Funeral Payments Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Funeral Payments

Information between 30th June 2023 - 12th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Review: Additional Consultation 2023
1 speech (535 words)
Tuesday 18th July 2023 - Written Statements
Ministry of Justice
1: Edward Argar (CON - Charnwood) injured, providing awards for physical and mental injury, as well as loss of earnings, bereavement and funeral - Link to Speech

National Audit Office
Jul. 06 2023
Annual report and accounts (PDF)

Found: Revenue and Customs.225 229 520 428 Social Fund Recovery of Crisis and Budgeting Loans, including Funeral

Department Publications - Transparency
Monday 4th December 2023
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Social Fund account 2022 to 2023
Document: Social Fund Account 2022 to 2023 (PDF)

Found: budgeting-help-benefits/eligibility 2 3

Thursday 3rd August 2023
Northern Ireland Office
Source Page: Department for Communities Annual Report and Accounts 2022-2023
Document: Department for Communities Annual Report and Accounts 2022-2023 (PDF)

Found: Fund Fraud and Error Proxies (Benefit Review) Social Fund expenditure encompasses Budgeting Loans, Funeral

Thursday 6th July 2023
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: DWP annual report and accounts 2022 to 2023
Document: DWP annual report and accounts 2022 to 2023 (print-ready PDF) (PDF)

Found: Revenue and Customs.225 229 520 428 Social Fund Recovery of Crisis and Budgeting Loans, including Funeral

Thursday 6th July 2023
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: DWP annual report and accounts 2022 to 2023
Document: DWP annual report and accounts 2022 to 2023 (web-ready PDF) (PDF)

Found: Revenue and Customs.225 229 520 428 Social Fund Recovery of Crisis and Budgeting Loans, including Funeral

Deposited Papers
Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Source Page: I. Universal Credit guidance April 2024 [update of previous guidance, deposited Oct 2023, DEP2023-0791]. 204 docs. II. Letter dated 15/04/2023 from Jo Churchill MP to to the Deposited Papers Clerk regarding documents for deposit in the House libraries. Incl. file list at Annex 1. 9p.
Document: 126._Passported_benefits_V12.0.pdf (PDF)

Found: Home Discount • Cold Weather Payments • Sure Start Maternity Grant ( Best Start in Scotland ) • funeral

Friday 13th October 2023
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: I. Universal Credit guidance [update of previous guidance, deposited Apr 2023, DEP2023-0365]. 200 docs. II. Letter dated 11/10/2023 from Guy Opperman MP to to the Deposited Papers Clerk regarding documents for deposit in the House libraries. Incl. file list at Annex 1. 8p.
Document: 124._Passported_benefits_V10.0.pdf (PDF)

Found: home discount • Cold Weather Payments • Sure Start Maternity Grant ( Best Start in Scotland ) • funeral

Funeral Payments mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Monday 9th September 2024
Social Security Directorate
Source Page: Service Design Payments: FOI Review
Document: FOI 202300382501 - Information released - Annex (PDF)

Found: Disablement Allowance, Industrial Injuries Benefits, Carears Allowance, Sure Start Maternity Grant , Funeral

Wednesday 14th August 2024
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) 2023-24
Document: GERS 2023-24 tables (Excel)

Found: grant was replaced in Scotland by the Scottish Government’s Best Start Grant on 10 December 2018. 2 Funeral

Tuesday 30th July 2024
Social Security Directorate
Source Page: Communications regarding publication of Planning Your Own Funeral Guide booklet: FOI release
Document: FOI 202400421823 - Information Released - Annex A (PDF)

Found: Many thanks, [Redacted] Best Start Grant and Funeral Payments Policy Officer |Social Security

Thursday 19th October 2023
Social Security Directorate
Source Page: Service Level Agreement Between The Secretary Of State For Work And Pensions and Scottish Ministers in Respect of Funeral Support Payment
Document: Service Level Agreement Between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers in Respect of Funeral Support Payment (PDF)

Found: Post DWP Redirected Post Funeral Support Payment PO box 10311 Dundee DD1 9GH Freepost DWP Funeral

Wednesday 16th August 2023
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2022-23
Document: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2022-23 (PDF)

Found: grant was replaced in Scotland by the Scottish Government’s Best Start Grant on 10 December 2018. 2 Funeral

Wednesday 16th August 2023
Chief Economist Directorate
Source Page: Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2022-23
Document: Tables and Charts (Excel)

Found: grant was replaced in Scotland by the Scottish Government’s Best Start Grant on 10 December 2018. 2 Funeral

Scottish Parliamentary Research (SPICe)
Social Security (Scotland) Bill
Thursday 31st August 2017
This Scottish Government bill sets out the framework of a new Scottish social security system, and the principles that will underpin it. This will be used to deliver the social security benefits devolved by the Scotland Act 2016, once a new social security agency has been set up. The bill also provides a legislative platform for discretionary housing payments, which are already
View source webpage

Found: completely replace the current reserved benefits before April 2020 (which it plans to do in the case of funeral