Question to the Department of Health and Social Care:
To ask His Majesty's Government why performance data for homecare medicines services providers is not published.
As part of the quality assurance and governance processes, homecare providers are assessed monthly against their contractual Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which include the monitoring of delayed deliveries, missed doses and patients’ adverse events, complaints and incidents. The National Homecare Medicines Committee (NHMC) holds regular face-to-face meetings with providers at which they share national aggregated KPI data. But the capturing and monitoring of this data is to provide support for the individual trusts managing their contracts and there is no routine data collection which is then published.
NHS England is undertaking a piece of work to understand the issues in homecare to inform future improvement actions. A project by the National Homecare Medicines Committee NHMC to review the national KPIs, which includes publication of performance against them, is already underway and final documents are expected for approval in December 2023 and for publication in April 2024.