our licencing decisions are based on our own processes. At the present time exports to the F-35 Programme will be excluded from this suspension, except where the exports would go direct to Israel, for the reasons set out in the Foreign Secretary's statement on 2 September.

Gaza: Israel
Asked by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, with reference to his oral statement entitled Middle East Update of 2 September 2024, Official Report, column 37, what information his Department holds on whether Israeli F-35 jets have been used to commit violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK's robust export licensing criteria states that the government will not issue export licences if the items might be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of International Humanitarian Law. On this basis, we have suspended certain export licences for items that could be used in the current conflict in Gaza. The UK is the only producer and supplier of certain critical components of the F-35, including a global pool of spare parts used to sustain and repair aircraft in service. Any suspension to Israel alone is not possible without undermining the programme overall, which would have serious implications for international peace and security.

Israel: Arms Trade
Asked by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, with reference to his oral contribution of 2 September 2024 on Middle East, Official Report, column 37, what discussions he had with his counterpart in the US Government prior to his decision not to suspend export licences for F-35 fighter jet components.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Foreign Secretary regularly speaks to his US counterpart about a wide range of issues. Our licencing decisions are based on our own processes and are not led by the decisions of others.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Calvin Bailey (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what recent representations he has made to his Israeli counterpart on (a) escalating violence, (b) compliance with international humanitarian law by Israeli forces and (c) accountability for recent settler violence in the occupied West Bank.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

We continue to call on Israeli authorities to exercise restraint, adhere to international law, and clamp down on the actions of those who seek to inflame tensions. The Government is deeply concerned by the ongoing IDF military operation in the occupied West Bank and the attacks from Palestinian militants. It is in no one's interest for further conflict and instability to spread in the West Bank.

The UK strongly condemns settler violence and provocative remarks such as those made by Israel's National Security Minister Ben-Gvir, which threaten the status quo of the Holy Sites in Jerusalem. The Foreign Secretary was clear with PM Netanyahu on his visit to Israel and the OPTs in July that the Israeli government must clamp down on settler violence and end settlement expansion. The UK has sanctioned eight people responsible for perpetrating and inciting human rights abuses against Palestinian communities in the West Bank, and two entities. We keep all these issues under review and continue to discuss them with our closest allies.

Gaza: Humanitarian Aid
Asked by: Calvin Bailey (Labour - Leyton and Wanstead)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what recent assessment he has made of the implications for his policies of changes in the level of (a) humanitarian access, (b) protection of humanitarian facilities and personnel and (c) accountability in relation to violence against humanitarian facilities and personnel in Gaza since 5 July 2024; and what recent representations he has made to his Israeli counterpart on those issues.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

As set out in the Foreign Secretary's statement to the House on 2 September, it is the assessment of this Government that Israel could reasonably do more to ensure that life-saving food and medical supplies reach civilians in Gaza. I raised this concern with Israeli Ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovely during our meeting on 24 July, making clear that significantly more aid needed to be delivered for Israel to fulfil its commitment to 'flood' Gaza with aid.

We continue to press Israel for safe distribution of aid and an improved deconfliction mechanism to keep humanitarian operations safe from military operations. We have been clear that if Israel's personnel are responsible for incidents, they should be held accountable. All parties must abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law. This was raised by the Foreign Secretary in his visit to Israel on 16 August.

Israel: Arms Trade
Asked by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, with reference to his oral statement entitled Middle East Update of 2 September 2024, Official Report, column 37, what assessment he has made of whether equipment relating to licenses that have not been suspended could be used in Gaza.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK assesses export licences against the Strategic Export Licensing Criteria (SELC), which state that a licence will not be granted for an item if the Government determines there is a clear risk that it might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law. The export licences that were suspended by the government on 2 September effectively cover all arms exports for use in the current conflict in Gaza, except for those components for F-35 aircraft which, for reasons outlined in the Foreign Secretary's Statement and the Business and Trade Secretary's Written Ministerial Statement, have been excluded from the suspension.

Arms Trade: Israel
Asked by: Lord Leigh of Hurley (Conservative - Life peer)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Department for Business and Trade:

To ask His Majesty's Government how many licences for arms export to Israel were granted in (1) July, and (2) August; and how those numbers compare to the number granted in the first half of 2024.

