Data Poverty Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Data Poverty

Information between 29th August 2023 - 12th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Parliamentary Debates
Digital Exclusion (Communications and Digital Committee Report)
37 speeches (19,237 words)
Thursday 8th February 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology
1: Lord Clement-Jones (LD - Life peer) They lack access to devices and broadband, and mobile connectivity is a major source of data poverty - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Friday 26th April 2024
Written Evidence - Good Things Foundation
DYE0014 - Disability employment

Disability employment - Work and Pensions Committee

Found: Good Things Foundation (2022) Local communities and the internet ecosystem: Scaling solutions to data

Tuesday 16th January 2024
Written Evidence - StepChange
DAP0001 - Debt Advice Provision

Treasury Committee

Found: for domestic energy, water and broadband as part of a holistic strategy to end fuel, water and data

Tuesday 21st November 2023
Oral Evidence - Parent Zone, and Internet Matters

Screen Time: Impacts on education and wellbeing - Education Committee

Found: Then you see data poverty , where young people are hopping from free wi -fi to free wi -fi.

Tuesday 21st November 2023
Oral Evidence - University of Leeds, University of Cambridge, and Hull and York Medical School, University of York

Screen Time: Impacts on education and wellbeing - Education Committee

Found: Then you see data poverty , where young people are hopping from free wi -fi to free wi -fi.

Wednesday 15th November 2023
Written Evidence - Centrepoint
RCW0024 - Impact of the rising cost of living on women

Impact of the rising cost of living on women - Women and Equalities Committee

Found: uploads/2022/06/Young-Womens-Trust-Annual-Survey- Report-2022.pdf xxv

Digital Inclusion APPG
Created on: 24 Jan 2024
To bring parliamentarians together with regulators and internet providers to build support for social tariff broadband products, and explore long-term solutions to data poverty in Britain.

Found: providers to build support for social tariff broadband products, and explore long-term solutions to data

Department Publications - Statistics
Thursday 21st March 2024
Department for Work and Pensions
Source Page: Review of the UK Material Deprivation Measures
Document: Review of the UK Material Deprivation Measures (PDF)

Found: different levels at which digital exclusion can manifest itself, from lack of access to devices and data

Non-Departmental Publications - News and Communications
Apr. 30 2024
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Source Page: MHRA’s AI regulatory strategy ensures patient safety and industry innovation into 2030
Document: AIaMD (PDF)
News and Communications

Found: bias include under -representation of that group within the trai ning and testing datasets (‘health data

Non-Departmental Publications - Statistics
Mar. 27 2024
Government Office for Science
Source Page: Human Genome Databases
Document: Human Genome Databases PDF (PDF)

Found: Health data poverty: an assailable barrier to equitable digital health care.

Arms Length Bodies Publications
Aug. 28 2024
Source Page: Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for assessing skin lesions referred on the urgent suspected cancer pathway
Publication Type: Diagnostics consultation
Document: Committee papers 1 PDF 3.99 MB (webpage)
In consultation

Found: bias include under -representation of that group within the training and testing datasets (‘health data

Oct. 26 2023
Source Page: Digital technologies for delivering multidisciplinary weight-management services: early value assessment
Publication Type: Original development on 26 October 2023
Document: Consultation comments and responses (PDF 1.94 MB) (webpage)

Found: who have a learning disability digital applications are n ot accessible either because they have data

Sep. 28 2023
NHS England
Source Page: Inclusive digital healthcare: a framework for NHS action on digital inclusion
Document: Inclusive digital healthcare: a framework for NHS action on digital inclusion (webpage)

Found: of connectivity is a barrier to digital inclusion, with a large proportion of families living with data

Data Poverty mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Government Publications
Wednesday 28th August 2024
Learning Directorate
Source Page: Attainment Scotland Fund Evaluation: Reporting on Wider Evidence Sources, 2024
Document: Attainment Scotland Fund Evaluation: Reporting on Wider Evidence Sources, 2024 (PDF)

Found: Child Poverty statistics Although poverty (absolute and relative) data are not aligned with SIMD data

Thursday 7th September 2023
Digital Directorate
Digital Health and Care Directorate
Source Page: Connecting Scotland programme: full business case
Document: Connecting Scotland programme: full business case (webpage)

Found: The term data poverty is used to describe the situation whereby individuals, households or communities

Thursday 7th September 2023
Digital Directorate
Digital Health and Care Directorate
Source Page: Connecting Scotland programme: full business case
Document: Full Business Case Connecting Scotland (PDF)

Found: The term data poverty is used to describe the situation whereby individuals, households or communities