Palace of Westminster: Asbestos

(asked on 5th February 2025) - View Source


To ask the Senior Deputy Speaker what assessment has been made of the extent of asbestos in the Palace of Westminster; and the danger of anybody working in or visiting the Palace contracting asbestosis.

This question was answered on 17th February 2025

Ensuring Parliament is safe is a key priority for the administrations of both Houses. Parliament has comprehensive procedures in place to ensure it discharges its duties under The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, mitigating the risks arising from asbestos and ensuring these are effectively controlled. It has a detailed asbestos management plan setting out competencies of duty holders and articulating how asbestos risks are mitigated on the estate.

There is a programme of management surveys conducted by experts who identify the presence of asbestos and update the Parliamentary asbestos register. These surveys inform the asbestos risk assessment which determines how asbestos containing materials are managed or removed where necessary. Detailed processes are in place to support safe invasive works including support from an asbestos analytical consultant and removal of asbestos containing materials via a licenced asbestos removal contractor.

Parliament appoints competent internal duty holders to advise on risks, and actions required to make the estate safe, and provides appropriate training and awareness to employees on risks related to asbestos.

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