Answered by Baroness Jones of Whitchurch - Baroness in Waiting (HM Household) (Whip)

The UK operates one of the most transparent export licensing systems in the world. We publish quarterly and annual statistics on all our export licensing decisions, including information on export licences granted, refused and revoked. On 11 June 2024, we published an ad hoc data release on export licensing relating to Israel. That ad hoc release was done due to the exceptional circumstances and the Parliamentary and public interest at the time. Since then, in June 2024, the Government released Official Statistics covering all licensing decisions from July to December 2023. Official Statistics for July and August 2024 have not yet been published. Information covering January to July 2024 are planned to be released by November 2024.

F-35 Aircraft: Israel
Asked by: Andy McDonald (Labour - Middlesbrough and Thornaby East)
Thursday 12th September 2024

Question to the Department for Business and Trade:

To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, with reference to the Written Statement of 2 September 2024, HCWS64, whether he has had discussions with his counterparts in other countries in the F-35 global supply chain on the potential merits of suspending indirect exports of F35s to Israel.

Answered by Douglas Alexander - Minister of State (Department for Business and Trade)

The F-35 programme is the largest international collaborative defence programme in the world. The UK cannot make changes to the F-35 programme unilaterally – any change requires agreement across all Partner Nations. Regular discussions with programme partners on the operation of the programme are ongoing.

Trade Agreements
Asked by: John Hayes (Conservative - South Holland and The Deepings)
Wednesday 11th September 2024

Question to the Department for Business and Trade:

To ask the Secretary of State for Business and Trade, what trade deals his Department is (a) negotiating and (b) not currently negotiating.

Answered by Douglas Alexander - Minister of State (Department for Business and Trade)

We are resuming delivery of the UK’s programme negotiating new and updated FTAs, starting with the Gulf Co-operation Council, India, Israel, Republic of Korea, Switzerland, and Turkey. This is the extent of the current bilateral FTA programme. The Secretary of State has written to these international partners, and we expect the first discussions in the resumed programme to start this Autumn. We are also committed to ensuring UK businesses can take full advantage of CPTPP when it enters into force in December.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Fabian Hamilton (Labour - Leeds North East)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will take steps to help ensure that civil society organisations working on peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine are integrated into a future diplomatic resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The death and destruction in Gaza is intolerable. The UK is pushing for an immediate ceasefire. The fighting must stop, the hostages must be released and much, much more aid must enter Gaza. A deal is on the table, and we are urging both sides to show flexibility. The Civil Society organisations we work with are valuable partners of the government, and we welcome the opportunity to continue to work with them closely.

Palestinians: Fire and Rescue Services
Asked by: Stephen Gethins (Scottish National Party - Arbroath and Broughty Ferry)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will hold discussions with his counterpart in Israel on the fire engine donated to Palestinian firefighters in Nablus that has been held by the port authorities in Ashdod since 21 July 2024.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK continues to call on Israel to increase humanitarian and commercial access into the Palestinian territories by ensuring all aid crossings are fully operational, including the port of Ashdod. During his recent trip to Israel, the Foreign Secretary met with Israeli Officials and raised the urgent need for a rapid increase of aid for those most in need. Officials will raise the matter of this donation directly with the Israeli authorities at the earliest opportunity.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Kate Osamor (Labour (Co-op) - Edmonton and Winchmore Hill)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the potential implications for his policies of Save the Children's press notice entitled Physical abuse, infectious disease spreading as conditions for Palestinian children in Israeli military detention deteriorate, published on 22 July 2024.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

We engage regularly with Save the Children and received this report directly from the organisation. Save the Children is part of the BOND Occupied Palestinian Territories working group, and regularly raises the impact of the conflict on children. The most effective means of addressing these concerns is through UK funding to humanitarian partner organisations, and our advocacy work.

Gaza: Humanitarian Aid
Asked by: Alex Easton (Independent - North Down)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what steps he is taking to help increase levels of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

As set out in the Foreign Secretary's statement on 2 September, it is the assessment of this Government that Israel could reasonably do more to ensure that lifesaving food and medical supplies reach civilians in Gaza, in the light of the appalling humanitarian situation. The Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary continue to press Israeli leaders to deliver on their promise to "flood" Gaza with aid, including in two Foreign Secretary visits to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The Prime Minister has spoken to PM Netanyahu and PM Mustafa.

