Healthy Homes and Buildings Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Healthy Homes and Buildings

Information between 14th October 2022 - 13th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Oral Answers to Questions
160 speeches (8,825 words)
Monday 16th October 2023 - Commons Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) I chair the all-party parliamentary group for healthy homes and buildings. - Link to Speech

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill [Lords]
50 speeches (20,610 words)
2nd reading
Monday 7th November 2022 - Commons Chamber
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) indicates just how important it is to deal with what happened.I declare an interest as chair of the healthy - Link to Speech

Homes and Buildings: Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing
20 speeches (8,931 words)
Thursday 20th October 2022 - Westminster Hall
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
1: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) I chair the all-party parliamentary group on healthy homes and buildings and we wanted to refresh the - Link to Speech
2: Jim Shannon (DUP - Strangford) homes and buildings is calling on the Government and the Minister to take forward its recommendations - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Friday 19th January 2024
Report - First Report - Prevention in health and social care: healthy places

Health and Social Care Committee

Found: back to the times of the Victorians and the poor housing and impacts on health then”. 21 The APPG on Healthy

Tuesday 5th December 2023
Written Evidence - All Party Parliamentary Group for Healthy Homes and Building
PHS0621 - Prevention in health and social care

Prevention in health and social care - Health and Social Care Committee

Found: RECOMMENDATIONS The Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG believes the following must be done to ensure

Thursday 26th October 2023
Formal Minutes - Session 2022-23 Formal Minutes

Backbench Business Committee

Found: • Cherilyn Mackrory: Baby loss and safe staffing in maternity care • Jim Shannon: Building back healthy

Wednesday 20th September 2023
Agendas and papers - Special Inquiry Committee proposals 2024

Liaison Committee (Lords)

Found: APPG for Rural Business and the Rural Powerhouse; APPG on Conservation, Places and People and APPG on Healthy

Wednesday 6th September 2023
Written Evidence - LEAPP Alliance
PHS0615 - Prevention in health and social care

Prevention in health and social care - Health and Social Care Committee

Found: Healthy Child Programme, the National Audit Office report on the condition of school buildings, or the Healthy

Thursday 4th May 2023
Written Evidence - Institute of Acoustics
ALN0064 - The effects of artificial light and noise on human health

The effects of artificial light and noise on human health - Science and Technology Committee

Found: addressed.15 The Institute of Acoustics raised this issue with the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Healthy

Wednesday 7th October 2020
Formal Minutes - Formal Minutes Session 2019-21

Environmental Audit Committee

Found: Tim Jackson [PFI0076] Friends of the Earth [PFI0077] Healthy Homes and Buildings Parl.

Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
17 Jan 2023, 4:41 p.m.

Some of our team attended the @NHC ‘s Northern Housing Summit today. It was great to discuss the future of housing in the UK with industry leaders, and how we can take steps to ensure healthy homes and buildings for all.

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Net Zero APPG - @NetZeroAPPG
13 Dec 2022, 2:48 p.m.

"Given we spend 90% of our time indoors housing is vitally important to our health .. .the cost of unhealthy housing is £18bn per year" ... "healthy homes and buildings are about more than energy efficiency" @SEA_Social @APPGHHB

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
21 Oct 2022, 2:56 p.m.

"I would like to pay tribute to @JimShannonMP's tireless work and that of the APPG for Healthy Homes and Buildings in improving the conditions of those living or working in poor quality, unhealthy environments" - Minister @Andrew4Pendle #LevellingUp #HealthyHomes

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
20 Oct 2022, 2:13 p.m.

"I would like to pay tribute to his tireless work and that of the APPG for Healthy Homes and Buildings in improving the conditions of those living or working in poor quality, unhealthy environments" Minister @Andrew4Pendle Live now ???

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
20 Oct 2022, 1:51 p.m.

‘The majority of households have no statutory protection from electrical safety risk’, says @JimShannonMP speaking at today’s Westminster Hall debate on healthy homes and buildings

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
20 Oct 2022, 1:47 p.m.

Speaking to the Westminster Hall debate, @JimShannonMP urges the govt. to look at Lord Crisp’s Healthy Homes and Buildings bill

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
20 Oct 2022, 1:45 p.m.

‘The Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG are calling on the government to take forward recommendations made in the APPG white paper’ - @JimShannonMP, speaking to the Westminster Hall debate

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
20 Oct 2022, 1:36 p.m.

@JimShannonMP opens the Westminster Hall debate on ‘The Role of Healthy Homes and Buildings in Levelling Up Health and Wellbeing’

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
20 Oct 2022, 10:42 a.m.

??️13:30 TUNE IN TODAY: Watch the Westminster Hall debate secured by @JimShannonMP on: 'Building back healthy homes and buildings to level up the nation’s health and wellbeing' #HealthyHomes #LevellingUpAgenda #HealthInequality

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Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG - @APPGHHB
18 Oct 2022, 5:39 p.m.

We're live in Parliament and online for today's Healthy Homes and Buildings APPG meeting - which is asking what a Healthy Homes Healthy Britain campaign should look like @JimShannonMP Email to join!

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Healthy Homes and Buildings mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Committee Publications
Friday 27th October 2023
Correspondence - Letter from the Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, 27 October 2023
Heat in Buildings Strategy progress update report

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Found: through the heat transition, liberating people from fossil fuel price insecurity, leading to warm and healthy

Scottish Government Publications
Friday 27th October 2023
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
Source Page: Heat in Buildings: progress report 2023
Document: Heat in Buildings: progress report 2023 (webpage)

Found: through the heat transition, liberating people from fossil fuel price insecurity, leading to warm and healthy