Health Older People Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Health Older People

Information between 25th June 2022 - 12th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Select Committee Documents
Tuesday 7th November 2023
Written Evidence - Nottingham Trent University, and University of Central Lancashire
FPP0022 - Future prison population and estate capacity

Future prison population and estate capacity - Justice Committee

Found: the younger population to have additional protected characteristics relating to physical and mental health

Wednesday 14th June 2023
Oral Evidence - Woody's Lodge, VC Gallery, SSAFA, and Colonel James Phillips, Veterans' Commissioner for Wales

Welsh Affairs Committee

Found: It goes back to what the guys have described earlier around mental health, older people with care needs

Monday 27th February 2023
Oral Evidence - Royal Society of Edinburgh, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and University of the Highlands and Islands

Cost of living: impact on rural communities in Scotland - Scottish Affairs Committee

Found: We see there lots of issues with loneliness, which we know has a long-term implication for your health

Monday 27th February 2023
Oral Evidence - Energy Action Scotland, Scottish Women's Budget Group, and Poverty Alliance

Cost of living: impact on rural communities in Scotland - Scottish Affairs Committee

Found: We see there lots of issues with loneliness, which we know has a long-term implication for your health

Tuesday 11th October 2022
Written Evidence - International Longevity Centre UK (ILC)
ULS0031 - UK labour supply

UK labour supply - Economic Affairs Committee

Found: they face are avoidable Πwith the most important being poor health.In countries that spend more in health

Thursday 14th May 2020
Written Evidence - Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance
DEL0106 - Delivering Core NHS and Care Services during the Pandemic and Beyond

Delivering Core NHS and Care Services during the Pandemic and Beyond - Health and Social Care Committee

Found: from home, or shielding and not going out, may have been much less active, so reducing their MSK health

Written Answers
Health: Older People
Asked by: Rachael Maskell (Labour (Co-op) - York Central)
Tuesday 10th September 2024

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment he has made of the potential implications for his policies on preventing ill health in later life of the Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2023, Health in an Ageing Society, published on 10 November 2023.

Answered by Andrew Gwynne - Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department of Health and Social Care)

One of the Government’s five missions is to build a National Health Service fit for the future. At the heart of the mission will be supporting people in staying healthier for longer, shortening the time people spend in ill health, and promoting greater independence. No specific assessment has been made against the Chief Medical Officer’s 2023 annual report.

Health: Older People
Asked by: Jim Shannon (Democratic Unionist Party - Strangford)
Wednesday 15th March 2023

Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:

To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what specific steps he is taking to support the health and wellbeing of people aged over 70 in the UK.

Answered by Neil O'Brien

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities is pushing forward an ambitious prevention agenda, encompassing targeted actions to tackle the most common preventable diseases, improving access and uptake of prevention services, and embedding prevention across health and care. For example, encouraging people in mid-life to stop smoking, reduce their alcohol consumption and improve their diet to help reduce the risk of developing dementia, disability and frailty in later life.

The NHS Health Check detects people at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Compared to people who have not attended an NHS Health Check, attendees have significantly lower likelihood of hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. This reduces individuals’ risk of ill health later in life.

Finally, the Government recently announced that it will publish a Major Conditions Strategy which will set out a strong and coherent policy agenda that sets out a shift to integrated, whole-person care. The Strategy will tackle conditions that contribute most to morbidity and mortality across the population in England including cancers, cardiovascular disease, including stroke and diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, dementia, mental ill health and musculoskeletal conditions. An interim report will be published in the summer.

Department Publications - Research
Friday 10th November 2023
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Chief Medical Officer’s annual report 2023: health in an ageing society
Document: Chief Medical Officer's annual report 2023: health in an ageing society (PDF)

Found: Mental health Older people are no less prone to mental health problems than younger adults, although

Department Publications - Transparency
Thursday 16th March 2023
Department of Health and Social Care
Source Page: Adult Social Care Discharge Fund spending plans
Document: (Excel)

Found: ScortonResidential careSocial CareNHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICBICB allocation9000016Mental healthExtend mental health

Arms Length Bodies Publications
Jun. 30 2022
NHS England
Source Page: Choosing how to consult with your secondary care patients
Document: Choosing how to consult with your secondary care patients (PDF)

Found: clinicians and patients ScenariosInforming your decision Long-term conditions Talking therapies & mental health

Health Older People mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Committee Publications
Monday 17th June 2024
Correspondence - Letter from Social Work Scotland following their giving evidence on 4 June, 17 June 2024
Post-legislative scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

Inquiry: Post-legislative scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013
Committee: Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Found: This is not met consistently across Scotland, and is not met for many care groups such as mental health

Scottish Government Publications
Tuesday 19th December 2023
Local Government and Housing Directorate
Source Page: Correspondence with employees of Energy Action Scotland: EIR release
Document: EIR - 202300351738 - Documents 15-17 (PDF)

Found: Cold, damp homes can be damaging to health.

Friday 17th November 2023
Equality, Inclusion and Human Rights Directorate
Source Page: Conditions of funding for LGBT Health & Wellbeing: FOI release
Document: 202300337535_Information for Release - LGBT Health and Wellbeing (PDF)

Found: focus on engaging nationally to mainstream LGBT considerations into relevant policy areas like mental health

Wednesday 26th October 2022
Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
Source Page: Health and social care strategy for older people: consultation analysis
Document: Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People Analysis of Consultation Responses October (PDF)

Found: they would seek advice from their GP in the first instance if they had any concerns with their mental health