The UK trebled its aid commitment to the OPTs in the last financial year and this Government will maintain significant funding this financial year to support trusted aid agencies on the ground. This includes £5.5 million to UK-MED, £6 million for UNICEF, and £21 million new UK funding to UNRWA, which will also support lifesaving work in Gaza.

Gaza: Aid Workers
Asked by: Blair McDougall (Labour - East Renfrewshire)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what diplomatic steps he is taking to help ensure the safety of humanitarian workers delivering aid in Gaza.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK Government remains concerned about the security of humanitarian workers in Gaza and continues to raise this issue internationally - including at the UK-led session at the UN Security Council on 29 August. Over 280 aid workers have been killed in Gaza, more than in every other conflict globally combined this year. We continue to press Israel for safe distribution of aid and an improved deconfliction mechanism to keep humanitarian operations safe from military operations. This was also raised by the Foreign Secretary in his visit to Israel on 16 August.

Hamas: UNRWA
Asked by: Ben Obese-Jecty (Conservative - Huntingdon)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, whether he was made aware that nine staff of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) may have been involved in the attack on Israel of 7 October 2023 (a) during his discussion with UN Secretary-General Guterres and (b) prior to his decision to reinstate funding to UNRWA.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

In January, the UK paused funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) following allegations that 19 staff were involved in the 7 October Hamas attack.

Catherine Colonna conducted an independent review that found the existing UNRWA framework was "robust", but neutrality issues persisted. UNRWA committed to implementing all recommendations. The Foreign Secretary was subsequently reassured that UNRWA is committed to the highest standards of neutrality. The Foreign Secretary called the UN Secretary-General on 18 July to discuss funding to UNRWA. He then announced resumption of funding to UNRWA on 19 July. The UN's Office of Internal Services Oversight (OIOS) led an investigation into the specific allegations against individual staff members. On 5 August, OIOS findings concluded that nine members of UNRWA may have been involved in the atrocities. We welcome UNRWA's action to terminate the contracts of these individuals.

Israel: Security
Asked by: Andrew Rosindell (Conservative - Romford)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what discussions he has had with his Israeli counterpart on the security situation in Israel.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Foreign Secretary has visited Israel and discussed the security situation with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Katz. We continue to urge Israeli and other regional actors to engage with the US-led discussions to reach a political settlement and resolve tensions diplomatically. A widening of the conflict is in nobody's interest. The Government is working in lockstep with our allies to de-escalate tensions and urge all parties to end the destructive cycle of retaliatory violence.

Israel: Security
Asked by: Andrew Rosindell (Conservative - Romford)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Ministry of Defence:

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what discussions he has had with his Israeli counterpart on the security situation in Israel.

Answered by Luke Pollard - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Ministry of Defence)

The Secretary of State for Defence has regular discussions with his Israeli counterpart regarding the security situation in Israel.

Gaza: Children
Asked by: Kate Osamor (Labour (Co-op) - Edmonton and Winchmore Hill)
Monday 9th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the potential implications for his policies of Save the Children's press notice entitled Gaza's missing children: Over 20,000 children estimated to be lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble or in mass graves, published on 24 June 2024.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Government is deeply concerned by the devastating impact of the conflict on children in Gaza. The Foreign Secretary has publicly condemned the tragic loss of civilian life since this war began and has made clear that all parties must comply with International Humanitarian Law. On 2 September, the Foreign Secretary noted in his Statement on the Middle East that Israel could reasonably do much more to ensure life-saving food and medical supplies reach civilians in Gaza.

Israel must respect the rights and vulnerabilities of children and the critical infrastructure that serves their basic needs. On 7 August, during her visit to the region, the Minister of State for Development announced £6 million in funding for UNICEF to support vulnerable families in Gaza with lifesaving water, healthcare and specialist treatment for malnourished children. On 4 September I signed an agreement with Kuwait to deliver £4.5 million of joint support via UNICEF into Gaza and Yemen.

