Question to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government:
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of community cohesion in view of the reduction in discretionary spending available to local authorities in London.
Britain has a claim to be the most successful multi-faith, multi-racial democracy in the world. Nowhere exemplifies this more than London – a thriving global city with a
diverse population.
It is up to the councils in London to decide what to spend their money on and reforms are giving them more powers over their budgets than ever before.
The Community Life Survey 2014/15 reports that 89 per cent of people in London feel that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on
well together. Full data is available (attached) from
But we are not complacent. The Prime Minister has asked Louise Casey to carry out a review on how to boost opportunity and integration in the most isolated
communities in Britain, the findings of which will inform a new Cohesive Communities programme.