Baby Loss Alert Sample

Alert Sample

Alert results for: Baby Loss

Information between 25th May 2024 - 12th September 2024

Note: This sample does not contain the most recent 2 weeks of information. Up to date samples can only be viewed by Subscribers.
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Wednesday 4th September 2024 9:30 a.m.
Lee Anderson (Reform UK - Ashfield)

Westminster Hall debate - Westminster Hall
Subject: Baby loss
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Parliamentary Debates
Preventable Baby Loss
34 speeches (13,143 words)
Wednesday 4th September 2024 - Westminster Hall
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Lee Anderson (RUK - Ashfield) I am delighted to be joined by some of the Ashfield families who have been affected by baby loss in the - Link to Speech
2: Carla Lockhart (DUP - Upper Bann) I commend her and her colleagues for their efforts on baby loss certificates. - Link to Speech
3: Gregory Campbell (DUP - East Londonderry) No two mothers or families will react to baby loss in exactly the same way, as she and other hon. - Link to Speech
4: Olivia Blake (Lab - Sheffield Hallam) awkward and very upsetting experiences for women who have been through baby loss. - Link to Speech

Black, Asian and Minority-Ethnic Women: Maternal Mortality Rates
20 speeches (1,445 words)
Monday 29th July 2024 - Lords Chamber
Department of Health and Social Care
1: Lord Kamall (Con - Life peer) Has she read the report by Sands, the baby loss charity? - Link to Speech

Making Britain a Clean Energy Superpower
135 speeches (38,212 words)
Friday 26th July 2024 - Commons Chamber
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
1: James MacCleary (LD - Lewes) Among other achievements, she was instrumental in introducing baby loss certificates for parents who - Link to Speech

Immigration and Home Affairs
203 speeches (58,087 words)
Tuesday 23rd July 2024 - Commons Chamber
Home Office
1: Andy MacNae (Lab - Rossendale and Darwen) The support we had from Burnley hospital and local baby loss charity Friends of Serenity was vital.While - Link to Speech

Select Committee Documents
Wednesday 29th May 2024
Formal Minutes - Formal Minutes 2023-24: List of closed petitions

Petitions Committee

Found: Indian government to better protect its Christian population 115 Closed on 4 February 2024 Create a baby

Tuesday 28th May 2024
Correspondence - Chair to the Secretary of Sate for Health and Social Care on the Men's Health inquiry 23.05.24

Health and Social Care Committee

Found: acknowledged this gap, though she highlighted work being done to better support whole families going through baby

Department Publications - Transparency
Wednesday 24th July 2024
HM Treasury
Source Page: The Crown Estate annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: The changes include introducing a transitioning at work policy and a baby loss policy.

Non-Departmental Publications - Transparency
Jul. 25 2024
NHS Business Services Authority
Source Page: NHSBSA annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: Loss Certification service.

Jul. 24 2024
The Crown Estate
Source Page: The Crown Estate annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024
Document: (PDF)

Found: The changes include introducing a transitioning at work policy and a baby loss policy.

Arms Length Bodies Publications
Jun. 18 2024
Source Page: Endometriosis: diagnosis and management - diagnosing endometriosis
Publication Type: Declaration of interests
Document: Register of interests PDF 1.26 MB (webpage)
In development

Found: Munira Oza Lay member Direct, non- financial personal and professional Baby Loss Awareness Alliance

Baby Loss mentioned in Scottish results

Scottish Written Answers
Asked by: Lennon, Monica (Scottish Labour - Central Scotland)
Tuesday 25th June 2024


To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-26234 by Maree Todd on 15 April 2024, whether it can provide details of its work in implementing the recommendations relating to bereavement in the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee's 1st Report, 2022 (Session 6), Inquiry into perinatal mental health (SP Paper 104), which was published on 8 February 2022.

Answered by Minto, Jenni - Minister for Public Health and Women's Health

The Scottish Government committed through the Programme for Government 2021-2022 and 2023–24 to improve miscarriage care, part of this work includes the provision of separate spaces in maternity wards in hospitals for those experiencing a pregnancy or baby loss.

We also funded Sands UK to develop and implement the National Bereavement Care Pathway for pregnancy and baby loss in Scotland (NBCP). All 14 NHS Boards are now signed up to the Pathways and implementation is ongoing with continued support from Sands.

The pathways acknowledge that bereavement care is the responsibility of all health professionals working in maternity services. While some NHS Boards have specialist bereavement midwives, all midwives, consultants and other workforce are trained in bereavement care. The maternity workforce, aim to have an informed, skilled team who are all able to provide the specialist care that bereaved parents need.

In addition to wider maternity bereavement supports, perinatal mental health services have a role in ensuring continuity, appropriate support, and signposting/transition for any parent who is within the perinatal period, is in receipt of perinatal mental health services and experiences bereavement.

Asked by: Lennon, Monica (Scottish Labour - Central Scotland)
Tuesday 25th June 2024


To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S6W-25831 by Jenni Minto on 11 March 2024, whether the development of specialist community perinatal mental health services includes provision for bereavement suites in maternity wards.

Answered by Todd, Maree - Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport

Provision for bereavement support within maternity wards is outside of the scope of specialist Perinatal Mental Health Services, which support women with complex mental health presentations.

The Scottish Government committed through the Programme for Government 2023 – 24 to improve miscarriage care. Part of this work includes the provision of separate spaces in maternity wards in hospitals for those experiencing a pregnancy or baby loss.

The Scottish Government is committed to developing services and support structures which facilitate good Perinatal and Infant mental health across Scotland, investing over £36 million since 2019. This includes funding for the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH) third sector fund which has supported a range projects, including Held In Our Hearts which provide counselling and mental health support to parents and families who are pregnant after having experienced baby loss.

Asked by: Briggs, Miles (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party - Lothian)
Wednesday 29th May 2024


To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to support a minimum framework for bereavement care when a baby or infant dies.

Answered by Minto, Jenni - Minister for Public Health and Women's Health

The Scottish Government is committed to supporting families who have experienced pregnancy and baby loss through the delivery of high-quality, sensitive bereavement care, and has provided funding to Sands UK to develop and implement the National Bereavement Care Pathway for pregnancy and baby loss in Scotland (NBCP).

All 14 NHS Boards are now officially signed up to the National Bereavement Care Pathway which is currently being implemented in 9 Boards. Initial meetings have taken place with the remaining 5 Boards, who signed up at the end of 2023. A link to the NBCP can be found here: Home | SANDS (

SANDS UK have also produced Bereavement Care Standards and these complement the National Bereavement Care Pathways for Scotland. The Scottish Government encourages NHS Boards to use the bereavement care standards wherever possible. More information on the Bereavement Care Standards can be found here: Bereavement Care Standards | SANDS (

Scottish Parliamentary Debates
New Petitions
11 speeches (11,544 words)
Wednesday 29th May 2024 - Committee
1: Carlaw, Jackson (Con - Eastwood) develop and deliver resources on safer sleep for babies, it does not promote the Lullaby Trust as a baby-loss - Link to Speech