Gaza: Water
Asked by: Ellie Chowns (Green Party - North Herefordshire)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, whether his Department plans to examine alleged instances of damage to (a) water, (b) sanitation and (c) Hygiene infrastructure in Gaza when commissioning future legal advice on arms sales to Israel.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Foreign Secretary has committed to keeping our position on suspension of around 30 export licenses to Israel for use in Gaza, over International Humanitarian Law (IHL) concerns under review. The UK assesses export licences against the Strategic Export Licensing Criteria (SELC), which state that a licence will not be granted for an item if the Government determines there is a clear risk that it might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of IHL. When reviewing licensing decisions against these criteria in the context of the conflict in Gaza, the Government considers Israel's commitment and capability to comply with IHL, as well as aspects of its record of compliance. Those assessments are supported by a detailed evidence base, including analysis of the conflict from international bodies, NGOs and partner countries, as well as statements and reports by the Israeli Government and military representatives. The government has published a summary of the IHL process, decision and the factors taken into account [].

Hamas: Hostage Taking
Asked by: David Simmonds (Conservative - Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what assessment he has made of the potential implications for his policies of the reported treatment of released Israeli hostage Andrey Kozlov.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The treatment of hostages still cruelly detained by Hamas is a matter of international concern. We are clear in our call - Hamas must release all hostages immediately. This government has prioritised working to end this conflict and secure the safe release of hostages since day one. The Foreign Secretary and I have both recently met with families with links to the UK whose loved ones have been murdered or taken by Hamas and reiterated our commitment to using all diplomatic avenues to secure their release.

We welcome the tireless efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States, and fully endorse their joint statement calling for the immediate resumption of ceasefire negotiations and a hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas. This deal is the best way to get the remaining hostages out. We are urging all sides to show flexibility.

Israel: Hezbollah
Asked by: Jack Rankin (Conservative - Windsor)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what discussions he has had with his Israeli counterpart on the Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams on 27 July 2024.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK unequivocally condemns the strike in Golan Heights that has tragically claimed at least 12 lives. Hizballah must cease their indiscriminate attacks and their destabilising activity. The Foreign Secretary spoke with Israel's Foreign Minister Katz on 4 August following the attack, offering his condolences for the death of innocent children in Madj al Shams. He expressed the Government's concern about the escalation in tensions and the growing potential for miscalculation across the de-facto border between Lebanon and Israel. We continue to urge both Israel and Lebanon to engage with the US led discussions to reach a political settlement and resolve their tensions diplomatically.   A widening of the conflict is in nobody's interest. The Government is working in lockstep with our allies to deescalate tensions and urge all parties to end the destructive cycle of retaliatory violence.

Hamas: Hostage Taking
Asked by: David Simmonds (Conservative - Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what steps his Department is taking to help secure the release of people taken hostage by Hamas.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

This government has prioritised working to end this conflict and secure the safe release of hostages still cruelly detained by Hamas since day one.  During their joint visit to the region, the Foreign Secretary and French Foreign Secretary Stéphane Séjourné met with Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz to reiterate the need to end the conflict in Gaza and secure the release of hostages. Both the Foreign Secretary and I have met with hostage families with links to the UK whose loved ones have been murdered or taken by Hamas and reiterated our commitment to using all diplomatic avenues to secure their release.

We welcome the tireless efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States, and fully endorse their joint statement calling for the immediate resumption of ceasefire negotiations and a hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas.  This deal is the best way to get the remaining hostages out. We are urging all sides to show flexibility.

Benjamin Netanyahu: Arrest Warrants
Asked by: John Glen (Conservative - Salisbury)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what recent discussions he has had with the Attorney General on the International Court of Justice's warrant to arrest the Israeli Prime Minister.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Foreign Secretary and the Attorney General speak regularly as fellow Cabinet ministers. The UK has received the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) Advisory Opinion on the 'Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem'. The UK is considering the Opinion carefully before responding. The UK respects the independence of the ICJ. The UK will await the final decision of the International Criminal Court's (ICC) Pre-Trial Chamber on the Prosecutor's application for arrest warrants. No warrants have been issued by the court. The UK respects the independence of the ICC.

Gaza: Water
Asked by: Ellie Chowns (Green Party - North Herefordshire)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what assessment he has made of the potential implications for his policies of the report by Oxfam entitled Water War Crimes, published 18 July 2024.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

This Government is clear that International Humanitarian Law must be upheld, and civilians protected. Israel must take steps working with humanitarian agencies to fully restore water supplies and to significantly increase the flow of aid into and through Gaza. We have consistently raised water supplies and the opening of vital water lines with Israel throughout the conflict

The FCDO is monitoring the impact of the recent evacuation orders on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services.

Israel: Hezbollah
Asked by: Greg Smith (Conservative - Mid Buckinghamshire)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what diplomatic steps he is taking to respond to Hezbollah military activity against Israel.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

We are working in lockstep with our allies to deescalate tensions and urge all parties to refrain from perpetuating the current destructive cycle of retaliatory violence. All sides must show restraint and work to prevent escalation. The Prime Minister spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on 20 August. The Foreign Secretary spoke with Iranian Foreign Minister Seyed Aragchi on 23 August, and with Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati and Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Dermer on 25 August. The Foreign Secretary has also had calls with other key partners including Egypt, Jordan and the UAE to press these messages. The Government will continue to support Israel's security and to urge Israel and Lebanon to engage with the US-led discussions to resolve their disagreements diplomatically and reach a political settlement.

Gaza: Health Services
Asked by: Yasmin Qureshi (Labour - Bolton South and Walkden)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what recent assessment he has made of the adequacy of the (a) capacity of (i) hospitals and (ii) primary health care centres and (b) availability of (A) medicine and (B) basic medical supplies in Gaza.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The FCDO is closely monitoring the impact of the conflict in Gaza on health. We collect information from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other partners based in Gaza.

According to the WHO, no hospitals in Gaza are fully functional. 16 hospitals out of 36 are partially functioning. Of primary health care facilities, only an estimated 30-35 percent are functional compared to pre-conflict levels. This has fallen sharply as a result of recent evacuation orders in the Deir el Balah area. We are also aware of significant constraints on the availability and delivery of medicine and medical supplies to health care facilities. The UK continues to call on Israel to facilitate unfettered aid into Gaza, to address this serious issue.

Sanctions: Humanitarian Aid
Asked by: Stephen Gethins (Scottish National Party - Arbroath and Broughty Ferry)
Friday 6th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, whether he plans to bring UK sanctions in line with the humanitarian exemption in UN Security Council Resolution 2664.

Answered by Stephen Doughty - Minister of State (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK played a central role in helping secure UN Security Council Resolution 2664 - a landmark step that introduced a cross-cutting exemption to the asset freeze measures to further support humanitarian delivery. The exception applies to the UK's 7 UN sanctions regimes and 12 mixed UN and UK autonomous sanctions regimes.

Our UK regimes include humanitarian provisions including licensing grounds and exceptions to support humanitarian assistance, whether that be to a specific entity, or via a General Licence. For example, HMG has issued General Licences to facilitate humanitarian activities in Syria, and in relation to the current conflict in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Israel: Palestinians
Asked by: Clive Betts (Labour - Sheffield South East)
Thursday 5th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what discussions he has had with his Israeli counterpart about recent Israeli military activity in the West Bank.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK is concerned by the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) ongoing military operation in the occupied West Bank. We recognise Israel's need to defend itself against security threats, but we are very worried by the methods Israel has employed and by reports of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. We continue to call on Israeli authorities to exercise restraint, adhere to international law, and clamp down on the actions of those who seek to inflame tensions.

Asked by: Neil Coyle (Labour - Bermondsey and Old Southwark)
Thursday 5th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, with reference to his Oral Statement of 19 July 2024 on Israel and Gaza, Official Report, column 301, what discussions he has had with representatives of UNRWA on the management reforms recommended in the Final Report of the Independent Review of Mechanisms and Procedures to Ensure Adherence by UNRWA to the Humanitarian Principle of Neutrality, published on 20 April 2024, that will be supported by UK funding.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Foreign Secretary and Minister Dodds spoke to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Commissioner General, Philippe Lazzarini, in July. They discussed UNRWA's progress in implementing the recommendations from the Final Report of the Independent Review of Mechanisms and Procedures to Ensure Adherence by UNRWA to the Humanitarian Principle of Neutrality led by Catherine Colonna. The FCDO speaks regularly to UNRWA and other international donors on UNRWA management reforms, including at their bi-annual Advisory Commission meeting that met in June.

Catherine Colonna's report found the existing UNRWA neutrality framework "robust", but neutrality issues persisted. UNRWA committed to implementing all the review's recommendations. The Foreign Secretary was subsequently reassured that UNRWA is committed to the highest standards of neutrality. £1 million of the UK's £21 million support to UNRWA this financial year will support implementation of these reforms.

Israeli Settlements
Asked by: Andy Slaughter (Labour - Hammersmith and Chiswick)
Thursday 5th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, if he will take steps to update the guidance by his Department entitled Overseas Business Risk: Israel section, published on 16 June 2023, to include (a) reference to the publication and (b) an assessment of the implications of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice entitled Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, published on 19 July 2024.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The UK has received the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) Advisory Opinion on the 'Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem'. The UK is considering the Opinion carefully before responding. The UK respects the independence of the ICJ.

F-35 Aircraft
Asked by: James Cartlidge (Conservative - South Suffolk)
Thursday 5th September 2024

Question to the Ministry of Defence:

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what steps he is taking to ensure that (a) industrial and (b) military participation in the F35 programme is not impacted by the decision to ban certain arms exports to Israel.

Answered by Maria Eagle - Minister of State (Ministry of Defence)

Military and industrial participation in the F35 programme will not be affected by the decision to suspend some exports licenses to Israel.

This Government has an unwavering commitment to the security not just of this country but to our allies around the world. The global F35 programme has a broader strategic role in NATO, our support for Ukraine, and the capability of our allies.

In this context, with a view to ensuring international peace and security, the Government took the decision to exclude exports to the global F35 programme from the suspension decision, except where going direct to Israel.

Gaza: Israel
Asked by: Yasmin Qureshi (Labour - Bolton South and Walkden)
Thursday 5th September 2024

Question to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what diplomatic steps he is taking to support international partners with ceasefire discussions on Gaza.

Answered by Hamish Falconer - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office)

The Foreign Secretary and I have stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire in our conversations with Israeli, Arab and regional leaders. The Foreign Secretary reiterated this message during visits to the region on 14-15 July and 31 July - 1 August and during his recent joint visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories with his French counterpart on 16 August. The Prime Minister has also joined international leaders in this call.

There has been a renewed push for a diplomatic solution and the Foreign Secretary has joined statements by the G7, and with the United States, France, Germany, and Italy, reinforcing the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the discussions to bring it about. Such a deal is absolutely critical. The UK welcomes the tireless mediation efforts of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States, towards an agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages.

Parliamentary Research
Reforming global institutions: Africa's perspective - CBP-10091
Sep. 04 2024

Found: of all peoples .” 83 5.4 Legal action South Africa has led international legal efforts against Israel

Early Day Motions
Tuesday 3rd September

Human rights in Palestine

8 signatures (Most recent: 10 Sep 2024)
Tabled by: Ayoub Khan (Independent - Birmingham Perry Barr)
That this House notes that, according to Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood; further notes that the Right …

Department Publications - Policy paper
Thursday 12th September 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: FCDO methodology for the selection and transfer of public records to The National Archives: appraisal report
Document: (webpage)

Found: of EgyptNFFMauritaniaNFJJordanNFLLebanonNFMMoroccoNFNNorth AfricaNFRIsraelNFSSudanNFTTunisiaNFXArab/Israel

Tuesday 10th September 2024
Home Office
Source Page: Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 217, 10 September 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Guatemala Guyana Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (including British National (Overseas)) Israel

Tuesday 10th September 2024
Home Office
Source Page: Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 217, 10 September 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Guatemala Guyana Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (including British National (Overseas)) Israel

Department Publications - Research
Thursday 12th September 2024
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Independent investigation of the NHS in England
Document: (PDF)

Found: 4,504.5 8.8 0.6 Germany 4.4 11.8 7.9 78.9 5,487.0 8.8 1.1 Ireland 3.3 13.4 2.9 89.9 5,462.7 5.9 0.4 Israel

Department Publications - Statistics
Wednesday 11th September 2024
Home Office
Source Page: Statistics of scientific procedures on living animals, Great Britain: 2023
Document: (ODS)

Found: Animals born in the 'rest of Europe' means Council of Europe countries and Israel.

Wednesday 11th September 2024
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology
Source Page: South Korea: UK Science and Innovation Network summary
Document: (PDF)

Found: South Korea rank s 2nd following Israel in terms of R&D intensity , with a gross expenditure of 4.93%

Department Publications - Transparency
Monday 9th September 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: The Payment Systems Regulator Annual Report 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Some highlights included the discussions we had with regulators in Australia, the Bank of Israel, the

Department Publications - News and Communications
Thursday 5th September 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: UK response to the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: UK statement to the OSCE, September 2024
Document: UK response to the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: UK statement to the OSCE, September 2024 (webpage)

Found: The UK will play our full diplomatic role in ending this conflict and creating a safe and secure Israel

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Source Page: The parties must end the suffering by agreeing to a ceasefire now: UK statement at the UN Security Council
Document: The parties must end the suffering by agreeing to a ceasefire now: UK statement at the UN Security Council (webpage)

Found: Israel continues to face threats, not only from Hamas, but also from Iran and its range of hostile proxies

Department Publications - Guidance
Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Department for Business and Trade
Source Page: Open general trade control licence trade and transportation: small arms and light weapons
Document: Open general trade control licence trade and transportation: small arms and light weapons (webpage)

Found: 2024 The existing open general trade control licence (OGTCL) has been revoked and amended to remove Israel

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Department for Business and Trade
Source Page: Open general trade control licence trade and transportation: small arms and light weapons
Document: (PDF)

Found: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Hong Kong SAR, Iran, Ira q, Israel

Non-Departmental Publications - Guidance and Regulation
Sep. 10 2024
Environment Agency
Source Page: Monitoring ambient air: choosing a monitoring technique and method
Document: Eurachem (PDF)
Guidance and Regulation

Found: University, Turkey CITAC Representatives A Squirrell ILAC I Kuselman National Physical Laboratory of Israel

Sep. 03 2024
Export Control Joint Unit
Source Page: Open general trade control licence trade and transportation: small arms and light weapons
Document: Open general trade control licence trade and transportation: small arms and light weapons (webpage)
Guidance and Regulation

Found: 2024 The existing open general trade control licence (OGTCL) has been revoked and amended to remove Israel

Sep. 03 2024
Export Control Joint Unit
Source Page: Open general trade control licence trade and transportation: small arms and light weapons
Document: (PDF)
Guidance and Regulation

Found: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Hong Kong SAR, Iran, Ira q, Israel

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Sep. 09 2024
Payment Systems Regulator
Source Page: The Payment Systems Regulator Annual Report 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Some highlights included the discussions we had with regulators in Australia, the Bank of Israel, the

Non-Departmental Publications - Statistics
Sep. 09 2024
Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration
Source Page: Inspection report on Home Office country of origin information on Rwanda (January 2024)
Document: (PDF)

Found: Home Office comment HO Comment #7 We intend to include a section on the Israel-Rwanda agreement in the

Non-Departmental Publications - News and Communications
Sep. 05 2024
Employment Appeal Tribunal
Source Page: Mr S Thomas v 1) Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 2) Ms A Brett: [2024] EAT 141
Document: Mr S Thomas v 1) Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 2) Ms A Brett: [2024] EAT 141 (PDF)
News and Communications

Found: Kasymakhunov and Saybatalov , . . . which concerned direct calls for violence against Jews, the State of Israel

Arms Length Bodies Publications
Sep. 11 2024
Source Page: Faricimab for treating visual impairment caused by macular oedema after retinal vein occlusion
Publication Type: Supporting evidence
Document: Committee papers (PDF 7.1 MB) (webpage)

Found: Argentina, Australia , Austria , Brazil, China, Czech Republic , France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel

Sep. 11 2024
Source Page: Futibatinib for previously treated advanced cholangiocarcinoma with FGFR2 fusion or rearrangement
Publication Type: Supporting evidence
Document: Committee papers (PDF 6.5 MB) (webpage)

Found: Israel MA, Danziger N, McGregor KA, et al.

Aug. 08 2024
Source Page: Faricimab for treating visual impairment caused by macular oedema after retinal vein occlusion
Publication Type: Final draft guidance
Document: Committee papers (PDF 7.1 MB) (webpage)

Found: Argentina, Australia , Austria , Brazil, China, Czech Republic , France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel

Aug. 08 2024
Source Page: Futibatinib for previously treated advanced cholangiocarcinoma with FGFR2 fusion or rearrangement
Publication Type: Final draft guidance
Document: Committee papers (PDF 6.5 MB) (webpage)

Found: Israel MA, Danziger N, McGregor KA, et al.

Israel mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Thursday 12th September 2024
Constitution Directorate
Source Page: Dunbar travelling cabinet and Former First Minister's meetings: FOI release
Document: FOI 202300389112 - Information released - Attachments 1 - 6 (PDF)

Found: The First Minister and Ms O’Neill noted developments in relation to the situation in Israel and Gaza

Thursday 12th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Former First Minister correspondence on Gaza: FOI Review
Document: Former First Minister correspondence on Gaza: FOI Review (webpage)

Found: from the Scottish Government website at Communications between Ministers and officials regarding Gaza/Israel

Thursday 12th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Former First Minister correspondence on Gaza: FOI Review
Document: FOI 202400402356 - Information released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: contact with DHSC today who have confirmed that: a. to date all those being evacuated from Gaza / Israel

Wednesday 11th September 2024
Economic Development Directorate
Source Page: Scottish Enterprise grants to companies and their Human Rights Due Diligence Process: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400422636 - Information Requested - Supporting Document 1 (PDF)

Found: The First Minister however, wrote to the Prime Minister calling for a ban on arms exports to Israel

Tuesday 10th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Meeting between Angus Robertson MSP and Israeli diplomat: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400426355 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: redacted s.30b(i)] What • Introductory meeting with the recently appointed Deputy Ambassador of Israel

Tuesday 10th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Israeli Deputy Ambassador Visit: FOI release
Document: Israeli Deputy Ambassador Visit: FOI release (webpage)

Found: Which other Scottish agencies are involved in collaborations/cooperation's with Israel?

Tuesday 10th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Scottish Government and Israeli embassy/government meetings: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400426726 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: redacted s.30b(i)] What • Introductory meeting with the recently appointed Deputy Ambassador of Israel

Monday 9th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Funds from Insurance Dedicated Fund for donations to UNRWA: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400418534 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: saving aid for the innocent men, women and children who are caught up in the conflict between Hamas and Israel

Thursday 5th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Houthis, Red Sea or Yemen correspondence: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400412753 - Information Released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: ISRAEL GAZA SITUATION UPDATE SATURDAY 13 JANUARY 2024  [redacted – out of scope] RED

Wednesday 4th September 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Benny Higgins and the Scottish Government’s Chief Economist correspondence: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400416094 - Information released - Annex 1 - 4 (PDF)

Found: However, there is strong international competition with many countries, such as the US, China and Israel

Wednesday 4th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Foreign policy correspondence: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400415784 - Information released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: Gaza/Israel arms sales All Thanks for this.

Wednesday 4th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Correspondence between the First Minister and Scottish Government officials/advisers relating to Gaza and/or Palestine: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202400416169 - Information released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: Gaza war: ICJ orders Israel to stop Rafah offensive - BBC News Summary of decision – on 24 May

Wednesday 4th September 2024
External Affairs Directorate
Source Page: Foreign policy correspondence: FOI release
Document: Foreign policy correspondence: FOI release (webpage)

Found: Could you supply all briefings and analysis prepared for the First Minister about Israel in the last

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Safer Communities Directorate
Source Page: Pro-Palestine marches in Scotland correspondence: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400419294 - Information released - Annex (PDF)

Found: December 2023 ................................ ............... 8 Document 3 – Officials Meeting on Israel

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Directorate
Source Page: Briefings regarding celebrating Easter in Scotland: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202400417023 - Information released (PDF)

Found: your engagement with faith and Belief communities, particularly in connection with ongoing issues in Israel

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Communications and Ministerial Support Directorate
Source Page: Stewart Milne Group housebuilders, greyhound ban, holiday homes council tax, alcohol levy and Middle East Eye interview: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400402718 - Information Released - Annex (PDF)

Found: Thanks, [redacted] O ne of the biggest issues of discussion is the UK Government arming Israel,

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
International Trade and Investment Directorate
Source Page: India trade deal: FOI release
Document: FOI - 202400414926 - Information released (PDF)

Found: FTAs and MoUs under negotiation including India, Canada, Switzerland, the Gulf Cooperation Council, Israel